Very successful people are those who think about what matters to them, taking the time to be purposeful, about their actions and vigilant of their emotions. What about you? Are you living today by default or design?
Recently, just after I'd sat down to work on my next book, I heard a rumble. ... Views: 1242
Today the word "work" has come to mean something to be avoided as much as possible for many people. But there is value in work. Not just for the money you can earn from it, but from the person you get to become. Hard work draws out talents and capacities that may otherwise have laid ... Views: 1337
You (and I) make assumptions many times each day. Even though some of them may be backed by factual science, most of the time, those assumptions are just plain wrong. Don't let your assumptions limit your possibilities.
"Assumptions are the death of possibilities." James Mapes
Humans can't ... Views: 1375
People don't intimidate you. You allow yourself to be intimidated by people. There's a distinct difference. And it all boils down to the assumptions you make about what they are thinking, most of which are untrue and born from self-doubt. Are you ready to leave the doubt behind and give up ever ... Views: 1432
People don't intimidate you. You allow yourself to be intimidated by people. There's a distinct difference. And it all boils down to the assumptions you make about what they are thinking, most of which are untrue and born from self-doubt. Are you ready to leave the doubt behind and give up ever ... Views: 1432
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody but yourself means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight -- and to never stop." -- e.e. cummings
Daniel Goleman's research in Emotional Intelligence found that we human beings are wired for ... Views: 1650
There isn't a super hero "out there" who can save you from your situation, fix your problems, or take away your fears. You have to tap into your own super hero; to identify the fears that are holding you back and to make a decision not to reclaim the power they have wielded.
I recently ... Views: 1368
So you think you are too old or too set in your ways to change? Not so! Neuro-plasticity research now proves what many have long known: that you are never too old to change, and more so, that you can rewire your brain to think and act in ways that lead to greater success in work, love and ... Views: 1734
Over the last few months, I have given myself a self-diagnosis of A.D.D. While I'm not sure that I meet the criteria to make me a hardcore case of Attention Deficit Disorder, I certainly have been struggling with "Attention Distraction Disorder." Come read about ways to combat this.
The more ... Views: 1368
Clinical studies have proven the very real link between the emotion of anger and the development of heart disease and numerous other unsavory ailments and illnesses. There's only one way to let go of anger. Do you know what it is? More so, do you know how to do it?!
Last week a friend ... Views: 1238
To be outstanding in life, you must be willing to stand out. When all you do is try to fit in, you negate the difference your difference makes. Tall Poppy Courage is not about being better than anyone else, just the best possible version of yourself.
Growing up on a farm in rural Australia ... Views: 1272
We all have a put off certain tasks that we may not care to do right away; at times, even I can still be guilty of procrastinating. In fact, I think it's something everyone does from time to time. You can take control and overcome procrastination though. Are you ready to discover ... Views: 1175
Trust lies at the core of all our relationships. And yet, if you ask 100 people exactly what trust is, you will likely get 100 different answers. The reason is that the concept of trust is not so easy to comprehend when it comes to relationships. So can you build more trust? That depends. ... Views: 1332
The people history recorded as the most accomplished were not born with some super human like resilience that shielded them from disappointment, self-doubt or misgivings. Each had to wage their own inner battles with fear as they worked to overcome the obstacles that lined their path to success. ... Views: 1477
Fear can trap us in lives of quiet desperation that leave us thirsty for purpose, hungry for depth and disconnected from the unique potential that lies within us. New studies in brain plasticity have proven that by doing what scares us, we can build our 'courage muscles' and take our careers, ... Views: 1346
Times are tough and many people are struggling to stay optimistic given the state of the economy, the insecurity of their jobs (if they have one), the size of their mortgage and the strain that puts on relationships at home. Maybe you are one of them or maybe you know someone else who is having ... Views: 4732
Do you need a job because you've been let go from your company or fear you may be let go soon? Here are six strategies you can implement to ensure you land that all-important job -- even when the odds are against you. If you want to stand out from the crowd, read on!
There are currently more ... Views: 2708
Stress has a way of jumping out at us at the least expected times - like at holiday time. The stress that arrives unannounced, however, can stress you out to the max and carry right on over to the new year. Don't let it. Learn how to step aside from stress by using this handy checklist.
... Views: 1315
Even the best of intentions will prevent us from achieving goals, achieving success, eliminate procrastination, and much more, because we often weave excuses into the framework of our daily lives. Well, the time has come to learn to alter our behaviors and take control of our lives.
Ahhh.... ... Views: 1398
Every day we find ourselves having to work through issues that come up in our relationships. Opportunities to express your concerns or opinions are never too far away. But, do you act on those opportunities or shy away from them? What is the one thing you should do to improve the quality of ... Views: 2592
What does it take to be trusted? Ask 100 people and you'll get 100 answers. The reason is that the concept of trust is complex; and whilst we are often clear about whom we trust (and don't trust), we're often much less clear about why. Are you ready to learn about three very critical elements of ... Views: 1067
There is no good excuse for blaming someone else's behavior. Like it (or not), you are always at choice in what you do, what you say and who you are. No matter what nasty rotten hurtful thing someone does to you, it doesn't have to determine who you are. You and ONLY YOU get to determine that. ... Views: 1075
Terrorism, recession, identity theft, melting ice caps, corporate downsizing, and various predators. Every day headlines bombard us with reasons why we should hunker down, play safe, avoid risk and settle for less than what we want out of life. This is why every day we need to be vigilant of ... Views: 1395
What do you remember about Thanksgiving last November? Was it the family gathering round, the smells of fresh turkey, ham, or other staple in the oven or maybe it was the smell of freshly baked pies? Did you think it was the perfect time to think about the people in your life you are thankful ... Views: 1027
The whole concept of comfort zones evolved to explain the hedonistic psychological drive in all of us to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Comfort zones - characterized by the familiar, the known, the predictable - are where we risk little except, of course, our spirit's deepest ... Views: 843
No doubt you have your own share of challenges to deal with. Perhaps it's uncertainty about the future of your job, maybe you are battling an illness, struggling to pay your mortgage, ensuring your kids don't go off the rails, resolving conflict in your marriage or workplace, dealing with aging ... Views: 920
Now, more than ever before, we are bombarded daily with a litany of reasons why we should play it safe, avoid risk, fear change, distrust and stick with the status quo. For this very reason, now, more than ever before, we need to be mindful about the potentially oppressive impact of fear and ... Views: 910
As I think back and take the time to remember when I heard that Steve Irwin, my kids #1 hero, had been tragically killed. What a shock. People like him don't just die in their prime of life.
Alas, of course, they do. Whenever I hear news like this, what really hits me is just how mortal we all ... Views: 866
A month ago my brother Frank was in a terrible motor bike accident in the sand dunes outside Doha, Qatar, where he has lived for the last 3 years. He broke many ribs, collapsed part of his lung, damaged his kidney, broke his femur but worst of all, badly injured his spinal cord at T12 (waist ... Views: 1199
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the choices you make each and every day - Choices like the one that my sister Anne made earlier this week when she broke off her engagement seven weeks short of her walk up the aisle. The invitations had been mailed, the reception center ... Views: 957
"You can tell a man is clever by his answers. You can tell he is wise by his questions" (Naguib Mahfouz, Egyptian Nobel Laureate)
If I had a dollar for every opinion I'd heard over the last few months about what would solve the woes of the US economy, I reckon I'd be able to fund the entire ... Views: 962
Requests are powerful. Truly. Whilst no one request is guaranteed to change the course of your career, business, relationships or life, any single request can. Requests have the potential to make a profound difference to the quality of your life and your ability to achieve the success you want. ... Views: 948
As you read the title of this article perhaps you were thinking "umm... I don't know... could I?" If that was the case for you then I want you to begin by thinking about something in your life that is not how you would like it to be right now - a person who is annoying you; a situation which ... Views: 1100
As you read the title of this article perhaps you were thinking "umm... I don't know... could I?" If that was the case for you then I want you to begin by thinking about something in your life that is not how you would like it to be right now - a person who is annoying you; a situation which ... Views: 941
You probably aren’t aware of it but the conversations you have every day – both the ones you have with yourself (which I call private conversations) and the ones you have with others (public conversations) - have a HUGE impact on your ability to enjoy your life as fully as you would like to. ... Views: 982
Last week whilst talking with someone about how they wanted to change career direction they said to me, “I just wish I knew that this was the right thing to do. It feels like the right thing to do but I just wish I knew for sure it wasn’t going to be a mistake”.
“Ahh…. join the club” I thought. ... Views: 984
Does Your Future Inspire You?
What goals are you working toward in 2006? Is there something exciting on your horizon that your working toward? And beyond the year ahead looking out to the rest of your life, what do you have a long term goal or vision that excites and inspires you either ... Views: 1320
Finish this sentence – If I had the guts I would…
What would you do? What issues that you’ve been silently brewing on would you speak up about? What changes would you make in your career, your relationships… your life? What goals would you take on and what commitments ... Views: 950