"Surely it would make you happier just to be yourself. Why fight to be accepted by people you don't actually want to be with?" - Tristan Thorn, Stardust
Have you ever found yourself struggling to be part of a crowd you did not even really want to be with?
In today's image-based, status-quo ... Views: 745
"Without discipline, there is no life at all." - Katharine Hepburn
Remember being disciplined by your parents when you were a kid? Wasn't much fun was it. Remember the anger and hurt? Remember the sweaty palms, stomping feet, teary eyes and churning stomach?
For some reason, discipline ... Views: 920
Are you a dreamer? Do you have a desire to do something great with your life? Do you have unique talents and gifts that you long to share with others? If so, then take your hand right now, tap yourself on the shoulder, and shout "Tag! I’M IT!"
That's right! You're it! You are responsible for ... Views: 741
If you have ever planned a vacation, wedding, surprise party, or special event, you know how much work is involved. Planning, checking, adjusting and planning again is all part of the process of creating the result that you want.
Many people understand the importance of planning events in ... Views: 15996