Success is NOT about goal-setting. If it were we’d all have EVERYTHING we want! It’s about creating new beliefs that create new behaviors to produce the goals you want.
Can you relate to this: when I was an 8 yr old child, my father said to me; “You’re so lazy.” Now I’m sure he didn’t mean ... Views: 1843
NLP, also known as Neuro-linguistic programming, is the study of human excellence. This programming was established by mathematics student, Richard Bandler and a professor of linguistics named John Grinder in 1970.
Richard and john created their model of nuero-linguistic programming after ... Views: 2610
Have you ever been in an . . . . intimate relationship? Yes, INTIMATE!
And, “HOW do you know?”
I know, strange question and what does this have to do with sales anyway? Well, nothing really, unless you’re a mover and shaker who understands the psychology of seductive selling. And ... Views: 1358
Rapport is the foundation for any meaningful interaction between two or more people - rapport is about establishing an environment of trust and understanding, to respect and honor the other person’s world. Which gives a person the freedom to fully express their ideas and concerns and to know ... Views: 18413
Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? If you have, you probably formed one of two opinions: "Awesome, great stuff I didn't know and I loved the concepts and ideas about changing my thoughts to achieve what I desire." Or... "What a crock of crap! How can we manifest anything merely by thinking ... Views: 1751
Have you seen the movie "The Secret"? If you have, you probably formed one of two opinions: "Awesome, great stuff I didn't know and I loved the concepts and ideas about changing my thoughts to achieve what I desire." Or... "What a crock of crap! How can we manifest anything merely by thinking ... Views: 1216
Have you ever been in an . . . . intimate relationship? Yes, INTIMATE!
Let me ask you this, “HOW do you know?”
I know, stupid question and what’s this got to do with sales? Well, nothing really. Unless you’re a mover and shaker. Then you understand the psychology of seductive sales. Or ... Views: 2585
Can you remember a time when you met someone for the first time and it just seems to click? An instant bond between the two of you, an instant ‘like-ability’ or trust. You can literally FEEL, that connection!
That connection is called Rapport! It is the basis and foundation for every ... Views: 6487