In our zeal to be a positive force in the lives of those about whom we care, it is tempting for us to try to mold our loved ones into the people we want them to be. Our advice for them sometimes reflects our vision of their success rather than something compatible with their vision. At times ... Views: 1376
I was a huge fan of cartoons when I was young. My favorite cartoons were the ones starring super heroes. What child doesn’t love super heroes? They have super powers! I used to wonder whether I would have super powers when I was all grown up. After years of searching, I discovered that I did ... Views: 1541
Diversity is important in all areas of life. A great financial portfolio has a diverse set of assets so it can profit in any financial environments. A great carpenter carries a diverse set of tools so every construction need can be met. A great business employs a diverse group of people who ... Views: 10079
Being the parent of a small child is an education in and of itself. First, I earned an undergraduate degree in spelling. You have to be creative when you don't want your child to know where you hide the C-A-N-D-Y. I also proudly hold advanced degrees in music (who knew Barney the purple ... Views: 1220
Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “If a man hasn’t discovered something he is willing to die for, he is not fit to live.” Does this sound extreme to you? It does not sound extreme to me at all. Throughout our history, we have revered, followed and aspired to be leaders who were willing ... Views: 1566
People who have achieved greatness in their chosen field are confident people. It is no secret that one must believe before he or she can achieve. However, this confidence manifests much differently than you may realize. For the great ones, confidence is not bravado. It is not the appearance ... Views: 1351
Any successful corporation has a well-defined vision, one well-known to all of its employees and even its customers. This vision defines the corporation’s aspirations and serves as the guiding principle for all significant future action. Similarly, every individual needs a personal vision. ... Views: 1290
To say that extraordinary effort has been given to defining the characteristics of the ideal leader would be an extraordinary understatement. Researchers have spent literally countless hours trying to define this mythical individual. Any quality bookstore has an aisle or more dedicated to the ... Views: 1238
The single most important factor in building and maintaining strong relationships is the frequency with which complements flow between the parties concerned. In fact, I have heard it said that one must complement someone five times more than he criticizes to build a strong relationship and keep ... Views: 1310