Have you ever thought that Esau ended up with the short end of the stick? His brother outwitted and deceived him twice. With brothers like that, who needs enemies? But, believe it or not, God used this tangled mess of events to bring all glory to Himself even though Jacob was a master deceiver.
Here are twenty-three 5 “W” questions – who, what, when, where, why and how - with their answers for the story of “Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing” found in Genesis 27:1-29. These questions can be used with both young children and elementary children. Just be ready to tweak them a little bit for the appropriate age. You can also read a verse first, and then ask the question or you can read the whole passage of Scripture and then ask the questions. Your younger children might enjoy having some kind of puppet ask the questions. Have fun!
Questions for the story “Jacob Steals Esau’s Blessing”
1. What were the names of Isaac’s sons?
Answer: Jacob and Esau. (Genesis 27:1,5)
2. Why could Isaac not see very well?
Answer: He was old and his eyes were going bad. (Genesis 27:1)
3. Who did Isaac call for first?
Answer: He called for Esau. (Genesis 27:1)
4. What did Isaac ask his son, Esau, to do?
Answer: Go and hunt some food for him then prepare it for him to eat. (Genesis 27:3-4)
5. Who was listening to Isaac when he was talking to Esau?
Answer: Rebekah, his wife. (Genesis 27:5)
6. Who did Rebekah talk to about what she heard from Isaac?
Answer: She talked to Jacob, her son. (Genesis 27:6)
7. Who did Rebekah want Jacob to obey?
Answer: She wanted Jacob to obey what she wanted him to do. (Genesis 27:8)
8. Where did Rebekah want Jacob to go?
Answer: To the flock of sheep to bring back some goats to cook for Isaac. (Genesis 27:9)
9. Why did Rebekah want Jacob to take some food to his father, Isaac?
Answer: So that Isaac would bless Jacob instead of Esau. (Genesis 27:10)
10. Rebekah wanted to trick Isaac into thinking that it was Esau who was bringing him the food. Why did Jacob think her plan would not work?
Answer: Jacob said that Esau is hairy, but his skin is smooth. (Genesis 27:11)
11. What was Jacob afraid would happen if his father found out that he was not Esau?
Answer: That Isaac would curse Jacob instead of bless him. (Genesis 27:12)
12. How did Rebekah dress Jacob?
Answer: She gave him Esau’s clothes to wear and also covered his hands and neck with goat hair. (Genesis 27:16-17)
13. Where did Jacob go after he got dressed in Esau’s clothes?
Answer: To Isaac, his father. (Genesis 27:18)
14. What question does Isaac ask Jacob?
Answer: “Who are you, my son?” (Genesis 27:18)
15. Who did Jacob say he was?
Answer: He said he was Esau. (Genesis 27:19)
16. Where does Jacob say the meal came from that he gave his father?
Answer: From God. (Genesis 27:20)
17. Why did Isaac want to feel Jacob?
Answer: He wanted to see if it was really Esau. (Genesis 27:21)
18. What did Isaac say was different about his son?
Answer: His voice. (Genesis 27:22)
19. When did Isaac bless Jacob?
Answer: After he had felt his hands. (Genesis 27:23)
20. What question did Isaac ask after he blessed Jacob?
Answer: “Are you really my son Esau?” (Genesis 27:24)
21. How did Jacob answer the question?
Answer: He lied and said he was Esau. (Genesis 27:24)
22. What did Isaac smell when he kissed Jacob?
Answer: His clothes. (Genesis 27:27)
23. In the blessing, who will bow down to Jacob?
Answer: People, nations and his brothers. (Genesis 27:29)
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Kathy Vincent is the director of a performing ministry for children called The Scripture Lady and has been traveling around Southern California for the past 15 years ministering to preschoolers and elementary aged children with the Word of God through musical, thematic presentations.
She is also a regular seminar speaker, author/creator of over 30 products for the Christian children's worker and a veteran homeschooling mom of two.
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