There was a time in my life when I felt I had lost my joy. I felt miserable. I didn’t want to do anything or be around anybody. But slowly and surely, my joy returned as I began to rest more on the Lord. My strength returned too. Nehemiah 8:10 says this: “…for the joy of the LORD is ... Views: 2137
Have you ever tried running with weights? It’s hard! It takes way more effort. We all know that life is like a race we are running. Many of us carry unneeded baggage in our lives that gets in the way of our running the race God has marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1 says this: “…let us throw ... Views: 3889
Israel, Israel, Israel! Will they ever get it? Will they ever figure out that God wants to be their only King? That they can fully trust in Him for all their nation’s needs? First Samuel 8 is indeed a sad commentary on the level of trust Israel places in God. If it’s a king they want, it’s ... Views: 1666
Have you ever thought that Esau ended up with the short end of the stick? His brother outwitted and deceived him twice. With brothers like that, who needs enemies? But, believe it or not, God used this tangled mess of events to bring all glory to Himself even though Jacob was a master ... Views: 2717
The fact that God even leans His ear toward us is amazing enough, but that He actually grants our requests is even more astounding. God answered Hannah’s prayer and we have a record of her rejoicing before the Lord in one of the most beautiful prayers of the Bible. It is important that our ... Views: 1350
The story of Samuel hearing the Lord speak to him has got to be one of my favorite Bible stories. Not only is it amazing that God entrusted some very important news with a child, but it is also a bit ironic that Eli the priest was not the one who heard the voice of God. Isn’t that just like us ... Views: 1390
Not being able to have children of your own can be completely heart wrenching. Hannah was no stranger to these devastating feelings and was extremely saddened by this circumstance in her life. The story of Hannah praying for a baby is an interesting one. Your kids will get to experience a ... Views: 1917
I think my favorite figurines in our manger scene we put up at Christmas time are the 3 wise men. Even as a little girl, they were the ones I would play with and enjoy pretending that they were bringing gifts to the baby Jesus. The story of the wise men following the majestic star in the sky ... Views: 1316
When Moses met God on Mt. Sanai, he was required to take off his shoes because the ground he was standing on was holy ground. I think wherever we pray, it’s as if we are entering holy territory. The Lord’s Prayer is a beautiful example of how we should communicate with our Father and it is one ... Views: 2361
What are some things you’d like to add to your life? How about kindness or integrity? Or maybe patience and peace? I think all four of these are worthy characteristics to add to our growing character. II Peter 1:5-7 says this: “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to ... Views: 866
One of the most beautiful transformations in all of nature has to be the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. The old has gone, the new has come. Second Corinthians 5:17 is the ultimate showcase verse for this amazing principle, which says, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old ... Views: 1036
What are some things you’d like to add to your life? How about kindness or integrity? Or maybe patience and peace? I think all four of these are worthy characteristics to add to our growing character. II Peter 1:5-7 says this: “…make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to ... Views: 1445
I think it’s safe to say that a sign of spiritual maturity would be a boldness to share the Good News or Gospel of Jesus Christ. Roman 1:16 says, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes…” What a great verse and one that every ... Views: 1368
I don’t think a person exists anywhere on earth that hasn’t lost something at one time or another. Losing something or someone really important can be especially horrible and stressful. Luke 2:14 says this: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost.” Each of us must be ... Views: 1264
Have you ever seen a show that made you jump to your feet for a standing ovation? I have. I have seen many wonderful talented people over the years, but no one’s talent can compare to God’s glory. Actually, God is the one who deserves all the applause. Psalm 29:2 says this: “Give unto the ... Views: 1710
What’s your favorite perfume or cologne? There are hundreds of them, yet none of them last for very long. But have you ever heard of the scent called “Eternal Encouragement”? OK. It’s not really a perfume. But isn’t God’s encouragement sweeter smelling than any perfume ever made? I think ... Views: 3170
On a scale of 1 to 10, how glad are you that God has forgiven your sins so that you can be in His forever family?
I sure hope it’s a 10! How glad are your kids? Here’s a fun Bible object lesson to help your kids learn that because of the work Jesus did on the cross they can be exceedingly ... Views: 1516
Genesis 9:14 says this: “The bow shall be seen in the cloud.” There are very few things in nature as beautiful as a rainbow. Not only are they lovely to look at, but they are a wonderful picture of God’s grace and forgiveness for all who will receive it. Here is a fun Bible object lesson to ... Views: 4339
Psalm 97:1 says this: “The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice.” If the earth could speak, what do you think it would say it has to rejoice about? I think it would thank God for all its beauty like the mountains and the ocean and the people who live on it. Here is a fun Bible object lesson to ... Views: 2302
Genesis 24:63 says this: “Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide.” What do you think Isaac might have meditated on? My bet is that He was thinking about God and his prayer for a wife. Meditating can be kind of a big concept for your kids to grasp, but it is definitely one ... Views: 1533
I love trees! If I wasn’t a Christian, I would probably be a full fledged tree hugger! I always picture trees as standing tall unto the Lord giving Him all the praise for their life. There is a beautiful Scripture found in Psalm 104:16 which says, “The cedars of Lebanon which He hath ... Views: 1780
Exodus 3:7 says this: “I know their sorrows.” How comforting it is to know that our God cares enough about us to have compassion on us when we are full of sorrow. Our children need to know this truth. Childhood should be a time of great joy, but children experience pain too. Here is a fun ... Views: 1174
As Christians, I think many of us have points in our lives to which we could go back. Job certainly did. If anyone should have wanted to go back to the way things were in the past, I would think it was Job. But thankfully, Job learned to trust God like never before. I think he understood that ... Views: 4189
Exodus 3:7 says this: “I know their sorrows.” How comforting it is to know that our God cares enough about us to have compassion on us when we are full of sorrow. Our children need to know this truth. Childhood should be a time of great joy, but children experience pain too. Here is a fun ... Views: 4836
Genesis 24:63 says this: “Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide.” What do you think Isaac might have meditated on? My bet is that He was thinking about God and his prayer for a wife. Meditating can be kind of a big concept for your kids to grasp, but it is definitely one ... Views: 3417
Have you ever seen a show that made you jump to your feet for a standing ovation? I have. I have seen many wonderful talented people over the years, but no one’s talent can compare to God’s glory. Actually, God is the one who deserves all the applause. Psalm 29:2 says this: “Give unto the ... Views: 3031
I’ve never been on a cruise ship, but if I ever did go, I would want Jesus to be my Captain. No matter the water or weather, I would know that I would be safe. Romans 8:28 says this: We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love Him.” Life can bring along stormy ... Views: 5651
“Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning.” Have you ever heard that from your doctor? Medicine is definitely a blessing from God, but do your kids know that Jesus refused any comfort from medicine He was offered while dying on the cross? It’s true. Jesus had a job to do and He was not ... Views: 1920
Are you aware that there might be strangers in your church? No, I’m not talking about people you don’t know, because you haven’t met them yet. I’m talking about people who are just pretending to know God, but really don’t know Him. Jeremiah 51:51 says this: “We are confounded, because we have ... Views: 3171
Why does God allow pain? This has got to be one of the most asked questions of all time. It is a difficult question and has an equally difficult answer. I believe with all my heart that God can stop any and every pain that is suffered in this world. I also believe that God is completely ... Views: 3908
Psalm 52:8 says this: “I trust in the mercy of God for ever and ever.” God’s mercy can be described in many different ways. For example, His mercy is tender. His mercy is great. His mercy never fails and most importantly, His mercy is undeserving by sinners such as you and I. Here is a fun ... Views: 4383
Have you ever thought how generous God is to His children? Romans 8:23 says that He has given us the first fruits of His Spirit. He doesn’t give out leftovers to His family. No, Siree! He gives us the best of the crop. Here is a fun Bible object lesson to help your kids learn this ... Views: 2870
Remember hearing this from your parents when you were growing up: “Don’t touch that! You might break it!” As parents, we direct our children to keep their hands off of lots of things when they are young, but they should always be encouraged to touch Jesus. Here is a fun Bible object lesson ... Views: 4486
Will God forgive every sin you commit? If you are His child, the answer is, “Absolutely!” He loves you and His forgiveness is powerful enough to cover over every sin. Matthew 9:6 says this: “But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” Here is a fun ... Views: 2503
Unfortunately, our kids hear many lies about God. Whether they are in school or hanging out with their friends, they can be victims of false beliefs by others who claim to know God. C.H. Spurgeon describes these hypocrites as spiders who weave their webs of deception. Our kids need to be ... Views: 3481
There’s a saying that goes “the devil made me do it.” I don’t think this is right or more importantly biblical. If we sin, we do it on our own. However, I think it would be correct to say, “the devil tried to make me not do it” – whatever “it” may be. 1 Thessalonians 2:18 says this: “Satan ... Views: 3279
Now and then. What a wonderful phrase. Let me show you what I mean. Now, we experience many trials. Then, in Heaven, we will be free from all suffering. Now, we only see God as looking through a glass darkly. Then, we shall see Him face to face. Heaven is definitely something our children ... Views: 1737
If you want to gross your kids out, show them some mold or mildew that has grown on some food. It’s disgusting! It can also be very damaging to anything it touches. Who would ever eat moldy bread? Mold and mildew have also been known to destroy whole crops. Haggai 2:17 says this: “I sent ... Views: 3894
Do your kids know what it means to loiter? Here are a few definitions found on for this word:
1. to linger aimlessly
2. to move in a slow, idle manner, making purposeless stops in the course of a trip, journey, errand
3. to waste time or dawdle over work
Hmm. Definitions ... Views: 1943
Mary of Magdala cared deeply for her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe you would too if He had set you free from the torture of 7 demons. Here is a fun Bible object lesson for your kids to learn about this special story.
Here’s what you do:
The object you will use for this lesson ... Views: 1550
Is Jesus more important than anyone or anything to your children? Do they love Him with their whole heart and have Him locked inside? Here is a fun Bible object lesson to help get your kids thinking about this important truth.
Here’s what you do:
The object you will use for this lesson ... Views: 4104
Lifting weights has never been very appealing to me. And the saying – “No pain, no gain” – has never been on my list of top 10 quotes. Growing physically strong might not be your cup of tea either, but hopefully growing strong in the Lord is. Daniel 11:32 says this: “But the people who know ... Views: 2553
It is a grave thing to think that if Jesus is not living in someone’s life they are as good as dead. The life that Jesus gives is completely fulfilling and eternal. May we learn not to take it for granted. Colossians 3:4 says “Jesus…is our life.” Here is a fun Bible object lesson for your ... Views: 4461
Teaching our children about the glory of God is a pretty weighty topic. I found this simplistic definition of the glory of God online that I like. It says, “God's Glory represents, besides His unbelievable beauty, all His power (complete energy), His righteousness, perfection, holiness ... Views: 1909
I learned a long time ago in a history class that many ancient civilizations would surround their cities by a large and wide wall. On top of the wall would be watchmen posted around on the lookout for any approaching enemies. Christians have an enemy and his name is Satan. Our children need ... Views: 4081
I sure hope that the stories in the Bible inspire you and your children to do many great and wonderful things for God. But all too often, I am afraid that all of us, no matter our age, struggle with doubts that God can really use us. Mark 9:23 says this: “All things are possible to him that ... Views: 4011
Unless your children have grown up on a farm, I will guess they probably don’t have any idea what gleaning is. Have some fun with with this Bible object lesson taken from Ruth 2:17 which says, “So she gleaned in the field until even.”
Here’s what you do:
The object you will use for this ... Views: 2976
I think if everyone were to be completely honest, they would say that being in complete darkness is not pleasant. How wonderful to know that the Bible says that Jesus is the Light of the world. Revelation 21:23 says that “the Lamb is the light (of Heaven).” Share this fun Bible object lesson ... Views: 5124
I’ve always been intrigued by the story of John the Baptist, especially the part where Zechariah was not able to speak. Elizabeth must have had 9 months of lovely peace! (Sorry, gentlemen.) Your kids will enjoy this story as well. Be sure to point out to your children that it was extremely ... Views: 1448
The births of my two children were two of the greatest days of my life, but their births could never compare to the amazing birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The birth of Jesus may be the greatest story that could ever be told. A virgin mother, the King of all kings sleeping in an ... Views: 5334