Our lives are worth more than gold or silver or any other riches this world has to offer. God sent His promise to us. Jesus Christ is the Promise from God that none should perish, but through belief have eternal life. A Promise from God is a promise kept.

We hear promises every day…it could be from your spouse, a friend, your child or even a politician…which we all know they never keep a promise. Why is it that we are so ready to believe all of these before we ever believe the Promise from God? Is it society that says not to or is it self doubt of His existence? Either way, the promises you hear from man are flimsy at best, yet so many would rather put their faith in all of the fallible excuses of mankind.

I started out an agnostic and then dove head-long into atheism in order to run as far from God as I could. But, after years of denial and ridicule of those who believe there was a chink in the armor of Atheism I didn’t expect to find…In order for there to be an Atheist you must have a God to rebel against. God is evident even in the powers that are raised to expel Him from our lives and culture. Atheism would be nothing without God. Their fight would be moot if there wasn’t an adversary…but again in order to be an Atheist, you must believe there is a God…Otherwise why be an Atheist?

I know the arguments and I remember how angry I would become when confronted by anyone who was a card carrying Christian…Especially if they knew what they were talking about. It is hard to stand on any ground when you don’t believe it’s there in the first place…I regret the time wasted as an Atheist and all of the sadness that followed while swimming in the blackness of unbelief.

How empty is your soul? How much harder is life on you when you can’t cry out to God for help? In everyone’s hour of need God is there holding out His hand…Even to those who don’t believe. He only wants you to stretch out your hand and grasp His in belief and comfort will instantly be yours. Jesus stretched out his arms as far as they could go and as they were nailed in place he said your name and as he bled and died he then said, “My child, you are forgiven.”

Take His hand today. Don’t whimper in the darkness any longer. He is light of the world and will cast away the darkness for you to begin a life anew!

Author's Bio: 

Jason Beckler is the owner and creator of www.ePhaith.com and has a calling to be a hospital chaplain. He is diligently working toward this goal and hopes people use ePhaith.com as an opportunity to understand their own God given talents to in turn help others searching for their own. ENJOY www.ePhaith.com ~keep your faith online with ePhaith.com~