Article Title: Sharing a few Quotations/Thoughts on HOPE (an extract from the new novel 'Stirling' )
Category (key words): Hope, New books, Stirling, Quotations, Inspirational Quotes, Thoughts, “Inspiration, Spiritual", Inspirational Writings.
The submitter's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and
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(Personal growth, self help, writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)
If these writings help at all, or make any difference in people's lives by bringing some joy, then I'm very happy.
Sharing a few Quotations/Thoughts on HOPE (from the new novel 'Stirling' )
Submitter’s Note
These are some of the notes (in point form) from thoughts and quotations that I've written down and collected over the years, which may be of interest and get you "tinking" about these "airey-fairey matters". These thoughts will form an extract from a chapter of a novel I'm currently writing, called 'Stirling'. Hope that these thoughts may be helpful and perhaps even inspirational to you... so am sharing. Enjoy...
Underneath almost crushing weights, there is always hope, even if its only a glimmer. It may be only a tiny spark, but it exists... and it's the flicker that keeps people going.
This tale is one of resilience. The story is a celebration - albeit a bleak one - of the human spirit's powers of perseverance.
So HOPE is the writers only and last-remaining chance.
This work is a celebration of the tenacity of the human spirit.
And it's not just in some of's in ALL of us!
"It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."
- Sir Edmund Hillary, conquerer of Mount Everest (1919-2008)
"Aim at heaven and you'll have earth thrown in."
- CS Lewis
"He who does not hope to win has already lost."
- Jose Olmedo
"In the depth of the valleys there is hope. In the deserts of despair, there is the refreshing oasis of the human spirit...always."
- craig
Esperanzo = hope (in Spanish)
"Either we stayed as we we were, trapped inside our fortress of paranoia, deformed by fear and greed, or we opened the door to Africa... and set forth into the unknown."
The country survives because of the strength and optomism of its people.
"The most noble aspects of the human spirit - unquenchable in its search for freedom and justice."
- great writing by Rian Malan in his compelling book 'My Traitor's Heart'
The lives of Neil and Creina Alcock and a few other "true patriots heralded a new dawn) ...
Here was a light behind the despair, beyond the darkness. At first a flicker of an ember, just a tiny pin-prick of dawning possibilities. Then burning slowly, brightly and bigger, a glimmer, a candle in the blackness of despair, which gave off just enough of a glow (luminescence?) to light a path. And so show the rest of us the way ahead... a path to endless possibilities...from the darkness into the eternal light."
as adapted (slightly) from Rian Malan's powerful words in 'My Traitor's Heart' (pg 413)
"Without trust, there is no hope for love and love is all we ever have to hold against the dark."
- Creina Alcock
"Like a modern Gandhi, she (Aung San Suu Kyi) lives those timeless and universal notions which have always appealed to humans - freedom, sacrifice, endurance, peace, courage, forgiveness, and most of all, hope, when there is little reason for it."
Fine writing by Simon Scott in his article LOOKING TO BUILD HOPE IN A TROUBLED COUNTRY.
Pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to the Herald about the future of Burma, her family and why Kiwis can make a difference.
What I see for 2011 is the need to try to make the people understand that we have the capacity to bring about change. What I want most of all is to empower the people and make them understand 'we are the ones who can bring about change in this country'."
as published in the NZ Herald, Jan 17 2011.
Shared by ä champion of hope”
"From the depth of the valleys, in the deserts of despair, there is hope… as there is the unquenchable oasis, the immense breadth and depth of the human spirit… always."
- craig
About the submitter:
In his various writings Craig strives in some small way to break down social, cultural, religious and economic barriers through "planting, then sowing ideas as 'seeds of hope'". He believes that whilst we should celebrate our differences, what we share is way more important than what divides us.
Craig's novels on South Africa that he "felt inspired to write" are available at: and
Craig is currently writing his novel, Stirling, a "rewarding tale of faith, hope and especially love"
“Faction”, but perhaps even a true story!!!!
Craig's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and
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