Every day of year is related with some value close to it. The day is observed for any specific occasion according to its related incident that occurs on the same day or other prospective. As every people want to celebrate few days with some values so they celebrate the day according to their choice.
On 26 December of every year, commonwealth countries like Australia Canada, New Zealand, and United Kingdom observed boxing day. It is a public holiday and called as a Day of Goodwill by people of South Africa. Ireland observed the day as Saint Stephen’s day and called it as a day of the wren.
The day of boxing originated from the word box. On the day after Christmas people open the Christmas box. Basically in church, the church fund box opens for giving alms to needy. The funds placed in box are shared among poor people in the society. Some people save their earning in any wooden or other material boxes throughout the year and open it on the day after Christmas.
Various stories are related with the origin of boxing festival. Many parts of countries observed the day as a shopping day. Similar to boxing festival, various other festivals is observed in specific days.
One can greet their father on the occasion of fathers day. One can thanks his papa by greeting him with cards or by presenting some gift. The papa is only person in every human life that helps you out whenever you are in need. He helps you in every steps of life. Dad is the man who cares for you. One the third Sunday of every June, children recall and remember the endless pain that parents suffers to bring smile in your face.
The every child knows the parental care shown by papa in bringing up children, personal care taken in one’s life and his thoughtful suggestion to fight with the challenges of life. In 1924, President of America declared third Sunday of June as Father Day to pay honor to every father of world.
On the first Sunday of August, people celebrate friendship day. People tie friendship band on the wrist of every close friend. As friend is another person closely associated with every human. One could shares whatever he likes or dislikes with his friend.
The day of friendship was started by greetings manufacturing companies in the year 1935 in United States of America. People exchange gifts items with friends, send friendship message and greetings cards.
To recall the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for his followers people celebrate easter day. Easter falls on the first Sunday of the first full moon after the vernal equinox that could be occur in between March 22 and to late as April 25. After two day of Good Friday, easter sunday is observed. On this very day, Jesus was born after death again in the world. It is most famous festival of Christians.
One could express love by presenting greeting to others. Therefore, the greetings card company sales various range of special designed greetings related with various occasion and festival.
365celebration a popular web portal gives a huge attraction for valentine's day , easter day, happiness for fathers day,friendship day, blessing for boxing day and more....
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