Mothers are strange. They can get up multiple times during the night to feed, burp, change, and then feed, burp, change many more times. Sometimes that wee one will cry and not be quieted for hours on end. Finally, about the time the mother gets into a deep sleep, morning comes and happy ... Views: 1227
At the onset of a new year, many Christians resolve to draw closer to God. Some commit to read their bibles more, some pledge they will attend church more regularly, while others determine to spend more time in prayer. Even though God knows our every thought, He does like for us to communicate ... Views: 1607
ABC’s of a Happy Marriage
By Barbara Eubanks
“Love: a temporary insanity, curable by marriage,” once quipped Ambrose Bierce. If love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage, why do so may end in divorce? Even some couples who stay together seem to do nothing but make each other ... Views: 4642
As fall approaches, my mind turns to traveling to the mountains. Although we have more beauty in our own state, than our eyes and minds could ever completely take in, there is something special about taking a trip in autumn.
The Smoky Mountains in Tennessee still reign as one of my favorite ... Views: 1418