Editor for published coffee table book “The Art of Kamangari Paintings in Kutch” launched in association with the Museum of Kutch (A State Government of Gujarat initiative) in November, 2010 and currently editing draft for upcoming book – The Art of Wall Paintings in Gujarat to be printed and released in end 2012/early-2013. Regular travel contributor to Pet magazine – “Where’s my Bone?” since October 2010. Have been invited to write for many travel and financial websites including Moneycontrol.com, MSN Contribute, Yahoo! India, etc since late-2008. Currently writing one book (fiction) and one screenplay for an English movie – both work-in-progress. Available for short-term travel assignments, especially travel assignments.
Currently heading a team of technical writers, content writers and junior editors – Our activities include researching different subjects, writing on varied topics, editing the compositions and uploading the content (if required) to the concerned site. We have been providing content for over six years now and samples are available on request. We specialize in articles on business, finance, global news and the stock market, education, personal finance, pets, health, product testing and reviews, travel, psychology, real estate and foreclosures, and posting daily blogs on sites. In-depth knowledge of Wordpress and other blogging platforms. Our articles are 100% original and pass the Copyscape Test process. We have eight copywriters, two editors and two professional writers in English Literature and Psychology on our panel as well. We have experience writing short articles (250-600 words), medium sized articles (1000-2000 words), longer articles (10,000+ words) and Ebooks of over 100 pages as well.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila and salt!
Please get in touch with me at bhaveshbhatia@hotmail.com or visit our site - http;//www.positivelycontent.com for more details about our products and services.
Email: bhaveshbhatia@hotmail.com
Skype: bhaveshbhatia, kolkata, india
MSN: bhaveshbhatia@hotmail.com
Yshoo: childkraft@yahoo.co.in
Office: +91-33-22217258