Crystal Grids are arrangements of crystals or stones that create a continuous flow of energy for a specific purpose. They are used for healing and manifestation—both on a personal level and on a global or more universal scale. They are often used to magnify, focus and/or prolong a treatment ... Views: 1631
When the Iranian Revolution broke out in 1979, a doctor by the name of Fereydoon Batmanghelidj was taken as a political prisoner for over two years. One evening, the doctor was called to assist a fellow prisoner who was experiencing excruciating pain due to a peptic ulcer. With no medications ... Views: 1586
The only way many of the properties of water can be explained is by understanding that water has a unique molecular structure. Certain circumstances, discussed in the book, Dancing with Water, encourage water to form a repeating, molecular pattern where water becomes a liquid crystal. Molecular ... Views: 1164
Water without minerals (salts) is empty—incomplete. That’s why distilled water is said to be “dead.” It lacks the minerals that help water to hold/conduct energy. Without salts, water is also aggressive. In order to become balanced, it draws minerals from anywhere it can. In nature, water ... Views: 1027
Despite the fact that many technologically advanced countries have stopped or banned the use of fluoride in water, the U.S. and Canada continue to promote water fluoridation. Fluoride (in the form of sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, or sodium fluorosilicate) is added to many municipal water ... Views: 1236