My life has been in such an incredible mode of shifting and changing; at times it feels like the only constant thing occurring is change. Why is this happening? Why is there such a great need to shift so rapidly? And how do I stay on top of all this change?
I am very grateful for the gift of ... Views: 1047
From the beginning of time, people, in spite of their needs, in the midst of all their attachment to material things, have been intuitively conscious of the limited, transient, and illusionary nature of their material existence, and in their wise and silent moments have tried to reach out into ... Views: 757
As you surrender your limiting beliefs you will begin to see things differently. When you are holding on to any passion, discrimination, like or dislike, you see all things through the lens of that particular bias, and will see only your own perceptions. When you are free from all ... Views: 920
To grow in self-control, in patience, in calmness, is to grow in quiet strength and power; and you can only grow this way by focusing your consciousness upon a principle. Break away from the confines of tradition, conventionality, and the opinions of others, until you succeed in walking the path ... Views: 775
As you grow in wisdom, you will release, more and more, self-limiting beliefs, which are transient, and become aware of the powerful role you play in bringing change to the whole.
Through your meditations knowledge of eternal principles is realized, and the power, which results from meditation, ... Views: 768
If you are praying daily for wisdom, for peace, a fuller realization of Truth, for happiness and that which you are praying for is still far from you, then you are praying for one thing while living out in thought and action something else. Begin to think and act in the spirit of that which you ... Views: 893
Can we really leave it up to the "powers that be" to sort out peace on earth? I think not. We have to realize that we are the "powers that be" that make the difference. Article 1 of a 6 part series.
As there are silent depths in the ocean, which the fiercest storm cannot reach, so there are ... Views: 879