We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Corporate Training". If you have expertise in Corporate Training and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) journey worldwide in its existing avatar actually started in 2001 when International Accounting Standards Committee was reconstituted to an International Accounting Standards board (IASB). The Journey in India started about five/six years ... Views: 1345
In today's times, there's only one reason non-native English speaking countries want to learn the English Language. It is due to increased globalization and competition in competition. Since English as a language is being widely used in business communication today, this also used in casual ... Views: 1294
Anxiety and stage fear are the most common phenomenon that you should learn to control. Most of the fear comes before you proceed towards the stage. Once you are up there, the fear generally disappears. Some symptoms of stage fear can be easily revealed as in dry mouth, tight throat, sweaty ... Views: 1221
Everyone is not lucky enough to be born with type of facilities needed to become successful. Yet they have turned luck in their favor. Some people like Dhirubhai Ambani proved that to be successful you needn't have ideal conditions at the start of your life. You can become very successful even ... Views: 902
Once two friends Dev & Ram were passing through a forest. On their way they were attacked by wild bulls. Seeing the bulls, both were frightened. Dev began thinking about what will happen to his sons and the loan amount he had to take from his friend. Where as Ram focused on the present. He could ... Views: 938
The first and the foremost thing to do prior beginning to prepare for presentation, ask yourself: 'What is the reason behind making this presentation?' Is it required to report, convince, amuse, coach or trade? Your purpose should be understood by you, if it is to be cleared to your spectators. ... Views: 1050
Did you know that without good, clear communication your business will never be effective nor efficient? It's plain and simple to understand. Your business will not succeed or last for long if you can't get your message across to others.
One of the more effective ways of communicating your ... Views: 828
The following points are to be regarded with mechanical and physical details of formal letters:
Heading / Title / Caption – The caption or heading comprises of the writer's address and the date of the letter. Only a date is required and writer's name is not included.
Inside address – this ... Views: 1398
These days, the English language is being used as a secondary or second language by many non-native speakers around the world. Since English has gone on to become the language of choice for communication between the people of different countries, it is a good decision to learn English as a ... Views: 1930
It’s that time of the season again, where you can rest and forget the world while pursuing the more fashionable side of you. Have you crossed out the following items on your summer wardrobe must have list? Trendy clothes coupled with trendy jewelry, a trendy apparel of cute dresses and cute ... Views: 1480
For many webmasters and site owners, as their business expands or they are making new developments (like adding new sites, expanding sites, experiencing slower load times, or simply using a lesser quality hosting account to meet their growing needs) it is necessary to “migrate” to a new hosting ... Views: 1507
Greetings from Reliance Global Services (R.G.S).
We would like to bring to your kind notice that R.G.S is now an Authorized Education Partner of QAI GLOBAL INSTITUTE (A world wide software testing and software assurance institute), USA.
Information on Software Testing
• Testing accounts ... Views: 1462
Article Title: How to be a Good Communicator - in Business and in Life (from 'Steps to Success, Prosperity and Happiness' )
Author: Craig Lock
Category (key words): Success, Success Principles, Motivation, Inspiration, Sports Psychology, Sport, Mind, Mind Control, Positive Thinking, Books, ... Views: 2108
Portable appliance testing training courses are very important not just for the employees but also for companies that employ them. After all; a PAT test course will provide the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge about testing and inspecting different electrical appliances and thereby ... Views: 958
One of the most common reasons for mishaps at workplace is electrical equipment. Very often we see that there is a loose connection in the wires or the equipment itself is damaged and hence these accidents can happen. It is therefore not surprising to see a recognized code of practice to enable ... Views: 763
There are no recorded figures in how many accidents have been averted due to a successful PAT testing regime, but rest assured I am sure it has been many, Daily we see broken plugs, incorrect fusing, cuts in cables and damage to casings, In fact I would go as far as to say that most PAT test ... Views: 726
Those who have been in the field of electronic and electrical appliances testing would surely know the importance of joining PAT training courses. For those people who don’t know much about PAT training courses, the internet can be a good source to get more information about it. In layman terms, ... Views: 792
PAT training refers to a set of procedures that are taught to individuals to help troubleshoot and test different electrical appliances in order to ensure they are safe for use. The professionals who carry out these procedures should be trained and certificated. They carry out their routine work ... Views: 777
It is a must for all employers to check their electrical appliances regularly to ensure they do not cause any harm to those handling themselves or others. There are standard practices laid down by IEE in its Code of Practice that everyone should adhere to. An ordinary person with little or no ... Views: 834
Whichever way you look at it, it is important to regularly check the electrical equipment in industry or elsewhere. Only by doing this, you will know that your electrical device is safe to use and has no issues attached to it. Though there are different ways to check your equipment, you still ... Views: 1031
Different types of electrical equipment that we use in our everyday life have to be tested on a regular basis to ensure they are safe to use. Irrespective of where the electrical appliances are used, domestic or commercial environment, they need to be checked to ensure safety of users as well as ... Views: 768
Irrespective of what your background is or the field you are currently engaged in, you can always pursue different types of PAT courses, whether you want to start your own business or save money for your current business by conducting PAT testing yourself. You will be interested to know that ... Views: 851
A great deal of care and attention has to be applied when working around with appliances that run on electricity. Irrespective of the equipment you are using, you need to make sure it is safe to use and will yield results you desired out of it. But how can one verify the safety aspect associated ... Views: 775
Everyone wants their site to be on the first page of the search engine results, and that takes a strong search engine optimization strategy. The increase in traffic that comes from high search engine ratings can be the deciding factor in whether your business becomes highly successful. Here, ... Views: 898
If you have a website and want it to rank well in the search engines, you need to know how to check keyword competition. Good keyword research is important for any website, but we all know that not just any keyword will work since there is always competition.
Keyword competition is very ... Views: 1537
How do you handle the questions that come up during or after your presentation?
Handled effectively, questions can be an important part of your presentation, allowing you to clarify a point, expand on your ideas or provide another example. They also can demonstrate that the audience members ... Views: 1636
Every action starts with an idea followed by the intention to take action upon that idea. Edison may very well have first considered the idea of a steady light source because reading by oil lamp was difficult and unsatisfactory. And, if he intended to create a new light source, he may have ... Views: 943
When we claim value, we create value – a win/win for the organization. There is great power in a group that notices it’s potential together and is committed to each other’s success. When members of a team discover their sense of purpose, you don’t have to ask them to do something; they call ... Views: 1757
If we want to develop a deeper way of perceiving situations, of being with situations, we need to be relaxed, open, confident, not expecting or demanding anything in particular. And we need to make friends with ourselves—not just casual, in-passing friends, but intimate friends. You see, ... Views: 831
At each moment of the day we work to balance the inherent feminine and masculine internally and externally. Both states are present within our natures – the dynamic and the receptive. In our work, we speak to the feminine in all – men and women. Yet, in the conditioning of the western world, ... Views: 951
Anger has become one of the most intimate issues in today's world . With unemployment at an all time high nationally , and the stress of current life in American becoming incredibly stressful , Americans are turning to rage . Anger is often a bi-product of other more primitive emotions such as ... Views: 2203
Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276
Executive recruiter offers guidelines to corporate interviewers
Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a structured interviewing plan when it comes to finding the most qualified candidates ... Views: 1514
Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276
Recruiting Firm Creates Special Division for Retained Services
Tempe, AZ – August 31, 2010 – After conducting contingency searches successfully for 13 years, ISC is proud to announce it has ... Views: 1275
Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276
Exit interviews can help identify reasons for company attrition
“Conducting exit interviews in the right manner can be an invaluable management tool for companies,” says Ann E. ... Views: 1795
Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276
Recruiter Stresses Importance of Employee Recognition Programs
“In a down economy, there is less money to give away in the form of employee bonuses and raises,” points out Ann E. ... Views: 1618
Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276
Recruiting Firm shares not-so-obvious questions to avoid while interviewing a job applicant
“Asking a job applicant an innocent-sounding yet illegal question is a lawsuit waiting to happen,” ... Views: 1689
Chiasma Means The Opposite Side, But Who Cares?
Wanna be in-the-know about a two-minute exercise to instantly
wake up your learning skills and long-term memory? Wait. Do
you have trouble getting invigorated and creative at 9 am?
Do you suffer from the 2 pm blues when your brain is ... Views: 1446
Change is a mysterious subject and change managers have their views on what is the best way to make change happen. I doubt if anyone who has ever been involved with change management would say that all of the change initiatives that they have rolled out have been hugely ... Views: 1771
There is no doubt that our world is moving pretty fast. There are a lot of people feeling a sense of concern, uncertainty and fear both at home and in the work place about the future. It's not hard to understand given what is being reported on the news from around the world. Something is ... Views: 1612
I’ve been thinking about, and sharing with my executive coaching clients, the idea of validation. What I mean is the need of almost all of us to be told, in word or reaction, that who we are and what we contribute is relevant, valuable, and special.
People on the job interview circuit ... Views: 1492
Challenging Economic Times Call for Managing Productive Tension
by Steven Shagrin, JD, CFP®, CCP & Thornton Prayer, CCP
June 2010
In these difficult economic times, businesses have shared with us several major challenges they have faced regarding their competiveness – and even their ... Views: 1295
If you ask 100 people, “Are webinars free?” most of them will answer, “Yes!”
If you ask those same 100 people, “Is training free?” they will reply, “No!”
Then ask the $64,000 question: “What about training webinars?”
Author, speaker, and sales management strategist, Lee Salz, believes ... Views: 1984
You have been asked to do a presentation. You have plenty of time to prepare. So where do you start, how do you make it interesting and yourself confident enough to pull it off with style?
The first thing to give some thought to is the topic (if you have one). The time limit you have been ... Views: 1275
When selecting an onsite Microsoft vendor, make some wise choices regarding the scheduling of the training event. You want to get the biggest bang out of your dollar. Make sure small mistakes don't take away from the training experience you have paid for.
Date of Training
Do NOT schedule ... Views: 1552
In our current economy, it is imperative that businesses maximize their profits while minimizing their expenses. Often, businesses choose to eliminate their training from their budgets to quickly show reduce cost. This can often have an adverse effect on their employee's productivity! Instead ... Views: 1581
Are you aware of the unfortunate fact that what science recommends is often not adhered to by business?
Why do I say this? I will get to this further on.
But firstly I want to start off by describing to you two serious problems that exist in many companies and organizations across the ... Views: 1569
Coming from the perspective of positive psychology, I am admittedly biased towards the inherent power of emotion. Emotions are among the top reasons for failed attempts to improve corporate productivity and culture.
Fear: Fear and anxiety paralyze change initiatives.
Anger: Culture ... Views: 4535
Because of how the ADHD brain functions, people with this condition commonly experience several workplace challenges that can negatively impact their performance. These challenges include: Time/Task Management, Distractibility/Impulsivity; Working Memory; Organization; and ... Views: 2462
Students are taking into consideration what higher education has to offer, but are deciding that the innovative new courses available at their local further education college are a great alternative to a “highway robbery” degree.
Students starting university courses this autumn can expect to ... Views: 1187
Wouldn’t it be great if we can just take a simple and easy test to resolve our conflicts and have a proper conflict resolution? A multiple choice test will be the best: 1. The individual you’re in conflict is? A) Demanding B) Controlling C) Indecisive. You can select from letter A, B, or C and ... Views: 932