Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276

Recruiter Stresses Importance of Employee Recognition Programs

“In a down economy, there is less money to give away in the form of employee bonuses and raises,” points out Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber of International Search Consultants (ISC). “That is why it’s important especially now for employers to implement employee recognition programs.” She explains that successful recognition efforts can boost morale, company loyalty and reinforce positive work behaviors.
Zaslow-Rethaber is owner of ISC, a leading executive search firm that specializes in recruiting for sales, sales management and marketing professionals on a nationwide as well as international basis. ISC helps companies fill key roles within a variety of specialty industries including health care, telecommunications and fuel and energy.

ISC also does extensive work with non-profit humanitarian agencies filling worldwide positions in high-risk areas, filling positions such as Country Director as well as Operations Director positions and fund raising positions on a global basis.

For employers considering implementing or updating an existing employee recognition program, Zaslow-Rethaber recommends that the overall program should be:

• Fair--–establish a general criteria that rewards positive behaviors and actions that you want to see continue in the company and that everyone (all who have jobs that are applicable) can aim for. This helps avoid the perception that certain employees were chosen because they are viewed as favorites. Be sure to communicate the program to all who are eligible.

• Impactful—acknowledge employees in a timely manner –as close to when each employee achieved the goal as possible. Moreover, be specific on what criteria the person met to earn the achievement and even better, any unique skills or actions he or she used, if applicable, This extra step will often go far in boosting the employee’s self esteem and good feelings toward his or her job.

• Creative –brainstorm a variety of ideas that might be appealing to your employee population and find other ways to give recognition outside a formal reward program. How about a handwritten note given on an employee’s milestone date or to thank them for a job well done? Gift cards, complimentary meals, corporate logo gifts or gifts from a reward catalog are also appreciated as well as certificates and engraved plaques.

• Varied—to manage employees’ expectations and discourage them from viewing the program rewards as entitlements, be sure to vary your recognition efforts and in some cases, have a start and an end date. Also try to include some impromptu acknowledgements or rewards to add an element of surprise and keep things interesting and impactful for your employees.

• Part of your corporate culture –make your employee recognition program part of an ongoing effort to highlight what your employees are doing right for your company. Utilize any employee communication vehicles to commend employees and spotlight their milestones and successes. Also, you can leverage your recognition efforts to potential employees who appreciate companies that value and recognize their employees on a regular basis.

For additional tips like these or to find out more information on ISC, please check out their Web site at Or to get started right away on receiving top-notch recruiting service, please call (888) 866-7276 if you are in the United States or 011-1(480) 839-9113 if you are calling from outside the country. ISC specializes in helping large companies fill nationwide and international staffing needs in a short amount of time by BLITZING a market on behalf of a client. ISC has been successful in providing recruiting assistance to U.S.-based companies that need to build a presence within other countries as well as to foreign companies looking to build a presence in the United States.

Author's Bio: 

A recruiter since 1996, Ann Zaslow-Rethaber is the president of International Search Consultants, a global recruiting firm launched in 1999. Headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, ISC has become one of the country’s most reputable search firms, working with companies both in the US and on an international basis. With a team of 15 talented recruiters and utilizing the very best high tech tools available, ISC can easily handle multiple searches that can produce highly qualified candidates in a short amount of time for companies with high volume recruiting needs. For more information, check out ISC’s website at or call 888/866-7276.