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A meeting is an event in which a group of people come together to discuss things or make decisions. Business meetings are one arena in which poor etiquette can have negative effects. By improving your business meeting etiquettes, you automatically improve your chances of success. Comfort, ... Views: 852
Eye Contact is one of the ruling factors of any speech or presentation. This is because more than 50% of the information we all assimilate is Visual, it is absolutely critical that one acquires and develops the skill to use Eye Contact as one of the major tools in our presentation or speech, ... Views: 1177
English is a language which is updated at a regular interval. We need to update ourselves at regular intervals to enhance our spoken English.
Tips to improve Spoken English
Observe the mouth movements of those who speak English
While watching television, observe the mouth ... Views: 1571
Who will take part in the meeting / who will be involved in the meeting?
It is very simple to determine who should take part in the meeting if it's a small project team. The following questions will give a useful filter for selecting participants:
1) Whose contribution do we require?
2) ... Views: 1032
Communication can be defined as passing of message from 1 person to another.
Various aspects of Communication
1. Verbal Communication
2. Non Verbal Communication
* Body Language
o Eye Contact
o Voice
o Gestures & Postures
o Facial Expressions
*Dress Code
TIPS ON HOW TO ... Views: 1483
Once I was addressing an audience of about a thousand people. Before I began my talk I offered them a bar of chocolate and invited all those who wanted it to come on stage. But I was astonished to see only about 500 hands go up. Out of them only 3 people started moving towards me. The first ... Views: 928
Effective communication is all about conveying your messages to other people clearly and unambiguously. It's also about receiving information that others are sending to you, with as little distortion as possible.
Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. ... Views: 948
A majority of the people experience fear when they have to speak in front of a group or audience. What holds them back is the fear of appearing foolish in front of others. Preparation and the right attitude is the key to win over this process.
Some of the fears that top the list are fear of ... Views: 1341
Interview Tips:
Your dress-up reflects your choice, how much you respect yourself and your professionalism.
Check your resume thoroughly for sentence framing, grammar, spelling mistakes, correctness of information, consistency etc.
Carry at least 2 copies of your resume in a neat ... Views: 1034
In today's times, there's only one reason non-native English speaking countries want to learn the English Language. It is due to increased globalization and competition in competition. Since English as a language is being widely used in business communication today, this also used in casual ... Views: 1288
Anxiety and stage fear are the most common phenomenon that you should learn to control. Most of the fear comes before you proceed towards the stage. Once you are up there, the fear generally disappears. Some symptoms of stage fear can be easily revealed as in dry mouth, tight throat, sweaty ... Views: 1214
Everyone is not lucky enough to be born with type of facilities needed to become successful. Yet they have turned luck in their favor. Some people like Dhirubhai Ambani proved that to be successful you needn't have ideal conditions at the start of your life. You can become very successful even ... Views: 897
Once two friends Dev & Ram were passing through a forest. On their way they were attacked by wild bulls. Seeing the bulls, both were frightened. Dev began thinking about what will happen to his sons and the loan amount he had to take from his friend. Where as Ram focused on the present. He could ... Views: 932
The first and the foremost thing to do prior beginning to prepare for presentation, ask yourself: 'What is the reason behind making this presentation?' Is it required to report, convince, amuse, coach or trade? Your purpose should be understood by you, if it is to be cleared to your spectators. ... Views: 1046
Did you know that without good, clear communication your business will never be effective nor efficient? It's plain and simple to understand. Your business will not succeed or last for long if you can't get your message across to others.
One of the more effective ways of communicating your ... Views: 825
The following points are to be regarded with mechanical and physical details of formal letters:
Heading / Title / Caption – The caption or heading comprises of the writer's address and the date of the letter. Only a date is required and writer's name is not included.
Inside address – this ... Views: 1391
Always remain positive during the interview even if things aren't going as well as you'd hoped. In school, did you ever write a test that you were sure you'd failed, only to find out you passed? You never know, you might be doing better in the interview than you think and you don't want to give ... Views: 1033
These days, the English language is being used as a secondary or second language by many non-native speakers around the world. Since English has gone on to become the language of choice for communication between the people of different countries, it is a good decision to learn English as a ... Views: 1923
Leadership is the ability possessed by some persons to motivate, guide & lead others. Those who are lead may have hidden abilities and potential which can only be realized under able leadership. This is similar to a child having the ability to sit, move, speak or walk but requiring someone to ... Views: 727
A GD is a methodology used by an organization to judge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members. In this methodology, the group of candidates is given a topic or a situation, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to ... Views: 1551
Communication skills simply do not refer to the way in which we communicate with another person. It includes many other things - the way in which we respond to the person we are speaking, body gestures including the facial ones, pitch and tone of our voice and a lot of other things. And the ... Views: 1094
Body language is a term for communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language or other communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes ... Views: 2270
What is a Habit?
A set of action that is repeated frequently to get the desired results is called a habit. For e.g. regular brushing of teeth gives us healthy teeth, repeatedly using a computer gives us mastery in computers same way, there are some Secret Habits to develop English. By just ... Views: 4747