Media Contact: Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber
(888) 866-7276

Exit interviews can help identify reasons for company attrition

“Conducting exit interviews in the right manner can be an invaluable management tool for companies,” says Ann E. Zaslow-Rethaber of International Search Consultants (ISC), a leading executive search firm that specializes in the sales and marketing industry on a nationwide as well as international basis. “By finding out the “real” reasons why employees leave can be helpful in identifying trends in a specific area of the company or improvements that need to be made to current practices or policies. Zaslow-Rethaber gives the following tips to receive the best results from your exit interviews:

• Choose the right timing - While it might seem natural to conduct the exit interview right before or immediately after an employee’s departure, studies show that the most valuable information can be collected after an employee has distanced himself from his or her former position. Conducting a telephone interview one to two months later gives the employee enough time to reflect on the experience and perhaps discuss the problems they were having at the company more easily and with less emotion.

• Use a neutral party—a Human Resources representative is the best person to conduct the exit interview or better yet, outsource to a third party. An outsourcing vendor will usually receive a better response rate and will be perceived as more objective than a company representative. Also, by using a neutral party, an employee will feel less inclined to hold back in fear of the information getting back to their former management or coworkers.

• Keep questions specific and information anonymous – for best results, ask a standard set of questions for each interview and sort them by specific areas that can be measured later such as leadership, company processes, pay, benefits, etc. Also, make sure employees understand that their information is anonymous and will be used only to identify attrition trends and provide suggestions on how the company can improve current practices and policies.

• Don’t ask personal questions – an exit interview is not the place to gather information on specific individuals or to hear about employee grievances. Focus only on systems and general company practices that can be improved upon.

• Treat the former employee with respect -- it is essential that the exit interviewer represents the company in the most professional way. Employees will be more inclined to share constructive criticism if the exit interviewer is an excellent listener and shows that the company truly cares about the information the former employee is providing.

For more tips on conducting exit interviews, please check out ISC’s website at ISC specializes in helping large companies fill nationwide staffing needs in a short amount of time by blitzing a market on behalf of a client. To find out more about ISC and the five-star service they deliver, please call them at (888) 866-7276.

Author's Bio: 

A recruiter since 1996, Ann Zaslow-Rethaber is the president of International Search Consultants, a global recruiting firm launched in 1999. Headquartered in Tempe, Arizona, ISC has become one of the country’s most reputable search firms, working with companies both in the US and on an international basis. With a team of 15 talented recruiters and utilizing the very best high tech tools available, ISC can easily handle multiple searches that can produce highly qualified candidates in a short amount of time for companies with high volume recruiting needs. For more information, check out ISC’s website at or call 888/866-7276.