Why to retire?
Retirement has traditionally meant to stop working and to enjoy leisure time. Nowadays, more people have reasons to never retire. One of them is the need to continue making an income. First, you have to consider my definition of working which I call vocation. This is work which ... Views: 1132
What is joy?
It's activities which make you feel good, happy, cheerful ,positive and content. Only you are the judge of joy and what the experience is like, especially when it comes to work.
Why is joy important at work?
We spend the majority of the time in our lives working. Isn't this ... Views: 1200
What is coaching?
Coaching is behavior intended to enable another person to develop, improve or correct something which is not working. Coaching also can enable someone to be more creative, get unstuck or resolve a current or ongoing challenge. Coaching can enable someone to make a better ... Views: 1151
Vision and structure
To be a strong leader takes a compelling vision for people. It also requires an ability to set up goals and follow-up on it. In addition to this, to enable great things through people, it takes a softer side, a caring side. That is what you call coaching. Focused on ... Views: 1556
How does one ask better questions after 40? This is not an easy task. Normally, by this point of life, we have established our routine of life. We have jobs whether we like them or not and relationships whether we like them or not. As a result of this, to make a big change seems impossible if ... Views: 1260
Our economy needs a boost
Take a look around and you will see a lackluster economy in many countries around the world. While some of this does have to do with financial crisis, much more has to do with poor management.
People come to work with high expectations. In many workplaces adults are ... Views: 1323
1. First and most important, decide exactly what you want to do.
Many people network with the wrong people because they have not figured out what they want to do.
2. Network with people who are doing exactly what you want to do.
Many people waste their time on social networks with people ... Views: 1448
The importance of joyful work
Sadly, most people did not learn at school about the importance of enjoying their work, unless a person was fortunate to have had a parent who taught how important it is. Most commonly, the notion of work to most people is the necessity for providing an income ... Views: 1438
People gain their self-esteem from their work
Work takes up the majority of one's life. The contributions we make, the feedback we receive, the new opportunities – all contribute to our self-esteem. When people feel good about their work, they communicate better, establish better working ... Views: 1214
What resumes can’t do
Let's face it, resumes are boring to write and worse to read. These days, most employers have software to read and prioritize resumes through the use of keywords. The goal of your resume is achieved if it brought you to an interview. But, there are many things you can’t ... Views: 1143
What is the role of the leader?
It really depends on the perspective of different stakeholders, what role of the leader is going to be. In general, the board, shareholders, and top management expect the leader to maximize profit. The employees, who work for the leader, have a different view. ... Views: 1096
Empty work
Have you ever had work which was empty? Perhaps you were successful as society might view. Perhaps you had a nice job title, made good money, owned lots of material things and even a good family and social life. Yet, deep inside when you went to sleep at night, you felt empty. You ... Views: 1248
What the audience needs
Did you ever give a presentation to a professional audience and think to yourself, what a boring audience. They didn’t ask questions, and they didn’t show any visible response.
Well, it is probably not their fault. Most people come to professional or technical ... Views: 1172
1. Ask lots of questions. It worked for Socrates and it can work for you.
2. Have more empathy. Putting yourself in the shoes of a subordinate will change your perspective.
3. Walk around a lot and be more visible. This produces more brief coaching moments which are unplanned and more ... Views: 1228
1. Life moves fast and work will consume the majority of your hours in your life. Use them wisely and your life will be fulfilled and meaningful.
2. If you choose work which best fits you, you can generate happiness from your work which can last a lifetime.
3. Your work affects everything else ... Views: 1597
What is a management system?
The daily life of a manager is complex and requires a combination of skills and approaches. The important thing to remember is that action which a manager takes has a direct relationship to the whole system. When a manager plans a project, it impacts how the ... Views: 1335
What does work mean to you?
Does your work align with your abilities and deepest interests? Is your work simply a way to earn a living? Do you enjoy your work so much you could do this work forever? Is Monday your best day of the week and Friday the worst because you have to wait until ... Views: 2364
There are too many examples of the lack of integrity today in management. If you wish to be a manager who gets great results with people, focusing on your integrity is a good place to start.
What is integrity?
Many people discuss integrity but may not understand it completely.
Let’s start ... Views: 1180
Why the search for perfect work is important!
First, because no one will ever walk up to you in your current job and ask you! Your family members won’t ask you because change can be threatening. This is a question you must ask yourself. Work impacts our sense of self, our self-esteem and our ... Views: 1256
1. Give feedback just before the next time the person needs it.
(People will not make long term behavior change when evaluated,especially directly after a poor performance)
2. Let people know that you care about them.
(When people see that their manager cares, they will be more motivated to ... Views: 1456
The mid-life crisis occurs for a reason
Up until about 40, we spend our lives building, collecting, acquiring. We do our best despite in some cases our upbringing, society pressures and our economic conditions. Around 40, however, life starts to take on new meaning. Usually this is a result ... Views: 4215
Do you want to be the best manager? Here are key areas to pay attention to and you will be well on your way!
Are people getting things done and on time? This is an important indicator to look at. Many factors will impact work quality. If work is not getting done on time step ... Views: 1146
It’s not that complex
In the last ten years of working with mid-life adults on finding the right work which aligns interests and abilities, I have come to the conclusion that the criteria for the RIGHT work is very similar.
Make a living and make it interesting
People need to provide an ... Views: 1124
1. Micro-manage
(People will do exactly what is requested and monitored and no more)
2. Give people challenging assignments when they don’t have the skills for the work
(This will lead to burn-out and poor morale after the thrill of the new assignment wears off)
3. Evaluate all work all ... Views: 1390
Here are the top ten ways to take positive risks in your life (And what will happen if you do)
1. Decide what you want and then define and take the biggest risk you can think of which will move you closer to your goal. (Taking action towards doing what you wanto do is not a risk)
2. Make a ... Views: 3953
1. Do what really interests you!
(This seems like a simple idea, but many times we do work for many other reasons)
2. Decide for yourself what kind of work best fits you.
(There is no shortage of people who will tell you what to do, but this decision should come from you since you will ... Views: 1381
The most common financial mistakes managers make
In many organizations managers are not taught how to manage their budgets. In some cases managers are given budget responsibility but not budget authority. In these organizations it takes 5 levels of signatures to get a few hundred dollars ... Views: 1333
The importance of the RIGHT relationship
What happens to you when you have someone close in your life that you love and who loves you? Of course there are children, but in this article I am going to address your special relationship. It could be a spouse, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend or ... Views: 1218
Over 40? Vocation starts now!
Well, the summer is finally over, and kids are ready to go back to school. For adults, especially those over 40, this time associates with extra anxiety. Perhaps, you have spent the summer avoiding the most important question you must answer. That’s it. It is ... Views: 1412
Why hire in the first place?
Any employer hires for the same reason, they have a problem which needs to be fixed. When hiring, the best manager looks at three following factors: if the person has the ability to do the role, if the person has motivation to do the role, and if the person fits ... Views: 1400
Labels at work
It can be easy as a manager to label people as bad or good performers. This performance labeling tends to be a convenient way to quickly categorize people. It is efficient for human resources. Once labeled, people can be given promotions or demotions, merit or punitive action, ... Views: 2616
What does it mean to work virtually?
You work on your own away from others. While you might have contact with others via phone, email, and these days Skype you are alone in your work environment. You may or may not have a set schedule depending on whether you work for others or not. You will ... Views: 1004
Why big changes are important when feeling stuck
Do you feel stuck in your life now? Feeling stuck can be a result of many factors. It can be financial problems, loss of job, loneliness, boredom, or just a sense of angst about your life and direction. It might be that your days are busy, and ... Views: 11796
Why many teams don’t work well together
Have you ever wondered why the team that you were on didn’t work very well together?
Many teams originally were set up to fail. In sports, you build teams from individuals with best achievements. In business, we hear many times, the sports analogy ... Views: 1975
Struggling with life transition?
This happens to many of us. This can be a result of many factors such as a job loss, a death in the family, a divorce, a financial crisis, or just a sense of feeling empty and unsure what to do next with your life. During this time, it is important to get ... Views: 1404
Failure to communicate
Failure in communication is the biggest problem of management. When this occurs, it affects everything. Overall performance of people decreases, goals are not clear, people build incorrect assumptions, and relationships at work suffer. Especially during challenging ... Views: 1712
I get asked a lot what it is like to live a self-described authentic life filled with happiness, joy, fulfillment, and a sense of making a contribution. So with this article I decided to share what I do. Try out these steps for yourself and you will also see an emerging life which works better ... Views: 1408
Managing and coaching is different
Think of the best coach you ever had, either at work or outside of work. What did the coach do that was effective? How did the coach interact with you? What kinds of things did the coach help you to achieve? Now think of the best manager you ever had at ... Views: 5539
Let's start with some definitions
First let's define the difference between right work and wrong work. Wrong work is work which you don't enjoy. The work feels stifling and constraining. Having wrong work you don't look forward to going there every day. You secretly hope some crisis occurs so ... Views: 1307
What is a system?
A system is comprised of many processes. These processes have ins and outs. Processes have starts and stops. They can be mature, or developing. Some of them work smooth and some have multiple broken links. It can be helpful to look upon management work as running a complex ... Views: 1571
Meet Kyle
Kyle is 42 years old, married with two small children 12 and 10. Kyle has worked the last 16 years in the financial services industry. Through hard work and long hours he is now a director at his firm making $125,000 a year. He leaves his house daily at 6:15 a.m. to get to his ... Views: 1287
Incorrect starting point
Almost everywhere you turn there seems to be another rewards based incentive program to motivate people. This approach can work short term only for people who don't like their work. But with the time these people will only demand larger rewards to gain the same ... Views: 1535
Are you over 40?
Good. Then you won't need permission from your parents to read this article. If you are under 40, I give you permission now! I would guess if you are over 40 you have begun to question your life and your work. Good. This is normal and healthy. Perhaps you have also started ... Views: 1312
What is self-awareness?
This is unknown territory for many. In school we are seldom taught to do deep reflection. As we get older and become adults we get caught in the cycle of productivity and consumption. As a result self reflection becomes something to be avoided so as not to slow one ... Views: 11025
Labels at work
It can be easy as a manager to label people as bad or good performers. This performance labeling tends to be a convenient way to quickly categorize people. It is efficient for human resources. Once labeled, people can be given promotions or demotions, merit or punitive action, ... Views: 1716
What is happiness?
In many ways happiness is very subjective and judged differently by each person. My observation is that people are most happy when they feel in control of their life. Much of one’s life occurs at work thus happiness at work is an important factor to consider. Many factors ... Views: 2664
What causes management problems at work?
Anything but a system
Many management systems are anything but a system. These organizations are a collection of people, habits, different behaviors and expectations. Management is driven largely by external behavior (The bigger boss) and ... Views: 2047
Most people are good at being unhappy at work
There are so many people who are already unhappy at their work. So probably I don't need to teach them since they are already so good at this. But for those who want to change bad habits a reminder sometimes is a good idea.
1 Work for JUST the ... Views: 2207
Myth One: Work leads to retirement
This is the biggest myth of all. First of all, most people simply can no longer afford to stop working. Even for those who do stop working soon they find their lives are filled with too much leisure time. Not too long after a feeling of wanting to make a ... Views: 1467
Employee recognition
Does this sound familiar? It’s a Friday and another day at the office. Today is employee recognition day. As usual once a month the department manager gathers the whole group for a one hour meeting. Employees come to the faceless conference room and await the monthly ... Views: 2010