Get out of your own way.
Too often you over think things and end up doing nothing because you have got yourself into such a state of confusion.
To allow your guidance to come through you have to stop over analysis, over thinking, and just allow everything to come forth. Allow the guidance ... Views: 2214
It is often the small problems that cause us the greatest amount of difficulty.
There is no magic cure, there is only the option to look closer as that which causes difficulty or annoyance and see what is really there.
Many a time the blame is placed on another person, ‘he did this and it ... Views: 1298
As the energy of the world changes, you may be called into new areas, to enhance your awareness of who you are and what you are capable of.
You may find yourself drawn to study, so that you may develop more confidence in yourself as well as gain new knowledge.
You may find yourself drawn to ... Views: 1189
As soon as a child learns how to please his or her parents, he or she also learns how to modify his or her behavior to gain that parental approval.
Thus commences the art of 'trying to be what other people want you to be.' It can evolve into a troublesome problem.
Some people reach adulthood ... Views: 1205
Does your dream demand that you bring it to fruition, or that you take the steps to bring it to fruition?
It is often the case that the journey, the steps, are what is important, for it is that journey which teaches you the most.
Your journey teaches you about your own passion, commitment, ... Views: 1253
One of the things that people want in a relationship/marriage is mutual support and encouragement.
It sounds rather simple doesn't it? But it is amazing the number of people who don't feel that they are receiving this support and encouragement. The sad things is that their tendency is to think: ... Views: 1695
It was a life choice commitment that I thought would be easy. I was going to stop complaining and stop criticizing people.
I felt quite serene in my decision, knowing that this was the necessary next step in my spiritual progress. After several days I realized this was not going to be easy at ... Views: 6305
It is pointless to look at the behavior of another and try to fathom what is going through their minds. You can only view things through your own perspectives and not theirs.
When you see behavior that is hurtful from one person towards another, it is your own thoughts and your own heart that ... Views: 1767
People who touch your life, are those who are loving, kind, caring. They lift your day, they make you feel appreciated.
What is it about these people that is so special? They are loving, kind, caring. They treat other people well. They do not claim to be great teachers nor do they claim to be ... Views: 1682
You know what really annoys me? The insistence that a child’s academic achievement is all that is important.
A grades A grades A grades!
I read an article last year that really stuck in my mind, and the gist of the article was ‘even though he only has his O levels he has still done well in ... Views: 1545
There are many theories about self-esteem, but, really, the only one that matters is: yours.
What makes you feel great? Because that is your route to finding your own self esteem.
Sometimes all it takes is one success to make us believe in ourselves. What if you don’t have that success? Find ... Views: 1659