A hot topic in the media currently is work/life balance, as if we all understand exactly what that means. And we think we do, as we knowingly nod agreement at the latest pundit's advice on gaining a balanced life.
What is a balanced life?
It may be easier to tell you what it isn't. A ... Views: 2711
Everybody complains about work/life balance and they should. With corporate downsizing, buyouts, and mergers, employees who still have jobs are being asked to do more and more. Cell phones, blackberries, and the Internet make it technologically easy for people to "be at work" twenty four hours a ... Views: 1405
What is Fear?
The American Heritage Dictionary defines fear as a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. You and I know fear as a cold chill, nausea, racing heartbeat, cold sweat, and a tension or tightness throughout the body. These symptoms result from ... Views: 3419
Abstract: Answering the question of who am I is the key to personal growth and reaching full potential. Observing what I do is what counts in my personal growth. I am what I do.
Coming out of the library the other day, I saw a man in front of me with a tee-shirt emblazoned with the words, "You ... Views: 1152
If you want to make life improvements, what you believe about life may be your biggest stumbling block. As a self empowered person working to build a better life you may need to adopt the saying that believing is seeing.
If you're a person who believes that seeing is believing, you may be ... Views: 1681
On most days, do you feel energetic, enthusiastic, and satisfied with your life? If not, perhaps it’s because you’ve given up control of your life to others. Many of us give up accountability for our lives, depending on others for our information, advice, and decisions. Each life is unique. Each ... Views: 1600
Peace is a state of mind.
Peace is not the absence of war; war cannot exist in a state
of peace.
War is not an option for peaceful beings.
Peace is a state of mind, an intention to live peacefully
with all beings.
Waging war will never bring peace, just a temporary
cessation of war.
The last ... Views: 1281
Someone did you wrong and you’re angry; you’re not just
angry, you’re plotting a way to get even.You can’t wait to
see that so-and-so, and turn the tables on him.
Nations do that, too, on a larger scale; Israelis attack
Palestinians in retaliation for a Palestinian ... Views: 5104
Each human being strives to be happy. Only our needs forsurvival and safety are stronger. Since most of us able toreceive this article have sufficient food, clothing, andshelter, it’s safe to say that we’re spending much of ourtime and energy seeking happiness.
Consider these four keys to ... Views: 1505
For most of us, life is a mixture of placid and tumultuousexperiences. Like a roller coaster ride, life brings usperiods of smooth ride punctuated with interludes of stomachchurning, accelerating drops through the unexpected. As ayounger man, I tended to resist the unpredictable anddifficult ... Views: 1226
This is the time of year when many of us will make NewYear’s resolutions-some out of habit, others out of thesincere hope to improve some aspect of life. Research andexperience tell us that most resolutions fail. Why is that?There are many reasons-some quite obvious, such as notreally wanting to ... Views: 1198
Are you dwelling in the land of tranquility or the land of turmoil? Given a choice, which would you select? a). A life surrounded by peace, tranquility, and love, or b). A life surrounded by strife, turmoil, and anger?
Many people will say they would pick a), tranquility, given a choice, but ... Views: 1229
My son often says, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."Since that phrase popped into my head early this morning, Itook it as my inspiration for the week and got to thinkingabout luck.
What is luck? Is it good fortune that comes out of the blue,totally unexpected? Or is it the Universe ... Views: 3042
One of my very favorite places is the beach. Sure, the threeS’s are an attraction: sun, sand, and seafood. But the maindraw is the ocean. The ocean symbolizes all of life,carrying many analogies that help me stay in tune with themeaning of life.
Reason One: The ocean calms. It infuses with the ... Views: 5700
What does it mean to you to live an easy life? Do you
envision a life on the beach or around a pool, surrounded by
everything you need for relaxation and entertainment? I’m
talking about something else--to me, an Easy Life means a
life that is easy to live--a life without struggle or
hardship--a ... Views: 13277
It is easy to be spiritually positive and philosophical
about life when things are going well. Even when exposed to
life’s misfortunes from a distance--distant relatives or
acquaintances--it’s fairly easy to conclude that life is
bringing them the experiences appropriate to their lives.
But what ... Views: 1500
Is your courtroom in session? That is, are you acting as
prosecutor, judge, and jury for your fellow humans? Do you
evaluate the actions and behaviors of your loved ones,
reminding them even silently that they’re doing things the
"wrong" way? I thought my courtroom was closed, but I was
fooled ... Views: 1512
"Life is easy" seems easily understood intellectually. Take what comes along with thanks and gratitude; the circumstances and choices we make are perfect for us. All this feels right when said in a contemplative atmosphere. But after a few doses of life's reality, we have a difficult time ... Views: 2356
Welcome, come in and sit down. Make yourself uncomfortable.
Have you ever greeted a guest at your door that way? I haven’t either, but maybe we should consider doing so. We usually want our guests to be comfortable. But offering discomfort might be a better gift. Why?
Personal growth comes when ... Views: 2204