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The finals season is not only the most challenging time for students but stressful as well. Regardless of whether you’re attending high school, college or graduate school, all students can relate. This is the period when students load up on their caffeine, are sleep ... Views: 1154
What use is a sword for you, if you can't wield it? Websites are a tool to get business. In any form you perceive. Either you want traffic, sales or brand positioning, your website must get it. Yet, if you look at the conversion rates of even the best websites they are less than one percent. It ... Views: 841
Every one is now creating blogs for their businesses, but most of them do not know where to find the best blogging tips. Today i will discuss some of the top blogging tips that can help you to rank your website better.
Know the audience
if you are just starting a blog, You cannot afford to ... Views: 960
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A Perfect ‘To-Do’ List to Help Magento 2 Store Owners Boost Their Sales! - by Mr.Maulik Shah is the Founder and CEO at Biztech Consulting and Solutions. He has a keen eye on technological advancements in the domains of ecommerce, mobile app and web development, and CMS. He loves to write on the ecommerce trends and Magento 2 extensions.
Magento platform offers a plethora of features and flawless functionalities. The blog talks about how to use them for boosting sales of your online business.
Evolution is synonymous with eCommerce businesses! If you adapt to the changes, your online store will definitely have a competitive ... Views: 775
Imagine 2018 is the year where you:
-Are inspired and passionate about pursuing your goals
-Don’t know if you’re at work or having fun because you enjoy what you are doing so much
-Wake up before your alarm clock with excitement to get started on your projects
If you have been working hard ... Views: 1204
Artificial Intelligence or AI has transformed the world as we know it. With the introduction of chatbots and smart assistants, the life of people has changed. There is more and more adoption of AI in different industries. It is imperative to see a change mobile application development. AI-based ... Views: 2806
It’s an insanely big number. A one followed by 12 zeroes. In fact, it is so big that most of us can’t even conceive of it. To give you an idea, if you could count at the phenomenally fast rate of 10 per second it would still take you more than three millennia(!) to count that high. And that’s if ... Views: 861
Irony is a form of Paradox. A paradox is what is good and great at the same time.
While ecommerce managers across all verticals have a similar thought on the important factors for the growth of an ecommerce business, there is always one thing that is given the highest priority - More Sales. ... Views: 1044
Does life feel difficult? Are you feeling less productive than usual? Do you wish you could increase your prosperity and wealth?
The solution is found in the lifestyle principles of Feng Shui. Its principles are neither a bandage nor quick fix but rather a basic system of order that creates a ... Views: 1225
It seems like every day there is a new article calling out millennials for being over-indulged and narcissistic. Then you log onto any social media outlet, they are flooded with selfies and updates on trivial, day-to-day information like restaurant check-ins. It’s enough to make you start to ... Views: 1589
It seems like every day there is a new article calling out millennials for being over-indulged and narcissistic. Then you log onto any social media outlet, they are flooded with selfies and updates on trivial, day-to-day information like restaurant check-ins. It’s enough to make you start to ... Views: 1451
You've more than likely heard a ton of news circulating lately about how good Pinterest may be for a business enterprise, but how do you know if it's worth an investment for your company?
Pinterest is a social networking platform that is somewhat different that still offers more variety of ... Views: 1396
Holiday sales are tempting for all merchants be it online or offline business. Recent, holiday trends indicate rising trends of gift cards purchase among the holiday shoppers.
At present, a countdown of Holiday Sales 2017 has started and only a few hours remain to see a spike in traffic. Most ... Views: 1346
I'm excellent with numbers, but reading long documents full of important details is another story -- my mind tends to wander before I absorb all the information. Instead of letting my business suffer, though, I built a relationship with someone on my team who truly loves reviewing contracts and ... Views: 2180
Leadership is complex and exponentially evolving. There are many rules but there is no guarantee that they all work or whether one will work in circumstance A but not B. However, you cannot afford to negate the so-called rules of leadership – or can you?
In discussions about the qualities of ... Views: 1041
How often have you doubted yourself? And how did it affect your life, work or business?
I can relate to this and until I learned to believe in myself and create a “success image” of myself, I was unable to neither use my full potential nor bring out the best in myself.
It may seem strange ... Views: 1461
All the money in the world isn't going to create a successful business. There's a number of concepts and key points that people either learn or figure out on their own that often have to do with success.
Success in business, and in life, is often about realizing expectations. Some say over ... Views: 1444
Leonardo Da Vinci kept a notebook with him at all times so he could record his thoughts and questions that occurred to him. I think you’d agree that he was pretty successful, right?
Most of us just float through our days and don’t exercise our curiosity enough, nor do we do enough ... Views: 1160
While lazing around the sultry Monday evening on Face-book, we came across this very beautiful and insightful video on ‘dating’ and ‘marriage’. In this particular video, the man talks about why he would never date, not that he is against it, he makes sure of that. However, the point that he ... Views: 699
Have you ever had a dream, goal or objective that you could not fulfil or accomplish? Maybe you tried to lose weight, train for a marathon, begin an online business, write a novel, or do something else that was challenging.
Why didn’t you succeed?
People often fall short at ... Views: 1185
Action reduces fear, so act.
Truth be told, this neat little quote isn’t my own. It’s one that I came upon while reading a summary of David Schwartz’ classic “The Magic of Thinking Big”. But it stuck with me.
For someone plagued by low confidence and self-esteem, the idea that action ... Views: 1092
Analysis paralysis is a term that seems to be increasing in popularity. And it’s a term with which many non-fidents, whether they’ve come across it or not, will be all too familiar.
Basically, analysis paralysis means over-thinking and over-analyzing one’s options until they all seem equally ... Views: 1136
That’s right: Luck has nothing to do with it, as some allegedly “fortunate” people say. And in this case, “it” doesn’t just mean confidence.
It means life. Life as you'd like it to be. And the life that we see someone leading, when we immediately consider them "lucky".
See, whenever ... Views: 1097
I see this one a lot. Not necessarily Why is it so hard to build confidence?, but more or less desperate variants thereof. Such as Why is it so hard to be yourself? and even Why can’t I be happy?.
Sticking with the first one here, why IS it so hard to build confidence, then?
The answer is ... Views: 1018
What’s the difference between Wanting and Having?
Let’s make an important distinction. You see, there is a big difference between “Wanting” and “Having” something.
Wanting: means lacking or absent. Deficient in some part, thing or aspect.
Having: means to possess, to hold, to get, to ... Views: 1545
Question: What had you go into business for yourself?
Was it the money?
The hours?
The flexibility?
The freedom of carving your own path?
What had you make the leap into being an entrepreneur?
As an executive coach, I most often hear from folks just like you, who want to bust ... Views: 1550
As we are working with more SME organizations, we are observing two types of business heads or owners.One type of business owners involves themselves almost full time on managing all aspects of operational activities on a daily basis and not giving much focus on the business aspects of ... Views: 1100
Are You Smart Enough?
Bill Cottringer
“Half of being smart is in knowing what you are dumb about.” ~Solomon Short.
I have been an avid researcher of the connection between intelligence and success for several decades now, and am finally ready to release my short list for ... Views: 1572
Debts are something every person wants to avoid as much as possible. However, it can be inevitable sometimes. Whether it's a small or significant amount, it's something that should not be ignored.
Sasha Jacob, the CEO and President of Jacob Capital Management Inc., says that debt is often the ... Views: 1006
Recently, I read a post on Facebook from an author who complained that they are not selling any books. Yet, when I looked at their activity on Facebook, it's apparent they spend a lot of time playing around and doing things that likely takes a lot of time away from marketing their ... Views: 1275
Not all authors should spend time learning how to market.
That may go against conventional wisdom, but it's true.
In reality, some authors are not willing to put in the time or effort to do what it takes to market their books. Some get downright nasty towards those of us who are making ... Views: 1057
Choosing a major can be hard! Even people who have always known what they wanted change their minds, sometimes as late as their senior year in university. If you want to find a major and future career that's right for you, take your Myers-Briggs or MBTI type into consideration.
This ... Views: 2491
Poor management dramatically reduces engagement but the nouveau “no management” philosophy, known as holacracy, destroys engagement.
Zappos may have discovered that employees need managers after all, according to writers, J. Brandon Rigoni and Bailey Nelson at the Gallup Business Journal, ... Views: 990
Is it hard to put your finger on what makes you happy? According to a Deakin University study, happiness boils down to three things: financial freedom, a life of purpose, and authentic relationships.
In other words, happiness — about 40 percent of it, anyway — is within your reach and, most ... Views: 1602
I just returned from ten days traveling aboard an RV through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons with my family. It was an off-the-grid trip that recharged my batteries and gave me enjoyable, quality time with my wife and kids. This time off also lead to several breakthrough business ideas and ... Views: 1023
Our unique skills and talents make us irresistible. Think about what you enjoy, are good at, what inspires you and what brings a smile to your face. Our passions are an indication of our skills and talents. Interestingly, when we admire and even envy someone, it’s just a sign that we have the ... Views: 1506
Don’t think for a moment that you aren’t creative. You are creating your life right now, one day at a time. So why not create the life you want? Everything you need to make your life what you want it to be already exists. What you must do is look at what you have and what’s around you. Then, ... Views: 1757
Getting into business is relatively easier than running it successfully by fulfilling all the stakeholder's expectations.It requires disciplined approach in managing business processes. As we witness in most of the small, medium size organizations, the business head seems to be busy in managing ... Views: 1259
I recently came across this well written LinkedIn post, “Must read article on how our lives will change dramatically in 20 years” that is extremely fascinating. It is actually based on a Facebook post by Udo Gollub who went April 2016 to the SingularityU Germany Summit in Berlin. Singularity ... Views: 1409
Who told you life was going to be easy? There are lots of troubles, irritations, and pains in life. Things happen. Things go wrong. People don’t always do what we want them to. Don’t depend on other people for your happiness. Depend on yourself. Be who you are. Do the things you want to do. Get ... Views: 1816
Have you ever had a problem that seemed impossible to solve? Maybe you had an incredibly complex paper to write and you didn’t know where to start. You had ideas, but they created a complete mess inside your head. Suddenly, you started feeling unable to write that paper and you felt less smart ... Views: 960
Power. What is it? How do we use it? Who is seeking it? Why do we have a love/hate relationship with it?
"Power is just the ability to effect change." Martin Luther King
"Powerlessness is the most dangerous state that we could ever ... Views: 1529
When you have a family, own a house, or have prized possessions, you want them to be safe at all times. This means when you leave your house and family for work or a business trip, you expect them to be happy and safe until your return. However, you cannot always count on hope when it comes to ... Views: 1852
1) Know their Strengths And Weaknesses
They know about their qualities and shortcomings. They fundamentally recognize what they are better than average at and can even achieve amazing levels in it on the off chance that they seek after it. They additionally realize what they are not by any ... Views: 1031
Promotional events are a great way to connect with your customers, especially for companies which operate online. These events are meant to promote new products or services, new collaborations or the company itself. The problem is few entrepreneurs actually know how to organize a successful ... Views: 1226
Anybody who has actually ever tried to reach their goals understands that the roadway to the end objective is frequently filled with modifications and difficulties. While this is needed, it's normally hard, however the benefit is ending up being a much better, more powerful, more able ... Views: 5951
Building confidence might not be easy. But the principles are pretty simple.Theoretically, building confidence shouldn’t be complicated. And theoretically, confidence coaching shouldn’t be necessary.
The key word here, of course, is theoretically.
Because in practice, things act ... Views: 1089
It is often said that we cannot choose what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it.
While the idea itself is probably way older, the above quote is often ascribed to the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus (55-135 C.E.).
Specifically, he stated the following:
“Our opinions ... Views: 960
Yes: Consistency. Now there’s an abstract word for you. Why would I present my readers with such an intangible term?
Because consistency applies to each and every one of us if we wanna get confidence on a permanent basis.
But how?
Well, thank you for asking!
Consistency basically ... Views: 1154
Success is something that all of us desire. Success needs work and effort. You require to get rid of specific things as these will trigger you to be not successful in attaining any objectives you set if you desire to be effective.
Being too Rigid: if you are too stiff in your thinking and ... Views: 1339