We are all experiencing Pandemic Fatigue. For the past year, Covid-19 has disrupted our normal everyday routines. and limited social contact with friends and family.
We’ve all had enough.
Although most kids appear to be adjusting to the many changes, parents remain worried.
In a ... Views: 521
We are all experiencing Pandemic Fatigue. For the past year, Covid-19 has disrupted our normal everyday routines. and limited social contact with friends and family.
We’ve all had enough.
Although most kids appear to be adjusting to the many changes, parents remain worried.
In a ... Views: 488
We are all experiencing Pandemic Fatigue. For the past year, Covid-19 has disrupted our normal everyday routines. and limited social contact with friends and family.
We’ve all had enough.
Although most kids appear to be adjusting to the many changes, parents remain worried.
In a ... Views: 495
We are all experiencing Pandemic Fatigue. For the past year, Covid-19 has disrupted our normal everyday routines. and limited social contact with friends and family.
We’ve all had enough.
Although most kids appear to be adjusting to the many changes, parents remain worried.
In a ... Views: 497
Nine months after the death of my mother I was finally able to cry.
To say that I was not grieving would have been an understatement. You just would not have seen it on the outside. Nevertheless, my inner turmoil was real.
It happened unintentionally and unexpectedly. I was just listening to ... Views: 572
As Game of Thrones winds down and the fictional epic fantasy TV drama ends in April 2019, I cannot help feeling a strong sense of anticipatory grief.
In spite of the high degree of violence, and nudity, it has been one of the few entertaining TV shows that has embraced the idea of putting ... Views: 1222
“My partner and I are a perfect match for one another and the love between us is inspired.”
Positive Relationship Affirmation for Attracting Excellent Relationships
The above affirmation is a powerful declaration of love that most people would probably say at the beginning of a new ... Views: 851
We all find ourselves dealing with self-doubt at some point in our entrepreneurial lives. If you let it get the best of you by feeding in to it and actually believing the lies you’re telling yourself, it can destroy even the best of intentions for success.
Self-doubt can creep into your ... Views: 1396
Are you an Entrepreneur who is starting up a new business?
Do you struggle with a persistent sense of self-doubt that you can’t or won’t succeed?
You know you have the knowledge; you know you have the experience; you know you have the ability; yet, on some level you still question your ... Views: 1089
We all experience setbacks in life from time to time - setbacks like losing an important business order, the break-up of a valued relationship, or losing a job. When this happens, even a small event can send you over the edge, creating an unwanted crisis in confidence.
Here are 7 steps you ... Views: 1183
Almost every Life & Relationship Coach who has any credibility worth their weight in gold has some article on their website discussing stress and how to manage it.
Top 10 Ways To Master Your Stress.
How to Cope With Stress.
Manage Your Stress: Manage Your Life. etc
Not to be outdone ... Views: 1291
“A good question is better that a brilliant answer…” Richard Saul Wurman – Creator of TED
Why do adults stop asking questions? Children ask amazing questions all the time. Their innate sense of curiosity is astounding. Yet somehow, as we move towards adulthood, that natural sense of childhood ... Views: 1110
It is so easy to get caught up in the nostalgia and hype of Christmas. This time of year we are bombarded with movies promoting happy family experiences. Whatever struggle our movie protagonist seems to have endured, they always seem to resolve their conflict and make it home for ... Views: 1153
In 1988 NIKE cornered the market with the no excuse trade mark phrase to getting things done – “JUST DO IT”. In other words don’t think about it, don’t analyze it, and don’t process your feelings. Don’t whine or complain about it. “JUST DO IT”.
“JUST DO IT” Would appear to be an apt ... Views: 1236
Have you ever started out on a path going in one direction only to find yourself, hours later, mindlessly ending up somewhere else?
You planned to check your Facebook page but somehow you ended up on Twitter.
You intended to have a dialogue in one of your LinkedIn Groups, but two ... Views: 1241
Have you ever started out on a path going in one direction only to find yourself, hours later, mindlessly ending up somewhere else?
You planned to check your Facebook page but somehow you ended up on Twitter.
You intended to have a dialogue in one of your LinkedIn Groups, but two ... Views: 1316
There can be a lot of advice coming to you this time of year about coping with the multiple stresses of the Holiday Season. If ever there was a time of the year that we can feel bombarded by the demands of the outside world; this time of year is it.
My advice is keeping it ... Views: 1293
Is there a certain area of your life that you are dissatisfied with but lack the motivation to change?
Perhaps you SHOULD (that dirty word) stop smoking?
You know it’s time to lose those 50Lbs you’ve been carrying ( I know about that one)
Maybe you SHOULD cut back on your ... Views: 1156
Pain may sometimes be the reason why people change.
Flunking grades make us realize that we need to study.
Debts remind us we need to earn more money.
Being humiliated gives us the ‘push’ to speak up and fight for ourselves to save our face from the next embarrassments.
It may be a ... Views: 1430
Have you ever had a dream, goal or objective that you could not fulfil or accomplish? Maybe you tried to lose weight, train for a marathon, begin an online business, write a novel, or do something else that was challenging.
Why didn’t you succeed?
People often fall short at ... Views: 1185
In todays global economy it is good business sense for services, businesses and organizations to be reflective of the customers they serve. More than ever, strong managers and leaders are required to have a comprehensive set of skills that allows them to be adept at managing a vast array of ... Views: 1157