This is the 3rd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader.
What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is the second step you need to know in order to expand your power and presence as ... Views: 1332
No one has the perfect business strategy for starting a business without encountering a certain number of challenges and outright failures.
If you’re new to being an entrepreneur (or have even been one for years) know that there are always going to be challenges that arise, mistakes that ... Views: 1326
This is the 2nd post in my series to give you the Keys to Unlocking Your Power and Presence as a Woman Leader.
What’s needed to create better work-life balance and well-being so you can shine more brightly? Here is step one that you need to know in order to expand your power and presence as a ... Views: 1397
Have you ever found yourself asking:
“How do I work Smarter? Not Harder???
Wishing you had 30 hours in the day to get everything on your to do list done?
Wondering how you can grow your business without working 80 hours a week?
Or just plain flabbergasted questioning what needs to ... Views: 1267
“Dance with Fear. Dance with done. Dance with resistance. Dance with each other. Dance with Art.”
I love to Dance!
Even when I don’t get it “right”.
There is such freedom in dancing to your own funky beat!!
Finding the freedom around your fears can be a little more ... Views: 1444
In today’s high tech and global economy, mastering your craft isn’t enough to guarantee success. Top female corporate leaders are very good at what they do. But, there is something more that they do to stand out. The intangibles make them shine. It’s their power and presence that radiates from ... Views: 1253
It was a series of challenging events (to say the least) and an unexpected “course correction” in my role as creative director back at the height of the dot com days in Silicon Valley, that left me bewildered, dazed and befuddled as to what was my next career step needed to be.
Stressed out ... Views: 1246
You’ve probably seen the “corporate values” posted on the wall somewhere of the headquarters of an organization, or on their website perhaps. You might actually read them and think to yourself, those are nice.
It might even give you a bit of a warm-n-fuzzy feel about the work that company is ... Views: 1525
“When you find the thing that makes your heart sing, do more of that. We need more radiant hearts singing their songs of joy, passion and purpose.” #michelemolitor
My Wake-up Call
I woke up in a cold sweat.
And it was the third time this week.
I didn’t think I could take ... Views: 1288
What’s the difference between Wanting and Having?
Let’s make an important distinction. You see, there is a big difference between “Wanting” and “Having” something.
Wanting: means lacking or absent. Deficient in some part, thing or aspect.
Having: means to possess, to hold, to get, to ... Views: 1525
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
What motivates you to go to work every day – despite the challenges, despite the stress, despite all the other factors that come with being a teacher?
There might be lots of reasons why you Wouldn’t want to be a teacher…
- Long hours
- Low ... Views: 1235
Question: What had you go into business for yourself?
Was it the money?
The hours?
The flexibility?
The freedom of carving your own path?
What had you make the leap into being an entrepreneur?
As an executive coach, I most often hear from folks just like you, who want to bust ... Views: 1532
Like the wind and the tides, energy is shifting and moving all of the time.
The sun rotates, planets spin, stars are being born and dying as the Universe itself hurls through space at incomprehensible speeds.
At a micro level, we’re constantly shifting and changing too. We’re generating ... Views: 1501
What’s your Energy Signature?
Have you ever walked into a room and felt the mood of the room before anyone even said anything?
You know that feeling… Whether you walked into a room with your loved one, or into a conference room full of colleagues – you can sense the energy of the room ... Views: 1221
As a woman, you may have experienced at least once or twice in your life, someone who has tried to make you feel small and unworthy, as if you didn’t belong or were an outsider, just because you were a woman.
Does this sound familiar?
I know it’s happened to me, and a lot of other women on ... Views: 1655
Are you going out as a Zombie for Halloween?
As a busy woman, executive or business owner –you’re probably a pretty good plate spinner or whirling dervish, as you get pulled in multiple directions on any given day to fulfill your duties as boss, manager, mom, cat herder, taxi driver, friend, ... Views: 1167
Did you know that only 7% of our communication comes through speaking? The rest of communication comprehension relies on visual and energetic cues such as eye contact, facial expressions, body language, posture, touch and movement.
With this in mind, it’s key to be conscious of what you’re ... Views: 1700
What does it feel like when you really trust someone?
There is a sense of calm. Of peace. A Knowing if you will.
It’s the feeling you get when you know that someone has your back.
Trust is something that is earned. Earned day after day through your consistent behaviors, words, actions ... Views: 1399
As a leader of your organization or your team – you set the course, the tone and the motivation levels of the people you’re leading. In order to do this, it requires that you have a level of clarity within yourself.
Research shows us that Emotional Intelligence is key predictor of success. ... Views: 1218
Today’s economic landscape has been a bit unsteady to say the least. We’ve all heard about it and certainly have seen the effects of it on our bottom line. No matter if you’re a CEO, manager or a one-man-band business owner, today’s economy has sent tremors through us all in different ... Views: 1399
Tired of working for somebody else and ready to try your hand being a business owner?
Or are you an accidental entrepreneur that has already leapt into business for yourself?
Well, You’re not alone!
Starting and running your own successful business is one of the most rewarding, exciting ... Views: 1822
Sometimes, it's feast or famine with business. So to help you stay on top of your game it's important to have your short term goals defined to keep you focused and on track.
The more you can focus on the actions you need to take, the more likely you will reach your vision and your goals. ... Views: 1235
The following tips and strategies are intended to help you grow your business more effortlessly and easily by using the tools that you already have at hand in a more expanded way. To help you spend more time working ON your business instead of being run BY your business. Giving you more time ... Views: 1244