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The inner plane Spiritual Hierarchy functions as the Spiritual Government of this planet.
Now, the Planetary Spiritual Government is not a government as we understand the term on Earth. It adheres to highest Spiritual ideals and is inspired by a spirit of service, devotion and Spiritual ... Views: 2663
If you are new to the path of ascension, you will probably feel somewhat confused when you hear words like “Hierarchy” and “Ascended Masters.”
The so-called Spiritual Hierarchy is formed of great beings and teachers who have lived on Earth a long time ago and have returned now to share with ... Views: 2683
We are all Spiritual beings living in and passing through the various Spiritual dimensions of reality. We are immortal and eternal Sons and Daughters of God/ Brahma/ Allah/ Dharmakaya/ The I AM THAT I AM.
The process of ascension lies in the experiencing and mastering of all the realms we ... Views: 1809
The logoic plane is the plane of total oneness. Upon the logoic plane we are put in touch with the Plan of God and are at complete oneness with that divine intent and purpose.
We know ourselves to be the God Self or Mighty I AM Presence and have completely transcended the illusion of form. ... Views: 3822
The plane next above the mental plane is the buddhic plane. It is the habitat of the Higher Self or Oversoul.
The buddhic plane is also called the causal plane because it is the realm of causation. From this plane the Soul can see the causes that it has set in motion and the steps that need ... Views: 2445
The substance of the mental plane is composed of very refined thought substance. It is extremely pliable and reactive to the intent with which we fashion it. The matter of the mental plane responds directly to our thoughts. That’s how thoughts become things, as Edgar Cayce said.
Although, ... Views: 2340
Let me ask you this: What is being your Legacy to the world? How is your perception of yourself? How are you projecting to the people around you? Is it consistent with who you are? What Meaning you are giving to your Life? What you Stand for?
Yes! I know… These are very deep questions that ... Views: 1385
Each of us in truth is Spirit, or Monad. The Monad is also called the Mighty I AM Presence or Eternal Self. This is our God Self from which we, as Souls, first spring forth.
The Bible actually refers to this occult fact when the Master Jesus said, “No one shall go unto the Father lest they ... Views: 3493
We not only have four lower bodies – physical, etheric, astral/emotional and lower mental body – we also have a number of higher bodies.
These higher bodies are called Lightbodies because they are literally made of light. In truth, our four lower bodies are also made of light, but they ... Views: 1771
We are the Soul and ultimately the Spirit that inhabits the four-body-system during (re)incarnation upon the planes of matter.
We can raise the frequencies of our physical, etheric, emotional and lower mental bodies through integrated self-mastery and meditation. As we work on our Spiritual, ... Views: 2442
We are Spiritual beings. We are not bodies having a Soul, we are Soul having bodies. From an even higher or truer perspective we are Spirit, we are a divine spark of our Creator. And it is this Spirit that manifests as Soul which then incarnates on Earth over and over again in order to grow, ... Views: 2818
Many of us feel to be somewhat divided. Somehow, we don't quite reconcile the various parts of our nature, and feel pulled in different directions all the time. Perhaps like me, you could say yes, I am patient - but also I am impatient; yes I am restless - but also I am calm; yes I am this - but ... Views: 763
Over 23 million Americans struggle with a shocking variety of addictions ranging from cocaine, alcohol, nicotine, marijuana to caffeine, food, steroids, gambling etc. More saddening is the fact that only around 30 % have recognized and accepted the addiction problem and around 10% have gone ... Views: 842
In the Narada Bhakti Sutra, a popular Sutra in Hindu tradition, the sage Narada shares the secrets to overcome maya. In essence, maya is the unreal that hides the Real. It is the sum total of all the illusions, glamours and projections that hide our Real Self – our Eternal Self or God Self, also ... Views: 2728
As has been said many times in Spiritual circles, “We are not humans having a Spiritual experience. We are Spiritual beings having a human experience.”
Our true identity is our God Self, our Eternal Self, our Monad or Mighty I AM Presence – whatever term you prefer. And our God Self has ... Views: 1912
Honor Goddess Gaia as the earth goddess that she is, according to the ancient Greek religion. She is a living being who organically loves and nurtures us in so many ways. All that we need to do is receive her loving mother energy that she so freely shares with us.
When we appreciate the ... Views: 2057
Traveling across the US has been an old dream of mine for quite some time. Just recently I had the opportunity to experience Divine Creating at it's best by fulfilling that almost forgotten dream.
On Sunday July 3 my daughter and I completed the four day trip across this beautiful country ... Views: 959
If you ever have an interest in mediumship, then do investigate further with a private setting or a phone medium reading. However a very good way to experience mediumship is by seeing a platform medium in action. This means a medium will stand in front of a group of people, on what is know as ... Views: 4942
Being patient when looking to connect with Spirit is of extreme importance if you are to truly let your soul grow. It is part of the balance needed to communicate with your loved ones, as well as with our angelic teachers and guides. The universe is always unfolding, thereby making it a place ... Views: 1266
Meditation and mantra are useful tools when someone reaches a point in life when there they have no more energy and courage left. People are faced with such a state in life when they are confronted with failure. Fear is a factor in keeping someone from success. At most meditation centers ... Views: 874
Psychic readers have a strength that is used to make art, and often psychic readers and psychic art are misunderstood. This can be something as simple as a child’s painting or as huge as a multistoried building. The spirit world energies have no boundaries and all that is required is for one to ... Views: 1596
In Feng Shui, Crystal Stone also said feng shui stone, because of the natural Crystal gather hundreds billion years Reiki of the world. A variety of natural elements from the crust precipitation, Then after countless years of refining of, format of a variety of crystals, Each crystal represents ... Views: 4197
A true medium is a mediator between man and the universal collective consciousness know as God. Some psychics are only out for material gain and even if they do have some power within them, their behavior can become a distraction in varies ways while a reading is being given to you. An ... Views: 3263
This article is a gamble. When you read it, maybe you will identify with what is written, or think I am a fool. I have written this for a purpose and I am willing to take that risk. All I ask is that if the subject interests you, then please read the whole article so you hear the full thoughts ... Views: 1552
Napoleon Hill said he visited with Aristotle, Edison etc. He received brilliant ideas from his visits with the greatest minds – dead or alive. His meetings with counselors, he admitted, may have been fictional and perhaps were only his imagination. However they changed his life. He felt he ... Views: 2975
Napoleon Hill said he visited with Aristotle, Edison etc. He received brilliant ideas from his visits with the greatest minds – dead or alive. His meetings with counselors, he admitted, may have been fictional and perhaps were only his imagination. However they changed his life. He felt he ... Views: 7165
‘Science’ is a word which is contrary to ‘Spirit’. While spirit is an implication of the soul, science is what we can use in making hypotheses and conclusions after applying various methodologies. However, if we are trying to integrate these fields of study, we can make up the word "Spiritual ... Views: 1146
So many people have the same misconception that they refer spiritual symbols to the biblical and historical things which you can find in museums or somewhere remote. However, these spiritual symbols can actually be found in many places. If you have a closer look at things around you, readily you ... Views: 1206
Regardless of their personal belief systems (spiritual focus, formalized religion, or a combination thereof), people tend to like the comfort of feeling connected to those beings that support us from the other side, whether we believe "the other side" to be an alternate universe, a heavenly ... Views: 1348
Animal spirit guides are a shamanic tradition that means everything is alive and carries with it power and wisdom. Animal spirit guides are able to teach, guide and help heal us. They offer help to empower us in life. An animal spirit guide has attributes similar to our characteristics and it ... Views: 1401
In this series of posts about the Sacred Feminine we will be acknowledging the various qualities of the Divine Feminine Goddess. The goddess is associated with Universal Motherhood, Holy Mother, Mother Earth and the Divine Self within. In order to be whole we need to balance the male and female ... Views: 6598
I've truly read through one hundred self help books and I can declare with certainty that The 3rd Q is one of the strong and inspiring self help book that I have ever browse.
One better question many of us received is if the Third Q is actually an additional in a lengthy line of self help ... Views: 903
Summer is in the air, and so is dating! With the fresh summer green, comes a new way to approach dating. The goal for this season? Focus on friendships first and make your romance last. Check out these wonderful tips on dating with a peaceful spirit this year.
1. Rid your life of toxic ... Views: 1051
The today’s world is primarily dominated by communities with people of high IQ. Things should be taken into account is the capability of people to entirely understand a concept which is based on logic scientific proof. An individual without these things is more likely to disregard a theory and ... Views: 1229
The art of breathing
Breathing is the bridge between the body, senses and mind
Inhalation is the intake of cosmic energy by the individual for his growth and progress. It is the path of action . It is the infinite unity with the finite. It draws in the breath of life as careful and as gentle ... Views: 905
We sat on the deck and enjoyed the cool air of the evening. As we sipped red wine, steaks and veggies were taken from the grill and served with a crisp salad. We laughed and told stories about the events of the last few weeks. One week after moving into our new home, we were enjoying guests ... Views: 1053
Physical Mediumship is the ability to work through mental and physical energies to contact the energies that are not visible to the human eye. It involves a person that has the knowledge and energy to contact the other side. Not everyone can become a physical medium. It takes a certain element ... Views: 1826
We choose to listen to ego over Spirit consciously and in not so conscious ways. The not-so-conscious ways are when you find yourself living from what you think and feel. You feel bad, and so it is; you believe it. You think something negative about yourself, so it is; you believe it. You feel ... Views: 1337
In 1994, I was at a major turning point in my life. I had just survived a near tragic accident where I broke my body in twelve places, my father and best friend had recently died, and to top that off, I was now being forced to sell my house and land in the woods due to divorce. My soon to be ... Views: 2585
Spirit Speaks. It's always speaking, and it will get your attention one way or another when you're not hearing it and following the messages of your heart's desires. The messages begin in whispers and, if you're not listening, they will begin to come as signs. You’ll get the signs over and over ... Views: 1092
Our earth is in dilemma. Nearly every day we come across another problem distressing the environment & there is number of list of the problems such as pollution, climate change, acid rain, the destruction of rainforests & other wild habitats, decline & extinction of thousands of variety of ... Views: 1349
When doing Angel Readings for clients, the most common question I am asked is - do I have angels? The answer is always, yes. Then, clients often ask me, why can’t I feel/hear/see them? The simple answer is, because you do not allow it.
If this is true for you, please do not judge yourself. ... Views: 1415
Whether your realize it or not, you are born on this Earth with your spirit guides already selected. You chose your guides before you incarnated on this Earth, and they lovingly volunteered to become your spirit guides during your incarnation here in this lifetime.
Your Primary Spirit ... Views: 3456
Rabbi Akiva gave five instructions to Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai when Rabbi Akiva was incarcerated in prison (See Berachot 61b): Rabbi Shimon said to him, “Master! Teach me Torah!” Rabbi Akiva said, “I will not teach you (to protect his student from being imprisoned).” Rabbi Shimon said, “If you do ... Views: 944
Last week, I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to host a few angels in my home. At first glance it seemed like a cheesy chain mail offer, but after I read the first sentence it became clear how very real this offer was. Without hesitation or even reading the entire email, I ... Views: 1298
If you are considering a spiritual retreat, congratulations! This is a profound decision to make for yourself. As we age life inevitably becomes more complex. Taking a spiritual retreat at critical transition points in your life can be analogous to upgrading the operating system on your ... Views: 1534
The Divine Mother is the embodiment of the Sacred Feminine energy. In the Roman Catholic religion the Divine Mother is Mary, the mother of Jesus, also known as the Blessed Mother. Divine Mother Mary's qualities are unconditional love, compassion, mercy, strength, patience, forgiveness and ... Views: 1542
Kwan Yin is the Sacred Feminine Buddhist Goddess of love, compassion and mercy. She is also called the Mother of all Buddhas and the Chinese Divine Mother.
Kwan Yin's qualities of unconditional love, compassion and mercy are sought after by spiritual seekers and people in need from many ... Views: 1714
It truly is accurate that millions of people have read and utilised The Secret, which deals with the laws of attraction, law of forgiveness, etc. But based on Bob Proctor, the book isn't complete. Not by a long shot. The only reason why the book and also the movie, The Secret, is mentioned here ... Views: 810
I admit it. I HAD to watch The Royal Wedding. Despite all of my reluctance, curiosity won out, especially after a friend of mine told me that she HAD to watch it. Frankly, I didn’t understand the hype or the commotion about the event. So, I didn’t watch it live; I caught the rerun. And it blew ... Views: 1084