This was written by a friend of mine Sheri McMurray, and when I read it, I immediately asked her if I could share it. It is such an amazing story. (She is a flight attendant. which helps to know just for ease of reading mid-way through.)
The day [my cat,] Chloe, died I was trying to clear ... Views: 1347
If you’ve come this far, and it’s a long way from where you started, spiritually, then you might as well join me for this step, because it’s a powerful one. It erases the hurt that you held in the first place and will offer you a profound healing in your heart of hearts. You will not be the same ... Views: 1043
You might think this step is about forgiving the other person. That’s what ego would like you to believe, but it’s not. It’s about forgiving yourself for having had the judgments you just listed in Step 2. You see, the ego would like you to forgive, and you can, but it’s easy for ego to take ... Views: 1095
Now, for the sticky part….recognize that all these judgments, all these grievances, are ones that you’ve held against yourself. Gulp. Yes. Remember, this person may have done real things, acted in real ways, and yet you would not have attracted them into your life had you not, on some level, ... Views: 959
Start by listing the judgments that you hold against the person you have in mind. And be honest, very honest. The more real you are with yourself, the better this will be. It’s best if you can write it out, on a piece of paper, because then you’ll have the physical evidence of all that your ego ... Views: 1486
When you hold a grievance against anyone, in effect you hold it against yourself. They become your mirror. When you see them, what you’re really seeing is yourself, and the judgment that you think you have against them, is really one that you have against yourself.
Whoa, say what?
Yes, ... Views: 1080
What does it mean to forgive? First, let’s look at what it means to NOT forgive, that is, to hold onto old regrets, judgments, or lower vibrations of emotions when you think of that person – anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, etc. When you are unable to totally love someone, freely and ... Views: 1148
Is there someone or something in your life that you know you haven’t forgiven? What I mean is this – are you holding onto judging someone in your current or past or holding onto bad feelings about something that happened to you?
Let’s talk about forgiveness. No, this isn’t about forgiving and ... Views: 1060
Spirit spoke to me this morning in my dreams. It was one of those lovely dreams spaces, where I was conscious enough to know I was dreaming but not enough to lose the magic of what was happening. And then I woke up.
Say what? Did that really happen? I dreamed that I had fallen in love with ... Views: 1128
Spirit speaks through your “Heart” – the highest, deepest part of your Heart where Soul connects – and you will find that your heart has a lot to say. No matter how many times you may have overridden it, ignored it or denied it, it will continue to speak in the same soft, loving, gentle voice it ... Views: 1236
We choose to listen to ego over Spirit consciously and in not so conscious ways. The not-so-conscious ways are when you find yourself living from what you think and feel. You feel bad, and so it is; you believe it. You think something negative about yourself, so it is; you believe it. You feel ... Views: 1337
Spirit Speaks. It's always speaking, and it will get your attention one way or another when you're not hearing it and following the messages of your heart's desires. The messages begin in whispers and, if you're not listening, they will begin to come as signs. You’ll get the signs over and over ... Views: 1092
Last week, I received an email from a friend asking if I wanted to host a few angels in my home. At first glance it seemed like a cheesy chain mail offer, but after I read the first sentence it became clear how very real this offer was. Without hesitation or even reading the entire email, I ... Views: 1298
I admit it. I HAD to watch The Royal Wedding. Despite all of my reluctance, curiosity won out, especially after a friend of mine told me that she HAD to watch it. Frankly, I didn’t understand the hype or the commotion about the event. So, I didn’t watch it live; I caught the rerun. And it blew ... Views: 1084
I woke up late last night to a thud. Then another, and another, and…a foot step? In less than an instant, I was in terror. Here I was in the middle of the woods, alone. Now, mind you, I was in one of the loveliest, straight-out-of-Architectural-Digest homes that my friend, Elizabeth, so ... Views: 1147
Where to begin? There is so much happening in the world. No one needs reminding of that at this point. It's impossible to avoid, not that you need to, but in terms of your spirit and the management of YOUR energy, it is important to know your limits. Here's what I see: a lot of people are tired, ... Views: 1005
I just finished a very powerful healing session with one of my teachers, Michael Tamura, in which we offered the planet a special healing. There were so many things that we looked at: the energy of the world, the specific places that have been physically impacted, the impacts on the entire ... Views: 938
Lost Your Identity, Gain Your Freedom!
So I had one of those scares this morning - I woke up and ALL of my calendar appointments were gone! It was devastating. I panicked, wondering what I was going to do, and then began the scramble to get it all recovered from my back up. Fortunately, it ... Views: 1008
The following is my Guides' message for today.
The Original Wound
At the very core there is a wound, a perceived wound from the original “sin,” our supposed “departure” from Source, from the moment we chose to leave the Divine Nest in search of our Self. We mistakenly perceive this as ... Views: 2215