We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Spiritual Guides". If you have expertise in Spiritual Guides and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Dr. Charles Whitfield, in Healing the Child Within, defines one aspect of spiritual abuse as teaching children to believe in a wrathful, punishing deity and scaring them into perpetual allegiance to a particular religious organization (page 37). Any denomination of Christianity could be accused ... Views: 2715
Human beings suffer. We suffer because we have forethought and we’re not afraid to use it. We believe that we have the power to look into the future and control our destiny. We become so busy preparing for the future that we miss the here and now of our lives. We feel that we can only be happy ... Views: 2918
Great multitudes of people continued to follow after Jesus as he departed from Galilee and came into the coasts of Judea beyond Jordan. As the multitudes gathered with Jesus, he healed them of all their sicknesses. Then came the Pharisees tempting Jesus again and said to him: Is it lawful for ... Views: 867
New Online Psychological/Spiritual Self-Help Process www.theuniversalgenerator.co.nz
Launched: December 2001
The Universal Generator is a new and unique self-help process that goes to the core dynamics of consciousness and spiritual health. It is simple, belief-free and holistic.
The ... Views: 1210
The scribes and Pharisees of Jerusalem seem to always be trying to find fault in Jesus and his disciples, not seem to be, rather they did this continually.
Don’t you think we have scribes and Pharisees today that do the same thing? I know so.
This time they went to Jesus and told him his ... Views: 2160
Having a teacher to guide us in any field is invaluable. This is true in Spirituality as well. As Spirituality is subtle or intangible in nature, it is difficult to identify with certainty, who a spiritually evolved guide or Guru is. A Guru is very different to a teacher or a preacher. He is a ... Views: 1153
Great multitudes gathered around Jesus to hear his words. Jesus went into a ship and the multitude of people interested in his words stood on the shore. Jesus spoke many things to them in parables.
His disciples asked him why you speak to the multitude of people in parables. Jesus answered ... Views: 1619
The greatest, most abundant resource on planet Earth is also its least understood and utilized. Its unlimited supply is found virtually everywhere, anytime, and under all circumstances, even though few recognize its real value. What is this most precious collective resource? It is our ... Views: 941
A person possessed with a devil, blind, and dumb was brought to Jesus. When Jesus healed the person he began to see and could hear. All the people who saw this were amazed and said, Is this the son of David? However, when the Pharisees heard of it, they said, this man called Jesus, does not ... Views: 1847
Over the last few years, as I've grown spiritually, I've discovered that letting others hurt me, and excusing them, hurt them as well. My intentions were to make them feel better about themselves. I was trying to reflect the Divinity within me by loving unconditionally. When my friends would ... Views: 3393
Three great news letters you can receive
1/Antiaging?br> for up to the minute natural antiaging developments and products to join just mailto: Antiaging@tantra.co.nz?subject=pleasesubscribe
2/Sexual enhancement?br> for the latest information on natural enhancement, for sexual problems and ... Views: 1637
We all possess the power to heal ourselves spiritually. This ability has to be developed from within. Spiritual healers have always known that thinking negatively will always welcome more negativity. Physical disease can often be prevented with a regular affirmation of spiritual thinking. ... Views: 980
"It seems reasonable to conclude that the so-called ban concerning the doctrine of reincarnation is the result of an historical error and contains no ecclesiastical authority whatsoever." The German author, Peter Andreas, expresses this point of view in his book, Jenseits von Einstein. Andreas ... Views: 3716
Money causes most people more emotional problems than almost any other life issue. How many times have you heard that "Money doesn't grow on trees", that "Money is the root of all Evil" or that anyone who is rich must, by definition, be either a crook or extremely hard and tough? Most people ... Views: 1310
Jesus gave power to his twelve disciples against unclean spirits to be able to cast them out and to heal all manner of sickness and diseases. The names of the twelve apostles were:
• Simon, who was also called Peter
• Andrew, the brother of Simon
• James, son of Zeb’e-dee
• John, the brother ... Views: 2452
What is reality? Each of us has our personal read on it. Yet, nobody knows for certain. Each of us is locked into our own paradigm, and can only see things that way. The same world in which we all live, is actually totally different, depending upon who is viewing it. It is perhaps for this ... Views: 1141
Why do we consistently fail to do the good we know we should? All too often, why do we do the evil we hate instead? Is there really an external force that acts upon us and tempts us into evil as many religions seem to believe? Or does our own inner fragmentation lead us ever into frustration; ... Views: 1168
Some of the scribes who saw Jesus heal a man sick of the palsy and also forgave the man of his sins accused Jesus of blaspheming within their hearts. Jesus knew their thoughts and asked why think this evil of him in their hearts? Jesus told the scribes it is just as easy to forgive the sins of ... Views: 1671
After the great sermon on the mountain, Jesus comes down and great multitudes of people followed him. A leper appeared and began to worship Jesus. The Leper asked Jesus to make him clean. Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying the words “I will, be clean.” Immediately his leprosy ... Views: 1982
Jesus went up into a mountain and when he was comfortable, he called his disciples to come close to him and then opened his mouth and taught many wise sayings.
Jesus went onto tell his disciples and all who follow after righteousness that they are the actual salt of the earth and the light of ... Views: 3416
In a personal reading for a client who lives in the Washington, D.C. area, the Guides (through Ron Scolastico, Ph.D) gave the following answer to her question about terrorist attacks that occurred September 11 and how to approach this with her young son. They gave her information that can be ... Views: 847
Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness. Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights. You can imagine just how hungry Jesus was after fasting these forty days and forty nights. The tempter, who is the devil, went to Jesus and said if you are the son of God, make these stones become ... Views: 8098
When it was time for Jesus to leave the earth, he told his disciples at the Last Supper that he must now go away, but that god, the Father was faithful, and would not leave mankind comfortless. Jesus told the disciples that it must go away, but the Father would send them another comforter who ... Views: 976
Referring to the doctrine of Papal Supremacy the Catechism notes in paragraph 882, “the Roman Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has full, supreme, and universal power over the whole Church, a power which he can always exercise unhindered." ... Views: 1413
In Beelzebub's Tales, Gurdjieff refers often to the "crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer" (poK). This special crystallization is not defined specifically, but by-products of it are listed as "pride, vanity, self-love, egoism, self-conceit, swagger, ... Views: 1067
It's raining hard today. The kind of rain that comes down in sheets and make is impossible to go outside without getting drenched. When we came home this afternoon, I skipped upstairs to put on my pajamas (yes, at 4pm), and get the kids settled with a snack. I said, "I just LOVE a good storm." ... Views: 914
Flashback to a few centuries ago and I would have been burnt at the stake had I mentioned that I have an astral body, probably burnt twice if I had revealed that I actually traveled on the astral plane, seen the future or could read someone’s thoughts. Even as recently as twenty years ago when I ... Views: 6914
Article Title: My Prayer for the World...and especially for the citizens of Iraq (Updated)
Author: Craig Lock
Line Space: 65 characters
Key Words: Inspiration, Spirituality, Peace, World Peace, Spiritual
Other Articles by Craig Lock are available at: ... Views: 1151
Dear Loved Ones,
Welcome to Spirituality Inside and Out the Daily Universal Insights. We love to honor you Soul to Soul.
Great day to you all. I love you. I love you. I love you. FOR WE ARE ALL ONE.
Say hello to your breath. And please allow your breath to be your breath in the present ... Views: 866
The Spiritual Teacher must not become a crutch, a tranquilizer, or a dependency which undermines our inner strength.
He or she should be like the battery charger, which we connect to our batteries in order to get our car started when its batteries are low.
Once the car is running we do not ... Views: 1318
A new Opportunity for ancient Spiritual Guidance.
Can Dolmen-Stones offer Re-Connection to Universal Mind?
Aren't we humans the most curious of all creatures inhabiting this wondrous yet challenging world? We are forever asking questions about our origins and want answers to our never-ending ... Views: 2463
We human beings are instinctively being guided to evolve. As with all creatures, we must adapt to changes in our environment to survive and flourish. We can see evidence of this evolutionary trend in our physiology, our society, and in our technology. Our brains continue to develop, an ... Views: 1000
Find out more about your astrological archangel according to the month you were born.
"He Who Sees God"
Meditation: Pray to this archangel when you are facing challenges in staying true to your inner self or something you deeply believe in.
Focus: ... Views: 2382
From my experience some healings come instantly or in short periods of time and others require patience, persistence and firmness of our faith. Faith in God or Good helps to overcome our worldly trials but often because of lack of the divine knowledge we are not able to see the end of our ... Views: 1805