Do you believe in ghosts? Lord knows, we have all seen enough movies about them, but have you personally encountered one? It finally happened to me a few years ago, convincing me of the supernatural reality of ghosts. They do exist.
Back in 2007, I lived in an apartment that was supposedly ... Views: 1782
Back in 1959, when I was ten years old, I spent two weeks of my summer with my sister in a child’s version of heaven on earth. I’m talking about the Pony Farm, or “Children’s Happy Acres” as it was officially called. North of Bellingham Washington, forty boys and girls came together for a week ... Views: 1508
When my eyes are spiritually open, I see that I live in heaven. It took a very long time for this realization to come to me, but it is so true. I DO live in heaven. Gratitude for everything is what opens the door to this vision of heaven.
When I look out my kitchen window, I see two llamas and ... Views: 1442
In 1994, I was at a major turning point in my life. I had just survived a near tragic accident where I broke my body in twelve places, my father and best friend had recently died, and to top that off, I was now being forced to sell my house and land in the woods due to divorce. My soon to be ... Views: 2585
Most all of us, if we’ve lived any length of time here on earth at all, carry some bodily scars from accidents. Are accidents karma? I certainly believe they are; the scars we carry are constant reminders of those incidents that happened long ago.
When I shave in the morning, I see a small line ... Views: 1736
I guess you could say I started journaling when I was seventeen years old and took a sailboat trip up the coast of British Columbia with my friend’s dysfunctional family. I chronicled our trip, calling it “To Hell and Back in a Sailboat”. This was my first attempt at writing; my mother loved it ... Views: 1374
Gravity inversion, or hanging out, upside down, has been a way of life for me for many years now. It all began with learning the headstand pose of Hatha yoga back in the early 1970s. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, knew all about the benefits of inverting the spine; he hung patients ... Views: 1627
Back when I was a nineteen year old, budding born-again Christian, some of Jesus’ clairvoyants came to visit. All I remember was being on my knees bent over, as an older middle aged couple placed their hands upon me, proclaiming that “to really know God, He may take everything from you”. At that ... Views: 2349
When I arrived home from work the other day, I sighed to myself, “I am home” as I closed the front door and began taking off my work boots. Then the significance of those words hit me like a powerful mantra; I Am Home! Stop for a moment to consider the deeper levels of interpretation this ... Views: 1365
I became a musician back in 1964, with the invasion of The Beatles. I have played music professionally, as a lead singing drummer, both on the road and in house bands for over twenty-eight years. Then, I learned to play guitar back in 1981. My life has never been the same since! With the guitar, ... Views: 1451
As fate and karma would have it, I attended the 1995 Kumbha Mela festival in India, where Babaji appeared to me. This Mela was the ardh or six-year festival, with only ten million sadhu, holy men and spiritual seekers in attendance, compared to the twelve-year cycle Maha Kumbha Mela that often ... Views: 1453
I have been wearing rudraksha seeds around my neck since the early 1970s. Most people have no idea of the power that these sacred seeds contain. To even gaze upon rudraksha, brings a spiritual blessing! The Dahli Lama and a very large faction of India’s holy men wear them. Why? What am I ... Views: 3327
Have you become aware of the divine synchronicity in your life, to where you can say, “Everything speaks to me”? Learning how to read the Book of Life definitely isn’t easy by any means; it takes a life time of practice. I only know what I know from my own self-realization, but I feel that when ... Views: 1806
Many years ago, I was having serious problems and facing possible prison time, all because of alcohol. I didn’t really realize fully yet that I was an alcoholic and still hadn’t hit my bottom. I was told I should have my own peyote meeting, as an emergency healing service. I did just that. ... Views: 2243
My parents gave me a Grand Tour of Europe as an initiation into life, back in 1968. The export model Volkswagen bus, which cost $1900 new, was a gift which would later be sent home and travel the United States with me. My friend Randy and I started our trip in Holland, where we saw Ann Frank’s ... Views: 1735
After a recent divorce, I was definitely at a major turning point, in my young life of thirty years. In early October of 1979, Bruce and I flew fourteen hours to Nandi, Fiji. We had gotten an incredible introductory airfare on Continental airlines for five hundred dollars round trip, with ... Views: 1307
How many of us have heard the sound in silence? What sound, you may ask, could there be in silence? To me, it is the sound of life, AUM or OM, the voice for the Holy Spirit.
For many decades, I’ve been chanting the mantra OM. I’ve had a tattoo of the Sanskrit symbol on my left wrist since 1984. ... Views: 1321
How many people do you know who have a daily spiritual practice; one that they’ve been doing for many years? Most of us are aware of devotional practices, but how many of us actually put any devotion into practical application? Counting myself, I might know of four or five people who have some ... Views: 1499
The Egyptians believed that cats carry the light of human intelligence. I couldn't agree more! My three felines are like my fur gurus, teaching me to be gentle and loving with them, as I learn their boundries of respect. They seem to live in a spiritual realm, especially when they stare off for ... Views: 1795
In this fast paced, high tech cyberspace world we now live in, few of us can truly comprehend simplicity or the idea of living a simple life. Granted, there are those living off the grid and growing gardens that are pursuing this goal, but most have no idea what the word “simplicity” even means. ... Views: 3842
Kava is a mild liquid intoxicant and a large element in Fijian culture. And it’s legal. This is the liquid drug or beverage of choice in most of Melanesia and Polynesia. Kava or kava-kava’s scientific name is (Piper methysticum) (Piper: Latin for 'pepper', methysticum: (Latinized) Greek for ... Views: 1921
Many spiritual seekers have become acquainted with Mahavatar Babaji, and an artist’s conception of him, through Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi. Some claim that this same Babaji was known as Hariakhan Baba, from the early 1800s till 1922, and that he reincarnated again in 1970, ... Views: 4868
After writing my autobiography, I realized that as long as we, human beings, exist on planet earth and have our ever growing and expanding cyberspace, my book Still Singing, Somehow will be out there when I'm long gone and forgotton. My desendents for many generations to come can read about ... Views: 1569
Looking back now, my path to A Course in Miracles probably all started in 1969 when I accepted Jesus my personal Lord and Savior, under the influence of the Campus Crusade for Christ. However, after joining a Christian brotherhood of aspiring monks, where I was daily quizzed on how many Bible ... Views: 3463
Back in 1983, I began reading "A Course in Miracles" and doing the daily lessons in thought reversal. However, the text part of the Course was overwhelming to me then; I felt I was too young to really understand it, and I was in my early thirties. I did realize that this book held all the ... Views: 1849