If you are considering a spiritual retreat, congratulations! This is a profound decision to make for yourself. As we age life inevitably becomes more complex. Taking a spiritual retreat at critical transition points in your life can be analogous to upgrading the operating system on your computer: it allows you to process the more complex issues that are coming up in your life.

A good first step is to consider your intention for the retreat. Take the time to ask yourself about your innermost feelings and desires, then write down your answers for increased clarity.

Some questions that may help you discover your intentions are: What are your reasons for wanting the retreat? What experiences or insights do you wish to have? What would a successful outcome look like? What gifts would the ideal retreat bring into your life?

With this clear grounding of your intentions, you can then look at the range of options available for your retreat and choose the one that resonates the most harmoniously.

There are many possibilities available for spiritual retreats. These can be solo or group retreats – either way it is beneficial to bring your conscious awareness to selecting an environment, support structure, practice routine, and duration that fits with the greatest resonance of your inner spiritual direction.

If you feel most supported in a group retreat setting, bring your care to feeling the vibration of the leaders, structure and setting of the retreat, and aligning this in the vibrational field of your intentions to feel whether it is the highest beneficial option for you.

If you are choosing a solo retreat, it can be helpful to include the support of a spiritual friend or teacher who can check in on you on a regular basis, provide meditation coaching/support, care for your nourishment should you need any food replenishing, and generally monitor your progress and well-being.

If you are designing your own solo retreat, you may wish to bring careful attention to choosing the number of days, your schedule of practice and exercise, a safe secluded environment, support team, nutrition and “precepts.”

Precepts can be beneficial whether you are retreating solo or in a group, and are a delightful addition to any container. They act as a mirror and gently nudge you deeper in connection with your inner discoveries. Some examples are: functional speaking only; golden silence; refraining from taking what is not offered; refraining from harming living beings; refraining from sexual activity; refraining from false speech; refraining from intoxicating substances. These are all supremely supportive for intense inner practice and amplifying a clear container for yourself.

Spiritual teachers and friends are valuable allies on the path, and can bring much heart-opening, clear guidance and emotional support to your practice. Your willingness for vulnerability, opening and surrender are beneficial in these relationships. However it is also essential to hold the inner light of your Radiant Clarity as your primary reference point.

Trusting the messages from your teachers as “Gospel Truth” can be a very subtle trap that that ultimately leads you down the wrong path. You must be receptive to teaching, but continue to apply a filter that allows you to receive what is beneficial to you, and discard the rest. Remember that your teachers are also learning and growing, even if they are embodying highly Awakened Hearts. Trust your own Light, and remember that a true teaching will always point you to this.

Connecting with the Ascended Masters on the inner planes is a jewel that enlightens any spiritual practice with Divine Grace and insight. Feel the love and support of your most tender guides, who are with you always, loving you, and supporting you in perfection.

Remember to bring a fresh journal with you; this can be both a soothing outlet, and a wonderful reflection post-retreat!

Transitioning out of a retreat is a very important part of the process. It is strongly advised not to make any big life decisions for at least two weeks following an intense retreat.

Also it is recommended to ease yourself gently back into your communication and work routine. Take slow steps, remaining mindful of how your energy is affected and continually checking in with yourself.

Continuing your nutritional and exercise routines, along with daily morning and sunset meditations, can also help you to maintain your center as you enter your community life anew.

Author's Bio: 

The author is the co-founder of SpiritQuest Sedona and SpiritQuest Hawaii, with over 10 years experience as a spiritual retreat coordinator.