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The original Star Trek television series introduced a "prime directive" that was the guiding principle that grounded all of the adventures, explorations and encounters the characters had. However different the subsequent spin-offs of the original show were, that prime directive remained a ... Views: 831
One thing common to all great communicators is that when they
speak, everybody listens. However, communicating to people is one
of the greatest fears for most of the human beings, and
especially when it comes to public speaking.
Confident communication however, is more than what you speak. ... Views: 994
By Carl Pantejo, Pantejo@ynvurcepublishing.com
(Excerpt from: “My Friend Yu – The Prosperity Mentor,” copyright Carl Pantejo 2007 – Y.N. Vurce Publishing. http://www.ynvurcepublishing.com)
Note: In this article The Original Substance is the name used for: GOD, The ... Views: 1012
Graduate from the School of Pain to School of Vision
We all struggle with some aspect of lack in our lives – not enough time, money, opportunities, health, friends… and we perceive that lack as suffering. We focus on our pain, and we use drugs, food, alcohol, or sex as painkillers. ... Views: 2296
The subconscious mind is the store-house of all tendencies and impressions created in our past. These tendencies (samskars) and impressions (vasanas) are the primary cause of our current likes, dislikes, and desires. Because most of our existence has been “less conscious” than it is ... Views: 736
One of the primary complaints I hear from my coaching clients is that they are unhappy in their professions. Too often, after further exploration of the source of this unhappiness, it is revealed that these individuals did not pursue their current career paths by their own conscious choice but ... Views: 1208
Our hearts melted into one another’s in instant recognition during that first hug. Two bodies reunited after 36 years...two spirits connected by the mother-daughter bond which can never be broken. Only shame, guilt and remorse fed the fire of apparent separation. Only forgiveness would ... Views: 1132
Each Life Experience Is So Special
planting a tiny seed,
In the soil of our existence.
At first,
sometimes invisible,
barely perceptible...
And still it grows,
Nourished by our Soul,
God, and our wonderful Children.
Reawakening a sense of innocence,
awe and enlightenment!
We realize,
once ... Views: 827
You are not who you think you are. Your thoughts are ideas you have about who you are, but what is it that is aware of these thoughts? Thoughts are arising and disappearing within your consciousness, or awareness. Consciousness is not a thing or something you can perceive, so it seems like ... Views: 773
In the smog and rat race of our brave new world, have you ever set time aside to reflect and wonder if you could change or at least learn from your past? Do you even think it is possible to learn from your mistakes? Do you even remember your mistakes?
What if I told you there was a way to step ... Views: 1047
Black and White. Good and Bad. Positive and Negative. No in-betweens. Choose one or choose nothing at all. Same way goes for our subconscious. The messages we tell ourselves assert the way we tend to live our life.
Having a goal or a dream is normal for people. Wanting to be successful in a ... Views: 1977
My name is Stephanie Haber. I am writing to you today because I am burning inside to share with you the lessons I have learned.
When the Grateful dead said “what a long strange trip it’s been” they knew what they were talking about. How many times have you simply just shook your head, feeling ... Views: 2121
Nondual spiritual teachings suggest that there is no doer, that there is no separate self that is the source of our actions. This teaching is the source of much confusion, as it is contrary to our experience. It seems that there is a doer and that I am the doer: get up in the morning, walk the ... Views: 1035
I Became A Seeker
By Danielle Gault
After my hometown experienced a devastating flood, most of the town’s people were traumatized and feeling the strain of recovery, which was worse than the flood itself. Losses such as photos, family heirlooms, and other memorabilia left them adrift about ... Views: 1063
A scientific view of what could be the afterlife.
One of the disadvantages our human race has, is, that no one really knows what will happen to us after we die. This is the main factor why we live in this troublesome world where ignorance, wars and famine are widespread.
Other civilizations on ... Views: 4310
See all as Love
All Creation is governed by Universal Law. Mind is the builder. Stay aware, as related to self and others and know that in love all life is given and in love all things move.
In giving, love becomes the fulfillment of desire and brings perfect knowledge of self.
When we merge ... Views: 899
I was in line at Arby's thinking solely about that scrumptious roast beef I was about to sink my teeth into. My taste buds had one focus. My stomach almost spoke aloud and said, 'Hey buddy, I'm ready!'
I had recently made a commitment to drink water instead of the usual soft drink. So with my ... Views: 1291
I don’t usually talk much about my work, too busy doing it; and I like to pour my energy into the process rather than explaining what I’m working on. But last month, after telling my friend in no uncertain terms (for the umpteenth time and for seven million reasons), “Not happening! Not going to ... Views: 859
Messages of Truth
Message Nr. 3
Does this field of Universal Consciousness consist of energy?
No, it is the source of all kinds of energy.
Just like it is the source of all kinds of matter.
Look, it’s all very simple:
Consciousness as such, is the ultimate essence of every thing and of ... Views: 1157
Messages of Truth
Message Nr. 1
What is truth?
Does anybody today know what the truth is?
The general opinion on this topic is: “everyone has his own truth”.
Isn’t there then something like the ultimate and universal truth?
Modern science answers this question with a plain ... Views: 4070
Have you wondered why some people seem to have a lot of creativity? Some believe we are born with such gifts and others believe it is learned. It is probably a combination of both—creative expression is enhanced with the ability to be fully aware of and present in the moment one is in.
It does ... Views: 1717
By the time you finish reading this article, you will have discovered a simple question that will show you how powerful you are and how you can unleash your unlimited potential.
Have you realized that you have unlimited potential? Look at the legendary success stories throughout history and you ... Views: 1079
Many of us are on a spiritual path. We are relentlessly seeking, meditating, chanting, drumming and studying all sorts of modalities to help us heal or understand who we really are and what our true purpose is. Every day, I encounter such individuals serious about their journey, asking to ... Views: 1759
Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVENLETTER ... Views: 1020
We are conditioned to believe something that has very little truth to it, so little truth that it’s more accurate to call it a myth: We believe that things could be better. We deeply believe that we can have a better experience or a better life or become a better person. And, of course, the flip ... Views: 1049
One day my wife, being in our daughter's place, called her doggy, Dasha, for a walk. Always such a decision had been met with a great joy from Dasha. However, that afternoon Dasha’s breath was very irregular and her eyes were full of sadness. When my wife wanted to cuddle Dasha, the dog started ... Views: 2112
If all existence is energy and energy is inherently vibrational, it follows that everything in existence is vibrating at one rate or another. In the case of human beings, we are informed about where or how we are vibrating through our emotions. When we have emotions that feel good, we are ... ... Views: 2145
Chakra Healing Meditation
…from the book, "Anything Can Be Healed," by Martin Brofman
With this experience, you will be directing your attention to each of the chakras in turn, first by focusing on physical sensations, and then by using your imagination, your ability to create images, to ... Views: 1610
Know thyself.
These words were inscribed in the vestibule of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.
For centuries, petitioners seeking advice from the oracle at Delphi would view the inscription. Philosophers throughout the ages offered this same advice to their students. These words are as ... Views: 1466
Kundalini Awakening - the sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini.
Before we discuss about kundalini awakening... we need to understand the meaning of kundalini! The kundalini Shakti is that hidden positive energy stored in every human being by awakening which every human being can ... Views: 1755
Recently I had the opportunity to meet a long term mystic. During a lecture he was presenting on a mystic’s role in society, he uttered the words “inner warrior,” while looking directly at me. I had never met him and wondered if he knew I was the author of Mystic Warrior. His lecture was ... Views: 1568
Avatar - the concept of Avaatar in Hinduism (manifest God)... does it hold good?
From times immemorial it has been a standard practice in Hinduism to accept the existence of Avatar. But who is an Avatar... is Avatar manifest God himself or a human being who assumes significant spiritual ... Views: 1651
Role Attachment Bondage or Moha plays in gaining Enlightenment
Attachment... bondage... Moha... state as we may but the meaning of all three words remains the same. Christians call it water, Hindus Jala and the followers of Islamic dharma as Paani... the intent and meaning of all the three ... Views: 1141
Yesterday, a marketing guru asked me a question that left me speechless.
I had retained Bob to review the copy on my Mystic Warrior website from a sales perspective. He asked about reader reactions. As we talked, I told him how some readers felt compelled, while in the midst of my book, to ... Views: 1476
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
The physical worlds, planetary systems and universes are connected through energetic and electromagnetic lines and grids which overlap in such a way as to unite homogeneously. They all converge at one Source, the original Universal Creator-Source from which all Life ... Views: 2895
Back in the Middle Ages alchemists sought to transform base metal into gold. They searched for an elusive substance, the philosopher’s stone, which would bring about this conversion, known as alchemy. But to initiates of the ancient mystery schools, alchemy was primarily an allegory for the real ... Views: 1834
In non-dualist circles a big question that continuously comes up is whether or not we need to work on our stuff, because, after all, we are already divine. If there is only One that exists perfectly outside of the imperfections of time, and all effort is in time, then why should we work on our ... Views: 1606
Some of us treat each moment as if it's a scarce commodity, trying to get as much crammed in as we can. Others among us casually toss away the moment, like so much excess fluff. As a former Type Adriven corporate executive, I began to search for meaning in my life ten years ago, when I was ... Views: 6060