We can create a world at peace, one person at a time.
Each person at peace brings more peace to the world.
Every personal encounter is a chance to bring peace to the world.
If peace is to be, it must begin with me.
In every personal encounter, we can bring some peace to the ... Views: 615
A Love Letter From God to You
(How Do I Tell You "l Love You"?)
Dedicated to my Mother and to all who've blessed my life.
This poem was written as a Mother's Day card to my Mother.
How do I tell you "l love you"?
How do I show you I care?
How do I say all you mean to me?
How can mere ... Views: 588
Your mind is like a garden:
Whatever you plant will grow.
Your thoughts are seeds you're planting:
They produce, each after its kind.
And you, just like a gardener,
Can choose which seeds you'll plant.
And by the choice of seeds you sow,
You choose the harvest you will reap.
So don't ... Views: 646
There’s a genie deep within you;
He’s been there from the start.
He’s not in some old dusty lamp;
He lives within your heart.
He’ll grant you all your wishes;
Make every dream come true;
For you alone command him–
He does what you say “Do!”.
You tell him through your feelings;
Not ... Views: 618
A tribute to my Mother and Dad, Hazel & John Heineke,
Who've often been "Somebody's Angel" and who've many times been mine.
Some say that angels come from God,
Borne here on wings snow white,
To touch some human being's life
While on their heavenly flight.
That may be true, for so it ... Views: 575
The most important thing you could ever learn is that YOU are loved, honored, and adored by All-That-Is-Holy.
Nothing you’ve ever done or ever will do could earn this love.
Nothing you’ve ever done or not done ever lost this love.
Nothing you’ll ever do or not do will ever lose this ... Views: 679
For years, after I became disillusioned with "Christianity" as I knew it, and learned of other, more ancient teachings, teachings which, in fact, were embedded within Christian teachings, I fervently "sought enlightenment." Once we come to know what we don't want, we then go searching for what ... Views: 1219
For most of my life I sought to earn my sense of self-worth from others. That seemed to be the way the world worked. I sought approval from those "over me," those whose approval seemed necessary, or at least helpful, to moving my life forward. But there were so many different, often conflicting, ... Views: 1216
A friend wrote to me recently “Challenging times tend not to improve quickly.” Yes, that’s true if we continue focusing on the challenging times. But that doesn’t have to be the case. We do have a choice in the matter.
The key to maintaining a state of happiness is, ... Views: 1092
"Enlightenment is a journey of no distance, to a destination you never left."
You don’t have to move in “metaphysical” circles for very long to start hearing about enlightenment. It seems that everyone in these circles wants it, but nobody seems to want it today. ... Views: 715
What is it about the words, "You've only got six months to live," that strike such fear in a human heart and shake a person to his or her very foundation? Why do those words cause such shock to those who receive them? Is it because they now know that their time is limited, and ...What is it ... Views: 4404
I believe that a low sense of self-worth is a major problem plaguing most people today. It often underlies many other problems we face. Without a healthy sense of oneself, we feel unworthy of respect and of good things in our life.
Our society has often taught us to value others and to ... Views: 2310
A Love Letter to Womankind, From Your Awakening Brother, Mankind
(A tribute and an apology to Womankind, from Mankind)
I believe that the time has come for men and women to make peace with each other. And I believe that men bear a greater burden in this endeavor than women. I truly honor and ... Views: 1370
Despite the dangling participle in the title of this essay, about which my favorite high school English teacher would cringe, and I too, perhaps you're wondering why I would ask that question in the first place, and why I feel that it's important for you to answer it in the second place. I'm ... Views: 1212