What we have created individually and collectively is a world where we believe we are each a separate entity from one another and separate from the very planet that sustains us. Because we believe we are separate, we go by the philosophy of “I have to look out for myself,” therefore, I will do ... Views: 1081
We are all one. If you incorporate this one concept into your thinking and belief process you cannot help but serve your fellow man all the rest of your days.
When I say that we are all one, I am not saying that we are all the same. We are all individuals in the sense that the three-part being ... Views: 3129
Creation is spirituality information in action. Gratitude is the natural consequence of being a spiritual creator
What does it take to get what you really want?
You must really, really, really want it! If you only want something half-heartedly then you will only give less than a half-hearted ... Views: 1128