'Free will is the greatest gift of God to man,' says Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his commentary on the Bhagavad Gita (Bh.G. 1.39). 'Man has freedom of action; thereby he can adopt any channel, good or bad, through which he wants the course of his life to flow' (Bh.G. 2.27). We know that freedom is ... Views: 1620
It is interesting to see how much of the so called New Age thoughts are a more fashionable continuation of deeply ingrained religious beliefs. And as religions have been the expression of incomplete insight into the nature of our own self, of God and of the world, so are the modern New Age ... Views: 2406
A 30 Day Course on Self-realization
Are you one of the increasing number of people who is thinking about enlightenment, or who actually would like to be enlightened? Then this course is especially made for you! Even if you are someone who considers him/herself pretty much ... Views: 1120
The eternal wisdom of life – as recorded in the ancient vedic literature – advises us to realize who we really are, and to identify with our real self. By silencing our chattering mind, we easily find out that our real self is pure awareness, pure, unbounded awareness, also known as pure ... Views: 1215
We have now seen that Jyotish is one of the limbs (Angas) of Rik Veda. In fact, Jyotish is considered the most important of all the six Vedangas. Just as Vedanta, the most important of the six Upangas, contains within its fold all the knowledge and principles enumerated in the other five ... Views: 2407
Version 1:
The infinite variety of creation is the expression of one common essence.
Version 2:
The essence of all and everything is ‘being’; pure existence, pure intelligence.
Version 3:
Being is conscious of itself. It is awareness, the state of pure consciousness.
Version 4:
Being, ... Views: 993
– The goal of life –
In our materialistic culture, happiness is often regarded as something we have to work hard for in order to attain it. Generally speaking, people seek happiness outside of themselves, in a job, in a good salary, in material goods, in a personal relationship, in a ... Views: 1339
Can we define God or can we describe him accurately? To answer this question, I would like to start with a counter question: can we define and adequately describe a pebble? The answer to this question is ‘Yes’ for those of us who have seen a pebble and held it in their hand. The answer is ‘No’ ... Views: 1313
Open letter to everybody:
Did you ever notice that every single individual on earth feels himself or herself in a way superior to everyone else? What about you? Do you also have a subtle, deep, but convincing feeling that in a way, you are better, nicer, smarter, deeper or more intelligent ... Views: 1149
The Essence of all Wisdom
- in 18 versions –
Version 1:
The infinite variety of creation is the expression of one common essence.
Version 2:
The essence of all and everything is ‘being’; pure existence, pure intelligence.
Version 3:
Being, pure intelligence, is conscious of itself. ... Views: 1095
This expression caught my attention the other day, reading an interview in the newspaper. That is a good suggestion, I thought. But then, the question comes…’what is reality?’ One thing about reality that we all know is that it is pretty darn complex! And it’s also clear to all of us that every ... Views: 2069
This expression caught my attention the other day, reading an interview in the newspaper. That is a good suggestion, I thought. But then, the question came…’what is reality?’ One thing about reality that we all know, is that it is pretty darn complex! And it’s also clear ... Views: 1005
Christmas is a celebration of togetherness. Everywhere families come together. On the streets and in the shops one feels a sense of peace and solidarity. Whole nations feel more united during Christmas days. Everywhere in the world people pray for peace and justice. Where does this sense of ... Views: 2208
Messages of Truth
Message Nr. 3
Does this field of Universal Consciousness consist of energy?
No, it is the source of all kinds of energy.
Just like it is the source of all kinds of matter.
Look, it’s all very simple:
Consciousness as such, is the ultimate essence of every thing and of ... Views: 1161
Messages of Truth
Message Nr. 1
What is truth?
Does anybody today know what the truth is?
The general opinion on this topic is: “everyone has his own truth”.
Isn’t there then something like the ultimate and universal truth?
Modern science answers this question with a plain ... Views: 4077