Many of us are on a spiritual path. We are relentlessly seeking, meditating, chanting, drumming and studying all sorts of modalities to help us heal or understand who we really are and what our true purpose is. Every day, I encounter such individuals serious about their journey, asking to ...Many of us are on a spiritual path. We are relentlessly seeking, meditating, chanting, drumming and studying all sorts of modalities to help us heal or understand who we really are and what our true purpose is. Every day, I encounter such individuals serious about their journey, asking to further their spirituality and cosmic understanding. “I am eager to heal my deepest fears” they say, and “willing to reverse any suppressed negative or subconscious beliefs for the purpose of relieving my earthly pains, manifesting my dreams or simply for my own enlightenment”. Fair enough.
As I begin my work with these loving souls, I seem to always arrive to the bottom line, no matter who the person is or what the nature of their struggle may be. The bottom line is a conscious or unconscious desire to escape our physicality! We either feel we don’t belong as we awaken to our superior “alien” lineage or in most cases, we simply abhor being in a physical body that continuously seems to remind us of our human limitations and finite nature. As I time travel to the period prior to earthly incarnation, I see in the energy field the struggle, confusion, resistance, anger of having to engage in this physical journey. Often times, I observe serious resentment towards our own spirit family - even the Creator! - and the strong desire to revoke our pre-natal contract.
In any of these cases, no amount of visualization, no amount of healing and no amount of surrender will allow us to manifest our destiny or earthly desires. In fact, these sorts of sweet but futile attempts only seem to amplify our innermost desire to reject, punish, damage and destroy our physicality. And even those of us most advanced on our journey, if given the opportunity to return to spirit at this very moment, will take it in a single breath. But why? Because we have not truly come to terms with our own physicality.
Physicality is not only our physical body but our very existence within the physical plane. Even as we progress on our path, we seem to regard humans and earthly life with sorrow and often disdain. So, how can we proceed with our purpose of manifesting our dreams or enlightening the human consciousness if we are not ourselves convinced of wanting to do so? This is a crucial understanding in our development as ambassadors of Light on the earth plane as our physical body is the very embodiment of this light. Literally! As we awaken on our path, the love, honor and respect for our own physical body and the physical worlds must also be realized. Without it, the endless affirmations of healing our planet or the human species will indeed be only a reflection of the struggles we carry within. So, love your physical body and honor your physicality if you want to truly awaken to your divinity, realize your purpose and fully master the human condition. If you find yourself unable to do so at the deepest level, know that the true fulfillment of your destiny will have to wait a bit longer - until you do.

Author's Bio: 

Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.

Caroline currently teaches her work through tele-classes, webinars and live events. Her Energy-Transfer Experience-Based teaching method is unique and covers a variety of subjects that include: Mind Mastery, Spiritual Alignment and Connection to Source, DNA reconfiguration, various Zero Point alignment techniques, vibrational entrainment among other cutting edge techniques that enhance spontaneous healing and organic learning. She also conducts group healings through world webcasts reaching thousands of people in 92 countries around the globe who regularly report their deep cellular transformation and the spontaneous reversal of imbalances.

For more information on Caroline’s work, please visit