It just amazes me how often I observe Internet marketers go through 95% of what they ought to go through to successfully promote their products, services or business opportunity online, and then fall short of the mark because of the 5% they omit to do. Unfortunately, that 5% is a ... Views: 1430
According to Wikipedia, “Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Modern electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at ... Views: 1763
An interesting question popped into my mind a couple of days ago while I was driving behind a flatbed truck carrying a brand new Jaguar X-Type. I thought; as it rests now, is that really a car?
Until someone sits in the driver’s seat, turns on the ignition, puts it in gear and actually ... Views: 2012
Isn’t that a very good question for businesspeople to ask themselves?
In our efforts to promote our website, we use a lot of different advertising methods to get our message out there. Like classified ads (online & offline), ezine ads, banner ads, safelist ads, solo ads, website ads, ... Views: 1720
Jim Rohn is one of my favorite motivational speakers. And here is one of my most cherished Rohn’s quotations: “Wherever you are, BE THERE!”
It was Jean Webster who said, “It isn’t the big pleasures that count the most; it’s making a great deal out of the ... Views: 1441
I believe to my core that you, my reader friend, are an amazincredible force of nature, a source of outstandynamite power!
Why do I believe that? Simply because you are a human being, a human thinking, and a human doing. As my speaker-friend Michelle Neujahr would say, “You are ... Views: 1722
“Born an original” is one of the topics I’m more passionate about. That’s because I’m afraid people don’t really appreciate that fact. They “know it” at the intellectual level, but they don’t “get it” at the gut level. They ... Views: 1734
Failure Stinks! Failure is D.R.A.M.A. – Dreadful, Ruinous, Awful, Mean, Atrocious. Failure should be avoided at all costs! That’s a MYTH that needs to be busted. Contrary to what most people think …FAILURE IS NOT AN “F” WORD!
In my book A First Serving of Milk & ... Views: 2932
It’s not at all a cake walk trying to build a successful MLM business these days. For one thing, you have a ton of competition. Good competition from all the other legitimate MLM home business opportunities. And competition, in a way, from all the bottom-feeders of the world who pretend to ... Views: 1755
The truth about networking is that (according to an article in Profit Magazine) “…most people suck at it.” What follows are business networking tips (i.e. for people who network in person at networking groups events), but you can apply those as well to social networking (for ... Views: 1498
Because I run a profitable and legitimate home based business myself, I have a pretty good idea of what a glorious day would look like for you.
First, you wake up to find out you’ve had an abundance of traffic to your web site. From those hundreds of leads, dozens have indicated that ... Views: 1464
It just amazes me how often I observe Internet marketers go through 95% of what they ought to go through to successfully promote their products, services or business opportunity online, and then fall short of the mark because of the 5% they omit to do. Unfortunately, that 5% is a ... Views: 1360
ThINK it...
Here are three very important points I made in my book Milk & Cookies For Success:
1-The most valuable piece of real estate in the world (also the tiniest) is the small space between your two ears—that small plot that houses your brain (your mind) which defines who you ... Views: 2392
Regardless of the methods or strategies you’re using to market on the Internet, it’s a tough go out there. Wouldn’t you agree?
But let’s not talk about the problems associated with Internet marketing. Let’s focus instead on the benefits – what you expect to ... Views: 2945
First things first!
If you’re playing baseball (or any ball game that involves three bases and a home plate), what is the first thing on your mind as you come to the plate? Yeah, yeah… hitting the next pitch over the fence and winning the game with one swing of your bat. Of ... Views: 1457
Truth be told, it’s really hard to build a successful home based business these days. For one thing, you have a ton of competition. Good competition from all the other legitimate home business opportunities. And competition, in a way, from all the bottom-feeders of the world who pretend to ... Views: 1646
I want you to visualize a big 747 plane—big jumbo jet with whatever colors and emblems you want.
As big and complex as a 747 is, the success of its operation relies in great part on a few small things. Things like tires for example—at least small in relation to the size and cost ... Views: 1785
The point was well made in the first part of this article, that there is NO security in this life, that “playing it safe” is not the best strategy to live life to the fullest. The best strategy, in my opinion, is to…
Be Bold and DARE …
“Don’t persist in ... Views: 1670
In regards to success and your MLM, Network Marketing or Direct Sales business, we want you to imagine the following: you are currently on the shore of a large lake (say one-mile wide) and success as you’ve imagined it when you joined your company (whatever level of achievement ... Views: 1600
According to James F. Byrnes, “Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity.” I absolutely agree with him.
The proverb “Seize the day (moment)” was coined by the Roman poet Horace (circa 20 B.C.) who wrote in The Odes: “Carpe Diem, quam minimum ... Views: 1906
What would you say is the most valuable piece of real estate in the world? Do you think we’d find it in Malibu? Manhattan? Monte Carlo? NO! I’ll give you a clue; it’s the most valuable, and also the smallest.
The most valuable piece of real estate in the world is the small ... Views: 1803
“If you build a network, you will have a bridge to wherever you want to go.”
Those words are from Harvey Mackay, marketing guru and business person extraordinaire, and probably one of the world’s foremost authorities on networking.
You know, I spend a LOT of time at ... Views: 3245
In my bestselling book A First Serving of Milk & Cookies for Success, I devote a whole chapter to what I call The Know-Zone™—knowing what motivates people to buy, to join, to sign up, to participate. To do anything in fact. The Know-Zone™ is all about Human Motivators.
One ... Views: 1497
If you attend a lot of networking events, this will most definitely open your eyes. It makes so much sense! The next time you’re at one of those events where people are given 30 or 60 seconds to stand and introduce themselves to the room, you’re going to be thinking “What are ... Views: 1401
Laurel (my wife and business partner) and I have been “connected” to the MLM industry for a long time, either as customers, as business builders or as trainers. We love the industry, almost all of the products and services it offers, and most of the companies in it.
But we ... Views: 1463
It’s not easy to build a home based business successfully these days. There are many “external” factors like the economy, the competition from other legitimate home businesses, the competition from bottom-feeders trying to pass their gifting programs and other scams as ... Views: 1459
First, let me share with you a definition of marketing I found on Wikipedia: “Marketing is a societal process which discerns consumers' wants, focusing on a product or service to fulfill those wants, attempting to move the consumers toward the products or services offered.” (aka ... Views: 1512
It’s very possible – more like probable according to the latest statistics – that as an Internet Marketer you’re you having PROBLEMS…
-Grabbing and keeping surfers’ attention…
-Driving lots of targeted traffic to your Web site…
-Generating ... Views: 1301
In another one of my articles entitled Personal (and Professional) Success Tip: Do Not Do What Mr. Will And The Pizza Man Did, I relate the true story of a business owner who, having sold his business after 40 years of working in it like a slave, died within four days of finalizing the sale and ... Views: 1641
Let me start by sharing these words of wisdom from Tom Tobbins (in his book Still Life with Woodpecker); “Choice; the word upon which all adventure, all exhilaration, all meaning, all honor depends. In the beginning was the word, and the word was choice.”
A few years ago, I read ... Views: 1450
I’ve got some bad news for you; you won’t get the opportunity to read this incredible book entitled The Stevedore in the White Fedora. This novel, filled to the brim with stirring passages, was going to captivate your imagination and take you on a breathtaking adventure to some of ... Views: 1593
Isn’t that a very good question for businesspeople to ask themselves?
In our efforts to promote our website, we use a lot of different advertising methods to get our message out there. Like classified ads (online & offline), ezine ads, banner ads, safelist ads, solo ads, website ads, feed ... Views: 1607