Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson is The Official Guide to "Organizing and Learning How to Organize". You can find complete information on Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson and her products by visiting Tame Your Paper Tiger in the Digital Age.
September is Emergency Preparedness Month, and for many of us, it’s a time when we think about all the things we haven’t yet done to get ourselves, our families, and our businesses prepared for an emergency. After all, just like any organizing or productivity project, getting prepared for an ... Views: 809
When it comes to organizing, routine does matter!
Organizing is about so much more than developing the right systems to meet your needs or buying the latest organizing gizmo. While those things are undoubtedly important, the most critical factor of whether your organizing projects will be ... Views: 902
A considerable number of people are struggling trying to find ways to trim their bodies. They are desperately seeking for ways to shed off significant amounts of weight. This is because when a human body is left on its own it gravitates towards disorder. A bright and magnificent set of brains ... Views: 1084
Receipts - everyone has them, but nobody wants them. As with most things organizing-related, most of us are never really taught what to do with those pesky slips of paper, so they tend to get pretty messy and out of control. Here are a few ideas for how to deal with receipts:
Don’t take them. ... Views: 886
Summer… ahhh. When summertime comes, there’s a palpable change in the air – a feeling of fun, relaxation, and freedom from worry. Or at least, that’s how it can seem! Of course, the details of life and work don’t just go away with the change of the seasons. Especially if you’ll be traveling this ... Views: 880
Greek mythology is fascinating and the story of Pandora’s box is a spell binding myth.
Prometheus was a Titan who was a champion of human-kind and was known for his wily intelligence. He stole the secret of fire from the God Zeus and gave it to mortals. But the theft of fire angered Zeus and ... Views: 1131
One of my areas of specialty in my productivity and organizing consulting work is paper management – helping my clients determine the best ways to process, manage and store the paper in their lives and in their work. I actually enjoy working with paper and processing information (hey, I’m a ... Views: 957
One of the best scenarios is that you contemplate tomorrow’s happenings the night before and jot down a few notes. There’s nothing like leaving the house to be on your way and realizing you’ve forgotten a couple of things when you are already there or you don’t have names and phone numbers to ... Views: 1329
According to the National Association of Professional Organizations, research shows a direct correlation between productivity and clutter. When clutter and chaos are on the rise, profits and productivity decline.
While the mantra of the day may be "go paperless" that doesn't mean your ... Views: 1809
Whether you’re a budding gourmet chef or just happy with getting a decent meal on your plate every evening, your kitchen is an essential workspace that’s prone to clutter and messes. With an ever-increasing slew of cooking TV shows and contests spawning brand new foodies every day, it’s no ... Views: 3233
A place for entertaining, communing and, of course eating, the kitchen is in many ways the focal point of any home. But with an ever-hectic lifestyle becoming the norm and cooking reality shows claiming bigger slices of the pop culture pie every day, it’s tough to be an adventurous cook and ... Views: 1623
With only 3 adults and four kids in my friend’s family, and with a European-sized washing machine instead of the larger and faster American models, they will usually do 2 or 3 loads of laundry for a day. Just hanging it all up to dry is already quite a challenge. Forget about trying to fold it ... Views: 1275
It’s ‘GO’ Month (Get Organized)! Moreover, it’s a new year and a new decade. This is the perfect time to set the tone for a new phase. Remember, small changes over time lead to a huge cumulative positive change.
Let’s talk about your office & desk area, whether it’s a home office or a ... Views: 2154
Between the bills, bank statements, magazines, and how can we forget the infamous junk mail, it seems like we are constantly shifting documents and pieces of correspondence from the mailbox to the kitchen counter to perhaps your desk and then before you know it the pile up resembles the Leaning ... Views: 925
Happy New Year! Each year brings the possibility of change. Even though we can make changes at any point in the year, each January we start out the year with a list of good intentions.
Yet, 30 days later, most of our well-laid plans for change have been set aside. We try to make too many ... Views: 1127
Plain and simple, really. If there are areas of your life that steal your energy physically, mentally and emotionally you can’t expect to be able to take care of your own body, your own feelings, your own wants and needs in regard to your health and wellness goals until you begin to take care ... Views: 1007
As you are fully aware being attentive and conscious of what you are digesting, how much you are digesting and your energy output are an imperative keys toward your success when traveling down your road of weight loss and weight maintenance. At any given point in your future your stellar ... Views: 1744
Keeping your kitchen organized is a never ending task. It is a project that requires dedication and commitment. It might take you a couple of attempts at organizing before you think you have found the setup that works best for you.
One of the ways to keep your kitchen organized is to take ... Views: 2390
Ever feel like you are drowning in a sea of statements, overwhelmed by receipts and inundated with things to put in order, items to categorize and piles here, there and everywhere that just don’t seem to go away? Say no more and please enjoy the ride as we meander around your office, counter ... Views: 1502
I like the song “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”. It is upbeat and happy and something I can sing along with. Santa makes a list and checks it twice. If you have ever sewed this is the advice given to sewers—“measure twice, cut once”. When you leave your house I bet you check to make sure you ... Views: 1279
Let’s be honest. When it is time to start organizing your kitchen, it is fair to say we would rather have someone else do it for us. It is one of those chores we would rather not do or even think about doing. But when it comes to cooking, you certainly do yourself an injustice if your kitchen ... Views: 1897
I am a big fan of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books. I have read all seven of them, and each time a new movie version premieres, I make it a point to re-read that book before seeing the accompanying movie. I recently re-read the sixth book in the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. ... Views: 1364
Imagine you are on a roll, engrossed in a project, in the "flow." All of a sudden, the phone rings, an e-mail alarm goes off, a colleague is standing in your doorway, a fax is coming over the machine, etc. Ah, interruptions. If you didn't define all of those as an interruption, think ... Views: 2375
In a truly well organized home, everyone pitches in to keep things neat and tidy. If your home is feeling cluttered, or if cleaning day is stressing you out, here are some simple home organization tips that everyone can use.
To get started, you will need to determine how much time you want ... Views: 2083
The bedroom should be a serene retreat from the chaos of every day life. A place to unwind and rejuvenate. But if clutter is accumulating in your bedroom, it can be almost impossible to relax and get the rest you need to face the day.
For some reason, bedrooms seem especially prone to ... Views: 2581
Are you already dealing with an overly hectic daily schedule or the added time crush of holiday commitments? Can you keep up with life's challenges on a macro level and find balance between your home life, work life, kids' lives and still find time for you without added stress and ... Views: 965
Do you know where you next paycheck is going to come from? Do you have the funds to pay the bills that are sure to come in the next mail drop off? Can you pay the suppliers and partner invoices that have arrived?
Like many business owners those are things that can keep me up at night when I ... Views: 1193
“T’was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads”. Ahh… such sweet dreams. When you have guests coming to stay at your home during the ... Views: 1299
Every December it is with great anticipation that we watch the mail for our invitation to the open house at the governor’s mansion. Our mailman becomes our new best friend for a few weeks as he delivers Christmas cards and packages. But we only get one invitation where we get to dress up and ... Views: 1356
Closet shelf organizers could help take all the mess and clutter out of your closets. If you are anything like me, you have the best and greatest of intentions, but on some days, most especially at the end of a very hectic and tiring day, it is just easier to stash everything in, close the door ... Views: 1234
Have you ever been in a meeting where there is an agenda but it's not followed? Or, where you discuss the same issue repeatedly, with no resolution? If you answered yes, you are in the majority. Throughout my career, I have sat through hundreds of meetings that were unproductive and a waste of ... Views: 1575
Practical Steps for Maximizing Email-Campaign Performance
•Step #1 - Stand Out in a Good Way: Your subject should convey exclusivity and/or value-adds in order to stand out. Most online retailers use “FREE SHIPPING” or “20% Off”… do something difference.
•Step #2 – Say Thank You: People ... Views: 854
It is no secret that many females have an affinity for shoes. Most shoe lovers could own easily over 200 pairs. A true shoe lover has an ever expanding footwear collection. But without the right organizational products and systems in place, even moderate footwear fanatics can find themselves ... Views: 2377
If you have one messy room in your house be careful. Unless you pay attention to what is happening to create that messy room you may end up with an entire cluttered home!
Clutter is a silent invader and it will creep into your home and take over unless you stop it.
Clutter prevention ... Views: 3690
For most people these days, keeping up with the daily onslaught of email is a major challenge. In fact, experts estimate that e-mail has added an extra 1.23 hours to the average person's workday (E-Writing: 21st Century Tools for Effective Communication by Diana Booher; Managing Your E-Mail by ... Views: 1561
One of the best books on writing - and life itself for that matter - is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. Among the pearls of wisdom she offers in her funny, witty style, is to take baby steps. Apparently, when she was a child, her brother was facing writer's block as he attempted to write a book ... Views: 1507
Can you feel it in the air? The buzz begins November 1 as the Halloween pumpkins come down and the Christmas decorations go up. The whole country shifts into high gear as everyone starts asking whether you’ve gotten your shopping done. (For the record, mine is half done.)
Here are some ... Views: 1036
Organizing your closet is one of the most difficult tasks one can perform around the house. You may be in too much of a hurry in the morning to worry about neatness, and you may not have enough energy in the evening to care if your clothes are neatly folded or on the right hanger. More often ... Views: 2053
Are you tired of searching your kitchen cabinets and not being able to find anything? When you open a cabinet, are you flooded by an avalanche of cans, pans, or spices? These are some of the signs that tell you it’s time to organize your kitchen cabinets. The good news is that there are numerous ... Views: 2643
Have you ever noticed time seems to speed up this time of year? And our calendars get squeezed every which way with commitments to attend parties, dinners, and social obligations. AND not only do we have social obligations, but we have to find time to shop for gifts, time to get our nails done, ... Views: 1579
My $35,000 turkey started out as a bargain. My daughter was shopping and she called to tell me the store had turkeys for 40 cents a pound. Wow! What a savings. Last year I paid 89 cents a pound so this sale would save me big bucks. Now, we only have a fridge with a freezer on top and I thought ... Views: 1156
As a child I loved dolls. I had endless tea parties with them sitting with me around the kitchen table. I dressed and re-dressed them in the clothes my mother made for them. She was an expert seamstress and I had wonderful outfits for each doll. I never remember my mother staying up until 2:00 ... Views: 1194
Let’s face it; holidays can be a pain in the neck. I know there are those out there who love everything about the holidays, the hustle and bustle, the frantic preparations, sleepless nights, meal preparation, shopping and tucking gifts away only to forget where they are hidden. But some of us ... Views: 1556
You may have noticed that there are aspects of your life that are not well organized. You realized what's happened when you look at the chaos and feel defeated, but there is another way out of this. The key to creating an organized life starts with an honest assessment and taking small steps. ... Views: 3151
As our economy continues to do the best it can to get back on it’s feet, heading to the grocery store can be a fright in itself. Especially at the checkout when all is said and done and you discover your grand total. Being careful to purchase exactly what you are in need of when your trip is ... Views: 1122
Closet organizers provide some helpful ways in organizing your possessions. When each and every item has a “home”, it becomes much easier to keep your closet clean and neat. Whether it is spring cleaning or one of your New Year’s Resolutions, no cleaning session will be complete sans cleaning ... Views: 772
When you stop to think about how you set your table, what serving pieces you adorn your dishes with and the shape and size of your dining beverage wear, it truthfully is absolutely eye opening how much control and management you possess over the care and keeping of your family and your guests at ... Views: 1017
If you are lucky enough to have an extra room in your home that is supposed to be for family and friends when they come to visit, more often than not it tends to become a fine home for items that just don’t seem to have a place to go or the guest room seems to turn into a convenient place to ... Views: 1036
I recently surveyed my readers on the eternal question of productivity: Why is it that some things on your to-do list never get done? Some great responses rolled in, ranging from the classic (too many interruptions) to the matter-of-fact (I don’t feel like doing it).
But as diverse as the ... Views: 1209
What happened? Your kitchen used to be your domain. You were equal parts queen and sorceress, ruling benevolently over your kingdom and creating magical and tasty concoctions for your family. So where did all the magic go?
Perhaps your empire has slid into disarray and disorganization to the ... Views: 3050