Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson is The Official Guide to "Organizing and Learning How to Organize". You can find complete information on Productive Environment Institute with Barbara Hemphill & Andrea Anderson and her products by visiting Tame Your Paper Tiger in the Digital Age.
I am sure that most of you are wondering what there is to organize inside of a vehicle; your trunk is clean, there is minimal space in the glove compartment and the inside of the vehicle is shining. Let me tell you about the little extra's that will make your vehicle 100% organized and give you ... Views: 1424
Are you one of those who says "Tomorrow, I am going to get organized"?
Lots of people have real problems getting started on big projects like cleaning out the basement or organizing piles of paper, but if you have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) you even have a neurological excuse. Some brains ... Views: 1592
Each of us is in some level of transition. Some are in a very high level of change, others are involved in more manageable levels, knowing that this too, will change.
Juan Ramon Jimenez (Spanish Poet) said “A permanent state of transition is man’s most notable condition”. Also, “The only ... Views: 2878
There are those who plan to the milli-second of time and detail. And those who enjoy no planning and flying by the seat of their pants. Let’s take both choices and discover the pros and cons of each.
Ultra Planner
The Ultra Planner feels life is in control. They know what needs to be done ... Views: 1136
In the many years of my organizing business there’s always one question that comes up. How did you get started doing organization? My response is that I’m the youngest of 12 children and I grew up in a home that was always neat and tidy. It was very warm, comforting and there was “A place for ... Views: 1234
For many people, there are not enough hours in the day. With full schedules, there are daily problems that will occur and will need immediate attention. This means that other tasks will have to be put to the side. Impromptu meetings, employee absences, employee issues, and other situations can ... Views: 20604
In a 25-year study, University of Michigan researchers found that kids who grew up in homes where common areas were rated “clean” or “very clean” stayed in school longer and then earned more money than those raised in dirty homes. It’s not cleanliness per se, but ... Views: 3212
1. Tell yourself that no matter what, some level of clutter with a child is going to happen.
2. Begin with messes and clutter that you see every day. Get organize your kitchen, garage, and family room before your hallway closet.
3. Use drawer dividers for socks, underwear, lingerie, and tiny ... Views: 1047
"Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." A. A. Milne
In personal development growth occurs more easily when we create space to grow. In order to experience living beyond limits in business or personal lives we must rid ourselves of the ... Views: 1342
As a healthy business owner or independent professional,how do you end your year? Well, I tell my clients tostop working. That's right, stop working. The kind of workI'm talking about is the work of getting new business.There is no new business in the dark days of winter,just the clean up of old ... Views: 1381