Macular degeneration is a condition of the eye that results in impairment of sharp, central vision. The condition is also called age-related macular degeneration (AMD) because it primarily affects adults age 65 and older. Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older ... Views: 879
Chronic bronchitis symptoms can easily be dismissed as a nagging smoker's cough. The characteristic productive and persistent cough experienced by many smokers is one of the early symptoms of emphysema.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) symptoms include both the productive cough ... Views: 1730
Any discussion of the facts on emphysema must include the main statement that emphysema belongs to the COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) group of respiratory conditions. COPD disorders cause obstruction to the airways and make it difficult to properly exhale all the carbon dioxide in ... Views: 1758
If you are thinking of getting pregnant and smoking cigarettes is part of your lifestyle, then here are a few facts about smoking during pregnancy you should be aware of. Along with all the known harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, there are specific facts about smoking while pregnant that ... Views: 1124
These home safety tips are important guidelines for how to organize your bathroom if you are taking care of elderly parents. Replacing bathroom towel racks with grab bars can help to prevent falls in the elderly. Installing a handheld shower will help to maintain independence. Providing safe ... Views: 2272
Here are some ideas for how to get organized at home to keep the environment safe and your home life comfortable if you are taking care of the elderly with a dementia.
You probably already know that small changes in daily life can create unpredictable consequences, so try to set things up so ... Views: 966
Smoking and lung cancer are linked. The facts about what causes cancer in the lungs are no longer mysterious as they are well established in the scientific literature. It is now known that cigarette smoking is what causes lung cancer in 85-90% of all cases.
The carcinogenic effects of smoking ... Views: 1917
Getting organized is such a sought after goal that it is right up there with losing weight and quitting cigarette smoking as a popular resolution at the start of each new year. Almost everyone feels that a little closet organization, better money management, or less multitasking will make life ... Views: 1033
Smoking and lung cancer have been linked for well over 60 years. During that time lung cancer statistics have changed in both men and women in Canada and elsewhere.
The facts about lung cancer (also called bronchogenic carcinoma) reveal that the number of cases of this smoking related disease ... Views: 1773
Developing personal organization skills are essential if you want to organize your life and get it under control. That means using time efficiently, setting limits on what you can take on, developing good organizing habits, engaging in clutter control, and knowing how to set priorities. Here are ... Views: 2085
The oral health effects of smoking cigarettes include an increased risk of periodontal disease, and mouth and throat cancers. Smoker's teeth are the characteristic yellow teeth caused by the deposits of cigarette tar on the tooth surface. Periodontal disease is the infection of the gums and ... Views: 2508
The smoking facts about the effects of cigarettes and the smoking behaviour of parents is clear. Secondhand smoking in children is a significant cause of morbidity. Children who live in a family where smoking is normalized are more likely to grow up to be smokers.
Harmful Effects of Cigarettes ... Views: 2350
Getting organized seems to be a lost art. Without constant effort at home organization you can quickly build up clutter that can affect your physical, mental, and spiritual health. The main home organization remedy for curing clutter is control and balance. Clutter control requires that the ... Views: 2496
These ideas for kitchen organization will help to cure your messy kitchen. There are a number of efficient and well designed kitchen organizers you can use for kitchen storage solutions but the best of all kitchen organizers is you!
The real problem with a messy kitchen is that it slows you ... Views: 1816
Wondering how to get organized with paper? These organization tips can help you manage magazines, newspapers,and your mail.
The secrets for how to get organized with paper are neither mysterious nor difficult. Paper organization like any other organizing task simply requires an understanding ... Views: 1293
If you have one messy room in your house be careful. Unless you pay attention to what is happening to create that messy room you may end up with an entire cluttered home!
Clutter is a silent invader and it will creep into your home and take over unless you stop it.
Clutter prevention ... Views: 3690
Compulsive hoarding is not collecting. A person with a hoarding disorder is often unable to perceive their mess in the same way that outsiders do.
There is no logical reason for hoarding behaviour. It is almost certainly a sign of a mental illness or at the very least an indication that there ... Views: 3435
What is your clutter control ability? Do you regularly balance what comes into your space with what leaves your space or do you spend more time on energy on accumulating stuff than you do on getting rid of clutter?
While creating a place for everything and putting everything in its place is ... Views: 1258
Towels are the most common cause of clutter in your bathroom. Ideas to get rid of clutter include improving the space utilization so that you have more places for the towels to go as well as addressing the personal organization skills of everybody who uses the bathroom so they become more self ... Views: 2098
Articles on family money management advice usually dispense information about spending, saving, and investing. But there is another part of money management in families that is important and that is lending and borrowing.
If you have ever loaned money to a family member and they failed to ... Views: 1993
The baby boomer generation was born after 1945 when their parents (the silent generation), started to establish families and communities after the hardship of the second world war.
Many baby boomers are now finding themselves with elderly parents to care for. Decisions regarding caregiving ... Views: 3565
Do you need to declutter but are unsure of where to start? Are you held back by fear of throwing out something you might need or want? Do you keep items that are perfectly good (or maybe not so good) because you cannot live with the guilt of throwing them away?
The declutter tactics profiled ... Views: 4383
Your efforts to achieve organized living cannot be achieved without clutter control. If you are living with too much stuff you are giving the clutter thief permission to steal from you. Without consistent and systematic efforts to declutter, you allow the thievery to continue ... Views: 1355
Are you wondering how to go about organizing your life?
If your life has become "cluttered" and you feel like you are drowning in an unorganized mess of "stuff", then getting organized will help you take control of your life. However, before you go out and buy a neat and tidy filing system ... Views: 1410
Sometimes finding space for shoe storage simply means using space you already have, knowing what products are available and being creative... "thinking outside the shoe box" if you will.
How much space do you have?
You need to have good measurements for your closet or entryway. Closet ... Views: 3361
Organized living perfectionism is starting to become epidemic.
There are stores that sell nothing but organizing products so you can have a lot of containers to sort and store your stuff in.
There are books on how to declutter and achieve clutter control so you can have a better life and ... Views: 1525
Why is it that dingy basement laundry room designs are the norm?
Ever since families started doing their own laundry in their own home instead of taking it out to commercial laundries, laundry day chores have been relegated to out of the way places like the basement or the garage.
I think ... Views: 2138
If you are lucky enough to have a closet design that is a "walk in" congratulations! However, sometimes closet organization in a generous space can be as problematic and troublesome as one that is very small. With all that space sometimes "stuff" just starts to pile up and your walk in closet ... Views: 3932
Sexually transmitted diseases are infections that are transmitted through sexual activity. Any sexual activity can transmit the pathogens that cause STD's. Penile vaginal contact is not a requirement for transmission. You can pick up a sexually transmitted disease through oral genital ... Views: 1485
Colic- what a word! This little five letter words strikes fear in the hearts of most new parents and brings to mind visions of sleepless nights, and endless frustration in trying to parent the new bundle of joy. Any parent who has ever had a colicky baby would not wish the same fate on anyone. ... Views: 1734
The rates of childhood obesity in Canada has tripled in the last 25-30 years. Data reports from other developing countries is quite similar. Childhood obesity is becoming a worldwide epidemic.
There can be no question that the two most significant factors in the childhood obesity epidemic are ... Views: 1544
Cholesterol levels are being tested as part of regular health screening all over the world yet many people are confused by their cholesterol numbers and how they are expressed. Part of this confusion may stem from the fact that most of the cholesterol literature is coming from the United States ... Views: 1297
I created the Organized Living Dictionary to define the terms that are in used in the literature when the experts write about "getting organized". While these terms may be in common use in everyday language and varying contexts, the meanings given here are within the context of organized ...I ... Views: 1173
Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the world today. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus. This is the family of viruses that causes cold sores, shingles, and chicken pox.
Genital herpes is caused by infection with the herpes simplex2 virus (HSV2). ... Views: 1507
Condoms provide good protection against sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Condoms are affordable, readily available, and easy to use. Putting on a condom requires no specialized skill and no prescriptions, or doctors visits are needed in order to get them.
With proper condom use ... Views: 5553
Chlamydia one of the most frequently reported sexually transmitted diseases in the North America. Estimates are that more than 89 million people worldwide are currently infected with the disease. It is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
Chlamydia can be transmitted through oral, ... Views: 1365
Emphysema results from the long term effects of smoking. There are many other effects on respiratory health caused by cigarette addiction but emphysema is the end result of all damage to the lungs caused by the inhalation of the smoke and other chemicals that cigarettes contain. It is the ... Views: 2702
The baby boomer generation is the population that represents the children of the silent generation (born prior to 1945). They became the parents to generation X (born 1965-1981). The baby boomers have exerted significant influence on the trends seen in modern societies simply because their ... Views: 2814
Genital warts is one of the two most commonly spread sexually transmitted diseases (STD) caused by a virus. The other is genital herpes. The disease is caused by the human papilloma virus often abbreviated as hpv.
The wart like lesions that appear with this STD are called condyloma acuminate. ... Views: 4697
One of every 273 male babies born this year will be diagnosed with testicular cancer in their lifetime. This makes it a form of cancer that could be classed as "not that common" however, since it is the commonest cancer affecting young men between 20 and 39 years old it is a significant disease ... Views: 1307
What are the smoking facts? Smoking can kill you, and your cigarette addiction can also kill others.
If you want to quit cigarette smoking you need to start by changing your attitude and beliefs about your cigarette addiction.
All addicts engage in denial and rationalization. You use ... Views: 5650
We all want parenting advice that provides us with the tools we need to raise happy healthy children. Good parenting does not result from using a standardized recipe or cookie cutter approach to the many challenges our offspring present to us.
Good parenting really comes from learning as ... Views: 1528
Have you ever noticed how time management tips are not about managing time but rather they are about managing yourself? You cannot alter or manage time in anyway.
You can only change the way that you behave and that often starts with a clear examination of what is actually true versus what ... Views: 1122
In Canada more than 70,000 heart attacks occur annually. More than 19,000 people die every year as a result.
Cardiovascular disease is still a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Canada so learning more about heart health and how to manage heart health emergencies should be on ... Views: 1848
There is a common vocabulary used by people who are living with clutter. These words and phrases give clues to the effects of clutter on the physical, emotional, and spiritual level. A lot can be learned about the person living with clutter by listening to what they have to say when they ... Views: 1617
Of all the positive attitude tips offered on the many self help resources available the best is to change the way you think. And if it was really that simple then this article would end here.
However, knowing what to do is different from figuring out how to do it. You cannot change the way ... Views: 2929