I've never recommended pills to lose weight. I think you can lose weight safely without ingesting them. Why? Well, many times, stress causes weight gain.
And what is the reason for stress?
Would you believe it is your beliefs?
What is your belief? Your thoughts. If you ... Views: 1206
How can we help and support someone who is grieving? Here are ten tips:
1. Call weekly, twice weekly, daily, or weekends, whichever is appropriate. Try to do it at the same time of day. If you call at 6 p.m. (as an example) daily, weekly, or whenever, they know when you will be calling and ... Views: 1656
Do you know that your thoughts govern your life, and your health?
If you don't take control of your thoughts, all kinds of things happen. Some good, some not so good. Then, do you say to yourself in frustration, "I don't know how to change!"?
Well, here's an insight for you. You change by ... Views: 2255
Here is an technique that will help you feel better any time of the day. Get ready to relax and use your imagination.
Keep your back straight, but relaxed. Close your eyes and press your tongue against the top of your mouth gently. Put your hands together on your lap.
Now, remember a time ... Views: 2529
Have you ever run energy? Do you know what "running energy" means? (I know that this may be something foreign to many of you at first, but then that's how you learn, right?)
If you haven't run energy before, you probably have questions. Your questions might be: What is "energy" specifically? ... Views: 1412
Relax, and learn to laugh at yourself, or people will laugh at you. They'll say, "Look at so-and-so (you). He/she worries about everything. When is he/she ever going to learn?" In other words, "Relax . . . or you're going to end up like all my dead friends."
Did you know that the majority of ... Views: 1887
When a person looks at something a thousand times -- OK, maybe not 1000 times a day but at least several times an hour all day -- don't you think it would be implanted in his or her brain? Don't you think he/she would always have that as a reference? And I mean ALWAYS.
What if you wanted to be ... Views: 1344
Here is an technique that will help you feel better any time of the day. Get ready to relax and use your imagination.
Keep your back straight, but relaxed. Close your eyes and press your tongue against the top of your mouth gently. Put your hands together on your lap.
Now, remember a time ... Views: 1479
Do you get depressed easily?
If you do, ask yourself not "why" are you depressed, but "how" are you depressed.
Now, don't look at me like I'm crazy. I just happen to think it's interesting to know "how" a person gets depressed.
I would just like to know, if I were in your body, "how" would I ... Views: 8564
If you can count, you can change your life.
How, you ask?
Let's say you are doing exercises. Kind of boring sometimes, aren't they? Let's say you have to hold your stomach in to the count of ten. Instead of counting one, two, three, etc., how about doing this?
"Every day in every way I am ... Views: 1411
Does growing old scare you? So much that you hate even talking about growing old?
Do you have a vision of nursing homes and loss of control and being dependent on your children when they should be enjoying their lives, not taking care of you?
Well, here's a question: What are your role ... Views: 1320
Do you and your partner in business or at home have the same arguments over and over? Do you wish they’d just pay attention at least once in a while? Why do you have to keep getting yelled at or keep yelling at them over the same things again and again? Why can’t they just understand ... Views: 1161
There was a woman in the mountains who went to find a guru.
She had a big feast to make for the holidays that were a ways off, but first she had a problem she wanted the guru to fix.
She climbed up the mountain, found the guru and said, "Guru, my mother-in-law has just moved in with us. We ... Views: 3099
Do you want to make a change? You can, and very easily too.
Did you know that your penmanship tells a lot about you? If you are flamboyant, your writing will be flamboyant also. If you draw within yourself, your writing will be small, self-contained.
Therefore, it stands to reason, if ... Views: 4214
Do you know how to focus?
Well, if you did know how, would it help you remember people's names? Would it stop you from being nervous, or at least help you control your thoughts so your thoughts don't make you nervous?
You Bet!
How about if you talk too much or too loud? Would ... Views: 11901
Do you have a problem? Here is a simple way to turn it
around. Listen up, OK?
Take your problem and write it out. Now, as you're writing it
out, there will be a few sentences. Take the sentences and
number them, and leave a space behind each of them.
Now, what do you have? You have a ... Views: 1520
Are you programmed?
How can you tell what programming you have in your unconscious mind?
That's easy. Just look around your life and see what has manifested. If it's happening -- manifested -- you have a program in your mind that attracts it.
Now, don't go blaming ... Views: 1431