We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "New Age". If you have expertise in New Age and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Throughout the body there are seven energetic centers known as Chakras. The Chakra associated to our emotions and unconditional love is the fourth charka which is located in your chest. This Chakra is known as the Heart Charka and when it comes to matters of love, the Heart Chakra plays an ... Views: 1405
When learning to establish a relationship with your personal spirit guide, you first need to understand what a spirit guide is. Your own personal guide is not an angel. Rather, your guide is a being that once lived upon this earth. In some cases, your personal guide can be a relative or ancestor ... Views: 1745
Becoming a good tarot reader takes more than just memorizing tarot card meanings and knowing tarot spreads. Tarot reading requires practice, patience and, most importantly, a willingness to trust your own intuition. Whether you are reading for yourself or for someone else, there are some very ... Views: 1378
In synchronistic bliss all living forms in the universe symbiotically exist. There is a flow of information passing undisturbed from unit to unit within and without in uniformity.
All forms are nourished by the radiance of the sun, the air and the water, given without a price.
This finite ... Views: 596
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Lesson Two of Your New Creation Toolkit
Posted: 11 Jan 2011 10:09 AM PST
Channeled for Life Tapestry Creations.com by Brenda Hoffman
Listen to Brenda’s radio show “Creation Energies” on blogtalkradio.com
Dear Ones,
Your New Age transition is not an ... Views: 1227
Is it possible that different types of thoughts have different frequencies, just like a radio station? I believe the answer to that is that to a degree they do, however it’s not the thoughts that emit a frequency it’s the brainwaves, which are directly controlled by thoughts and emotions. That ... Views: 4153
Everything is made up of energy. The Universe attracts energy of the same frequency. While the Law of Attraction is important to understand, there are other laws as well that can help you transform yourself to a higher level of consciousness. These two other laws are called the Law of ... Views: 3908
Many people have known the Law of Attraction. Although called The Secret, it is no longer any secret. However, it is not by knowing it we can reap the benefit, it is in our ability to utilize it. It depends on our faith and belief. If we can make the best use of the Law of Attraction, it can ... Views: 1228
What is the whole tale with the 2012 prediction? Just wondering; is there any fact with all the prophecy? Can the 2012 prophecy really seriously be in custody of any validity? In the existence of homosapiens we have not ever before experienced a day that holds such importance to a large amount ... Views: 1401
2010 has been a rather challenging year for many if not all of us. 2011 gives us a light at the end of the tunnel, there are rumours of it being gentler on the soul and the spirit. I see 2010 as The Tower in the Tarot, The Tower tears away all our senses of security and forces us to face our ... Views: 1281
Welcome to Brenda's Blog
Test Your New Creation Skills
Posted: 28 Dec 2010 11:01 AM PST
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for Life Tapestry Creations.com
Dear Ones,
Let us start this day with a message of joy. Yes, you have new skills. Yes, you can use them when you wish. And yes, you can ... Views: 851
It's a kind of spiritual Rorshach Test, speaking to one of the rare people living on earth today who has attained the permanent state of consciousness known as "Enlightenment."
Would you make a fool of yourself? I have. But first things first....
Have you ever talked to someone ... Views: 5856
What are tarot cards? Tarot is a pack of 78 cards. Tarot cards have four suits corresponding to the suits of conventional playing cards. Like conventional playing cards, each suit has cards ace to ten and four face cards for a total of 14 cards. These suit cards are called the 'minor arcana'. ... Views: 1659
Dream – the word is both a noun and a verb.
This life, for some, is simply another dream you wake to.
And this is found in the Huna, explained by Serge Kahili King through his "Mastering Your Hidden Self."
And this can change any conventional idea of what your or my dreams may ... Views: 1294
Elizabeth Edwards, who died December 7, did so many things right. For example, she managed the presidential campaign for her husband, John Edwards -- at least until he self-destructed as a politician.
Creating his briefing books and directing his campaign, sometimes Elizabeth tried to push ... Views: 3400
There will always be different opinion and beliefs, that what makes this virtual reality game so much fun.
Everything is a lie and everything is the truth, it all depends on how you play and perceive the game.
What is true for you is your truth, what is true for me is my truth, the key ... Views: 2027
I hear from many people who voice problems relating to the low economy. The fact is I hear from subscribers who are anxious, have money problems and express feeling quite vulneralbe. Well I'm here to tell you, practicing Law of Attraction tools has nothing to do with sugar coating the issues. ... Views: 1410
In life, we experience two kinds of fear: Real fear, and psychological fear. Or, as I prefer to think of the latter, ego-fear.
In the words of Immanuel Kant, the ego is “our precious little self.” Or as Eckhart Tolle calls it, “the voice in the head.” It isn’t who you really are, but the you ... Views: 1460
Creative visualization is the skill of creation, management and projection of images in the mind. The practice of creative visualization can improve mental and physical sight.
Since the act of visualization is a cognitive process, it is suited to helping people overcome their negative ... Views: 8427
A lot of people do not really understand the meaning when I say personal development, but everyone seems to understand personality development and they're one and the same.
The purpose of this article is to stimulate your mind. I really want you to think for yourself and not allow me or ... Views: 2068
Remember when you learned to tie your shoelaces? Did you do it correctly the first time? Probably not. How much practice did it take to learn how to type correctly on a keyboard? I bet you've done the same combinations of movements thousands of times prior to actually being able to do it without ... Views: 1513
A common reason people attack The Secret (and now, Rhonda Byrne's sequel, The Power) is that it promotes a self-centered and "consumerist" attitude. Byrne, critics say, encourages us to focus on "manifesting" luxury cars, expensive shoes, and so on, rather than on helping others.
It's true ... Views: 1932
"We are God," or "the Messiah is us" is the belief many of us hold today. But is this belief correct? Can we, mere mortal beings who can die, be God, who alone is immortal and cannot die?
God, whose personal name is Jehovah, is absolutely holy and perfect and sinless. Jesus our Messiah, the ... Views: 2139
What are Earth Energies?
According to the dictionary Earth is the planet or world we live on, ground, soil, or to connect electrically with earth.
Energy is vigour, force, activity, source(s) of power. Energy exists as potential or kinetic and is measured in various units, such as ergs, ... Views: 1943
The energy is ripe for manifesting in a powerful quick way and breaking free of self limiting beliefs. We recommend taking advantage of it. Get clear and keep your eyes on the ball.
The seeds of creating action have been planted. There is just a bit more patience necessary to stay with the ... Views: 1254
People seem interested in the topic of karma and how one can achieve karmic clearing, with some claiming that karmic clearing is a prerequisite for Ascension. For example, Richard Presser (a channel for "Father God," Jesus, and others) has stated that if you wish to participate in the ... Views: 3233
A quiz just in time for HalloweenToday's quiz is meant to test your awareness about different types of astral-level STUFF that are effectively removed through the skill set I call "Spritual Cleansing and Protection."
Although my annual workshop for Spritual Cleansing and Protection for 2010 ... Views: 2585
I'm proud to be part of the New Age community. Likewise I'm proud of many of my favorite New Age leaders, including Bill Bauman, Tantra Maat, Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Lynne Porzel, Judy Lavine, Jeffrey Chappell, Catrien Ross, Marianne Williamson, Chrissie Blaze, Ceci Miller, Christiane ... Views: 2672
What DO New Agers have in common, if not the New Age Litany previously discussed? (See the blog article here for that previous discussion: http://www.rose-rosetree.com/blog/2010/10/18/the-new-age-litany/ )
Here are 10 points I would like to propose as a commonality among New Agers, unofficial ... Views: 3136
The candle is a very influential symbol in our conscious mind. It may represent is the light in a world that would otherwise be dark; it speaks to the deepest part of our soul. For this reason the candles has such a profound meaning in so many cultures all over the world. Candles can be found in ... Views: 1928
I consider myself as open minded and although I myself have never experienced Astral Projection does not mean that it is not a real phenomena. Many people from different cultures all over the world have claimed to have experienced AstroProjection also known as Astral Travel or an Out Of Body ... Views: 2096
Have you ever traveled to distant place had the odd feeling you have been there before. Maybe you saw a house that you know you have seen in a dream and you know you have been here before, but that is imposable this is the first time in your life you have traveled to this location. Is this just ... Views: 2437
Do you have vivid dreams, of a life that is not that of your waking life, maybe you where someone else or living sometime in the past, but yet it all seemed very familiar? This type of dream is referred to as a Past Life or Karmic Dream. Millions of people have reported past life memories, many ... Views: 1895
In these times of great change and accelerated energy there are many steps you can take and ideas you can embrace that will help you not only cope, but thrive. This requires that you release outdated, fear-based thoughts, beliefs and emotions to make way for a new, higher-frequency, love-based ... Views: 1015
Many years ago I moved from my apartment into a rental home quite a distance away and was feeling kind of isolated…it was peaceful, but far from my friends and social network. I would get a bit fearful at times, so I would say some prayers, ask the Universe to support and protect me and my home ... Views: 1354
10/10/10; the Significance
It has arrived; 10/10/10. The date is important in time. What can it mean to us? One thing it means is that the planetary convergence is just two years away. We are at a doorway to a New World. Some people expect the appearance of UFO’s in major cities throughout ... Views: 1440
Let's celebrate, all seekers of full Energetic Literacy. Because "After Dark" Magazine has just published the first magazine article EVER about aura reading.
That's the first magazine anywhere in America (to my knowledge). The cover story is "Auras Explained: What They Reveal About ... Views: 3289
I have always believed that everyone has gifts. Sometimes it takes all of a person's life to figure out what those gifts are and the person doesn't get to do the work he or she was "supposed" to do. That's where Karma comes in. After all, what goes around comes around and if you don't get to do ... Views: 2673
I am writing to explainwhat is happening with the energies of the Earth in these changing times. We hear talk of 10/10/10 and 11/11/11 and 12/12/12, the great shift, Light codes, Star children and ascension. But what does this really mean to You and me?
Times are a changing, there’s no ... Views: 1604
The day will come when you thank your lucky stars you were born as an empath. I remind empaths of that often. Because it's true.
And also because many an empath does struggle before becoming skilled.
It is not at all unusual for an unskilled empath to struggle because of the biggest ... Views: 2892
For a long time I've noticed there are alot of psychological manipulators who claim to be spiritual teachers....
They know how to build rapport, how to anchor certain emotions in you...and more...so beware...and use your own intuition to weed out the fakes from the reals....
A true teacher ... Views: 6971
Have you ever taken a power nap? Then, you know how refreshing you feel once you are awake and have stretched out your body. It has been scientifically proven how much good a power nap will do for someone who is in a stressful job or situation. Think how much better you would feel if you could ... Views: 1116
If you are a world traveler and you go from one country to another searching for something you can’t identify perhaps you are searching for your tribe. There is closeness between people of like thought that cannot be explained. It reaches out to others without conscious effort.
Have you ever ... Views: 3508
It looks so easy when you sit down at the table across from a reader and listen as he or she reads your cards. It seems so simple when the reader is speaking. In truth, learning to read the Tarot is like learning to speak or read a new language. In fact, that’s what it is. Tarot is the language ... Views: 1325
Whew, empaths around the world are finally beginning to know they are empaths. When I published the first book for empaths in English, even I didn't use that word consistently. The title was Empowered by Empathy!
Today, many people are wondering if they are empaths. That makes sense because ... Views: 4336
There are many meditation techniques in the world. Most of them are improvised to suit individual religions. Meditation can help your life to an extraordinary degree. However, you don't need to be a Buddhist to meditate. Meditation can put you in touch with the real you, we are spirit and we can ... Views: 1610
Near death experiences provide insight beyond the objective.
When it comes to understanding the phenomenon of near death experiences, there are several objective lenses which can be applied. First, did the patient actually have a loss of all life functioning and require life support ... Views: 1200
If you have ever had a phone psychic reading then your opinion of the quality of this may be limited due to the very costs & thus the restrictions involved with such services. I speak from a point of knowledge, having worked in the spiritual and metaphysical phone readings industry for 15 years. ... Views: 1445
Gladys had already done the practical things to fix the problems with her stalker, "Zorro." But that wasn't really solving the problem enough for her life to return to normal.
Mitch, who makes appointments for my sessions of Aura Healing and Transformation, always makes sure about that. If ... Views: 1599
The Power was released on August 17, 2010. Not only have I jumped on the first occasion to grab my very own copy of the book, but it really didn't take long before I finished reading it -- less than 3 workdays! Needless to say I was very excited about Rhonda Byrne's major new book being released ... Views: 4224