I rarely write an article that isn't planned out to the inth degree. This one is one of those rare ones so if I seem a little disconnected, excuse me. I don't intend to be disconnected; the purpose of this article is CONNECTION; our's and God's.
Have you ever read the Celestine Prophecy? It ... Views: 3675
Everyone has been talking about the coming date of 12/22/2012. Some people think it is the End of the World; some expect major catastrophes to happen immediately when the calendar date arrives. Spiritually, the date is of great importance. On this particular day the Winter Solstice having just ... Views: 2639
I am not an expert in Feng Shui. I really don’t believe it is possible for a Westerner to BE an expert in Feng Shui. Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy. It is totally Eastern in nature and, therefore, not easy to understand in our minds.
A friend of mine went to school in Boston to be a Feng ... Views: 3703
What’s So Different about Astrology All of a Sudden?All of a sudden there are tweets and Face Book posts about how astrology has changed and how it affects our personal horoscopes. The dates are different and that moves people from one sign to another. How on earth is this going to affect us? An ... Views: 1261
Every good spiritual advisor makes predictions for the coming year. Would I be remiss if I did not? Of course; so I will.
1. The American people will stop sitting by while politicians play with their lives like Lego toys. Politicians in the next two years will discover that the Americans of ... Views: 1082
You begin by thinking the sun, moon and stars shine in the eyes of the man you love. You want to be with him every minute of every day. Your family and friends don't like him very much and they try to get you to re-think having a relationship. You decide that he will be all you will ever need ... Views: 1188
HE said "You are gaining weight every day. Your body looks like you swallowed the Pillsbury Doughboy." SHE heard "Oh, God, I have to stop taking this medication. It doesn't matter that it is all that is keeping me alive. I am fat and my husband doesn't love me any more."
Are you laughing? You ... Views: 1229
Dr. John Bradshaw has written many books about families and relationships but the best of those books was about family secrets. Family secrets can destroy you. It does not matter why they have been kept; they will eventually come back to smack you in the face.
Take, for instance, the story of ... Views: 3001
Is there a great story in your mind that is just crying out to be told? Are you an expert on a certain subject and want to share your knowledge with others? Do you try and try but can’t get the words out of your head and down on paper. What can you do to get your book written?
There are ... Views: 1250
You would never consider your self an addict. You could quit anytime, right? What am I talking about? No, I am not talking about alcohol or drugs or even gambling. I am talking about co-dependent relationships. CAN you quit anytime? Probably not.
Statistics have proven that some people can only ... Views: 2358
They say Man plans; God laughs. I am pretty sure it could also read Man plans; the Government laughs.
I just finished watching one of my favorite shows: Jesse Ventura; conspiracy Theories. He just did a great show about the possibility of a giant asteroid or meteor hitting earth and ... Views: 1862
The longer I live the more I realize that things are always changing around us; whether or not we want to admit it. We don’t like change. It must be in our genetic makeup to want to keep things like they are. Even my five year old grandson hates change. It’s just normal.
If you are a religious ... Views: 4016
Have you ever wondered about all those big mastermind groups that are always being talked about in the news and on the talk shows? A Mastermind group comes together around a central thought. They also have control issues; they often want to control the world (or at least their little portion of ... Views: 2008
I am standing here where once stood the mighty Twin Towers that were demolished on 9/11. People still maintain that there was an implosion at least 1 minute prior to the first plane hitting the buildings. These people were all called to testify at the 9/11 Commission Hearings. Others have sworn ... Views: 2669
Lesson #1 for the Beginning Writer
I am a freelance writer and I have been working for over thirty years. I might amend that and also state that I have been getting paid to write. That is the most important part; isn’t it?
I am quite often asked to do workshops for beginning writers. They ... Views: 1733
Children Are Not Pawns
Has your significant other become “de trop” (as the French like to say)? Has he or she gone outside of your relationship for anything other than a casual friendship? Have you cause to re-examine your relationship? All too often we allow ... Views: 2988
10/10/10; the Significance
It has arrived; 10/10/10. The date is important in time. What can it mean to us? One thing it means is that the planetary convergence is just two years away. We are at a doorway to a New World. Some people expect the appearance of UFO’s in major cities throughout ... Views: 1380
We are at the door to 12/21/2012. What will happen next? Will we open it and step through or will we, somehow, miss the whole thing? I have said in past articles that the fear mongers have used the date of the Galactic Convergence to scare humans half to death. Books are written and sold every ... Views: 3652
After a divorce a single parent can find him/herself in a pit of confusion.It is time to sit down and consider how your new family is going to function because that's what you are; a family. You may be missing one component that has been with you for a while but those of you who are left now ... Views: 1551
Divorce makes us reexamine the way we perceive a family. You have changed from a nuclear family with two parents to a one parent family. To begin this lesson I would like you to write in your journal about how you perceive parenting.
I think the most important thing in a parent-child ... Views: 1409
LESSON ONE: Dealing With the Anger
Begin this first lesson by writing down your feelings about your divorce in your journal. Don’t say “I can’t do this” or “I don’t know what to write”. You know what is in your heart and what you feel.
1. Was there another person involved in the ... Views: 1379
Advice for beginning writers is easy to come by and hard to follow. As a beginner, you want everything to go well and you want to sell your article or book as quickly as you can. What are some of the things that can insure that you sell? They are pretty simple.
Be certain that what you ... Views: 1131
I just saw “you don’t know Jack” which is the televised biography of Dr Jack Kervorkian., sometimes called Dr. Death. It is a difficult movie to watch but the subject matter, the right to die, is very important. Why is it that a family can be allowed to decide to “pull the plug” on a comatose ... Views: 1223
I have always believed that everyone has gifts. Sometimes it takes all of a person's life to figure out what those gifts are and the person doesn't get to do the work he or she was "supposed" to do. That's where Karma comes in. After all, what goes around comes around and if you don't get to do ... Views: 2612
“When two or more come together, they are joined by Spirit.” Thus says Sir Cheo, Spiritual Warrior and Psychic, in his online blog. When you hear these words and know the validity of them you might also remember the words in the Bible that said “Where two or more are joined in my name, I will be ... Views: 1529
Have you ever taken a power nap? Then, you know how refreshing you feel once you are awake and have stretched out your body. It has been scientifically proven how much good a power nap will do for someone who is in a stressful job or situation. Think how much better you would feel if you could ... Views: 1055
If you are a world traveler and you go from one country to another searching for something you can’t identify perhaps you are searching for your tribe. There is closeness between people of like thought that cannot be explained. It reaches out to others without conscious effort.
Have you ever ... Views: 3443
It looks so easy when you sit down at the table across from a reader and listen as he or she reads your cards. It seems so simple when the reader is speaking. In truth, learning to read the Tarot is like learning to speak or read a new language. In fact, that’s what it is. Tarot is the language ... Views: 1260
What is a chakra and where do you find them? Chakras are energy wheels within the body that allows the body to collect energy and store it for future use. There are seven main wheeled vortices within the body: Crown chakra, Brow chakra, Throat chakra, Heart, Solar plexus, Spleen and the Root ... Views: 1282