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A great deal of what has been said about the Law of Attraction is only half the story. Attraction is one of two forces contained within magnetism. The other is ‘repulsion.’ Magnetism does not operate without both poles. In other words, if you can accept that you are currently attracting the ... Views: 9917
We are in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde Cycle (and the effects of a Full Moon Phase). Both of these powerful universal forces can bring in some negative energies when perhaps things are not working or manifesting the way you want. Mercury Retrograde rules communication, information and ... Views: 6265
There is a world where life is good and all is well and it is right here on earth. It exists beyond a thin, transparent veil of conscious perception that, in spite of its fragility, has power greater than a thick lead wall to those who live within it. We, who reside outside the veil, walk ... Views: 1003
It is rare, but working as a medium it is possible to come across inhuman or demonic forces in your work. These experiences can be extremely frightening, especially to those who are new in working with their gifts. The memories of images, voices and feelings can stay with you for a very long ... Views: 2646
I enjoy traveling, seeing new sights and soaking up the culture of other places. I recently had the opportunity to live and work in the Pacific Northwest for six weeks. The Washington coast could not be more different than the Arizona desert I’ve known and lived for most of my life.
Yet, when ... Views: 1730
I'm a firm believer that the best paranormal research and investigation strategy is a balance of not only using scientific tools and experiments, but also utilizing spiritual methods. The most important point as in all teamwork, is working together and keeping everyone's roles in mind. When I do ... Views: 1050
I would like to share these Christian prayers and methods I use in cleansing a home. Of course I have to advise if you are not experienced in cleansing, and the home/location is believed to be inhabited by a spirit(s) do not try this on your own. Please contact a member of your clergy or someone ... Views: 3107
Everyone knows that it is impossible to foresee the future. Well, believers in astrology, tarot cards, psychic powers, black magic, crystal balls, and so forth, may take exception to this but their beliefs have been generally discredited by the world's scientific community. Indeed, to predict a ... Views: 3743
Names and their meanings can affect us on three different levels - how a name sounds, it’s origin of meaning and it’s numerological meaning.
Firstly we react to the sound and look of a name either in a positive or a negative way. For instance the name Mother Teresa conjures up a very ... Views: 3497
Numerology Meanings are fascinating because they reveal the hidden depths of our personalities and our purpose in life. You can learn so much about yourself or another person (partner, child, friend etc) when you understand the different core numerology numbers that you can calculate from your ... Views: 6164
The flow is a beautiful, yet powerful state of being where life moves effortlessly through you. What does it mean to be in the flow? When in the flow you are high on the emotional tone scale, relaxed and full of well being. This is the optimum state of being to live in to activate the Law of ... Views: 6068
May 7, 2003. I remember that day well, because it was the day on which my life changed, the day that launched me on the path to writing the book Your Soul’s Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (www.yoursoulsplan.com).
I was 40 at the time, ... Views: 4654
The most popular version of the Tarot was established in 1910 by the artist Pamela Colman-Smith. She worked under the guidance of occultist A.E. Waite. The Waite deck was the first tarot deck to include symbolic imagery on all 78 cards.
The tarot has its roots in many different philosophical ... Views: 3894
There tends to be an overall apprehension when interpreting reversed tarot card meanings in Tarot readings. Typically, many tarot readers and reference books tend to believe reversed card positions are more negative in nature. What people fail to recognize, however, is that reversed cards often ... Views: 3399
There is in everyone the longing to know intimacy with the Divine. The only difference between people is that a few are aware of this longing, while most are not. For those who are not, life is a constant challenge, even a frustration, as they search for God everywhere but the one and only place ... Views: 3111
The legendary American mystic from Virginia Beach, Virginia, Edgar Cayce, gave approximately 2500 life or reincarnation readings for some 2000 different individuals. Needless to say, most of them were delighted to receive information on their previous incarnations, and a few were startled to ... Views: 2832
There are numerous Universal Laws that are a part of the quantum soup that make up our lives here in our plane of existence. The Law of Attraction is probably the most well known of the laws. There is so much discussion about the Law of Attraction that sometimes we forget the other, very ... Views: 2281
In the past I have written many posts and articles about human energy and how it relates to healing and transformation. But now we stand on the cusp of a great shift. This shift has been referred to by the Mayans, Hopis, Hindis, Tibetans and many other ancient cultures. Current predictions are ... Views: 4299
Magic spells are the tools that enlightened people use to bring about positive change in their lives, improve themselves and the people around them, and achieve their life goals and dreams. Many people have used magic spells for their entire lives and had huge success with magic, achieving some ... Views: 4435
Have you ever felt a strong unexplainable attraction or repulsion to a location you have never visited? Have you ever dreamt of being another person in a different time and place, yet it felt very real and had no fantasy elements to it? Or perhaps you have an unfounded phobia that can’t be ... Views: 5764
It was Christmas Eve when award-winning author and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff was mugged in front of his “hip” Park Slope neighborhood apartment in Brooklyn while taking out his trash. He immediately did what any responsible neighbor would do: Warn his fellow residents as to the location and ... Views: 1307
In a period of less than one hundred years, humankind advanced from traveling by horse and buggy to making a trip to its planet's satellite. Just imagine what the humans might be able to accomplish over the course of the next ten thousand years! That is possibly enough time to develop techniques ... Views: 2321
Being a Metaphysician I sometimes feel as if I am living in the world of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Often I feel that I ride in my spaceship that I call my life, and am in communication with many otherworldly beings from different dimensions and galaxies, which are my advisors and my ... Views: 2535
Our Skies Are Talking to Us; Sending Messages of Love, Hope, and Guidance
Ever see a cloud that truly has a meaningful shape? It’s not just your imagination. If you’re noticing, it’s probably because there is a message in it for you.
When you see a cloud shaped like a heart, an angel, a ... Views: 1892
When you see the numbers “444”—whether on the clock (4:44), a license plate, a sign, the internet, a bill, just anywhere—it is "a sign of the power of God's love," according to Nick Bunick, author of In God’s Truth. In Doreen Virtue’s book Angel Numbers, she describes the meaning of the number ... Views: 17220
There are countless books on Tarot Cards and Tarot Card Meanings. They can be a valuable tool for the beginning Tarot reader. However, the more you become familiar with Tarot reading, the more you will begin to associate your own personal meanings to the cards. The best Tarot readers are one’s ... Views: 2889
People are searching for answers to why there is more turmoil and less peace in these troubling times. Certainly the planetary alignments within our solar system offer insight and grant curious relief through providing astrological explanations. However, there is an answer that moves beyond star ... Views: 2148
As I sat here in my office on this mid-November morning in 2009, joyfully removing the clutter of my possessions as I prepare to move to my new home next month, I came across a binder I prepared years ago, titled “Archangel Michael: Personal Channelings (the beginning).” Feeling a strong urge to ... Views: 2324
Sometimes synchronicities (or meaningful coincidences) that are related show up in rapid succession. This usually calls for you to amp up your awareness because an important message awaits. Such is what happened when I experienced a number of "just breathe" signs, one right after another.
For ... Views: 2144
Did you know that we can, and probably are, receiving messages from our passed loved ones? After Death Communications, or ADCs, are various types of communications relayed from relatives and friends that have departed this life. These ADCs serve as ways to show us, truly prove to us, that the ... Views: 3153
There is so much hype about 2012, and it’s only going to increase as we move closer to this time. Fear is a big money maker, and there are those who are taking full advantage of this most negative emotion to make big profits, whether it’s through movies, books, the news, etc., and trying to make ... Views: 2574
Summary: This article explains the relationships between various forms of chakra meditation and real healing phenomenon. Readers learn how to work with chakras on a basic level and use this knowledge for unlimited self improvement, personal development and transformation. Readers learn about how ... Views: 2699
Imagine someone asks you the time. You look at the clock and it’s 11:11 a.m. Then later on that night, after going to bed, for no good reason you open your eyes and catch 11:11 again. You may think it’s purely coincidence. Then it happens the next day, and then again and again until you say, ... Views: 4358
We are in the middle of 2010 year of the Tiger. Have you been experiencing a better year in 2010?
The 2010 year of Tiger is an "AWAKENING Year", as we transit from more stable to more prosperous conditions.
2010 is a Golden Tiger (???) year. This Golden Tiger year begins from Feb 4th, ... Views: 2363
We all have the ability to tap into our own sense of inner knowing. This is the part of us that guides us on our life’s journey. It is an inherent knowledge that, when identified, can inform us as to which course of action we should take. Some believe that our inner guide is our connection to ... Views: 3233
Can you really use love spells to bring back an ex lover, or to attract a new lover towards you? Will love spells really solve all of your relationship problems and bring you true love and happiness with the wave of a wand? The answer is yes, and no.
Firstly let's quickly answer the question ... Views: 13984
How to define science and spirituality? Many people carry misleading perceptions of science and spirituality. Parameters of science and spirituality are different. Science and spirituality are not opposed to each other, but support each other. Einstein concluded that science can understand the ... Views: 2039
Your altar and your casting circle are important parts of what makes your magic spells powerful and successful. There are three parts that I want to discuss in this article: your altar, the circle, and "anchor" objects.
Your Altar
Your altar is the place at which you perform your magic ... Views: 3024
Do you find yourself drawn to shows like Star Trek, Star Gate, Men in Black or other Sci-Fi movies about alien beings? Have you speculated what you would do if you ever met an Extra Terrestrial?
Well, guess what! I’m an ET and so are many of you. For many of us, the essence of who we are ... Views: 1862
A few years ago the journalist and author John Horgan wrote an article about his personal exploration of Buddhism, and the unfavorable view of Buddhist practice and philosophy that he had with some regret arrived at. Mr. Horgan, who as a writer specializes in covering the world of science, is ... Views: 2869
On January 4th, 2010 Jennifer McLean interviewed guest Geoffrey Hoppe, who channels Adamus St. Germain, in her "2010 Predictions Week" series. St. Germain said that the theme for 2010 is "learning to trust what you cannot yet see," and that the world is currently going through a cycle that will ... Views: 2469
You think you are fooling others by telling them you are happy or already contented with your life, when deep inside, you feel nothing but apathy, not to mention the lack of self worth and belief in God. Then you are merely fooling yourself and it will do you no good at all. If you truly want to ... Views: 1338
Pink is a Fake!
Because it does not appear on the colour spectrum! The word pink was first used to describe colour in the 1600's to name the light red flowers in the dianthus family as 'pinks' a close relative of carnations. However, light red is not pink as pink has a bit less green in the ... Views: 2530
Our Reaction to Colour - The Endocrine System
Colour affects us physically and psychologically, directly and indirectly and from a combined psychological, physiological, and spiritual perspective. From both the psychological and physiological perspective colour affects us directly when it ... Views: 3834
This article was originally published on PH Online March 2009 Issue 156 - http://www.positivehealth.com/article-view.php?articleid=2558
In Part I featured in Issue 153 of PH Online Positive Health, I described the benefits of colour therapy with exercise together with the concept of ... Views: 3791
This article was originally published on PH Online Dec 2008 Issue 153 - http://www.positivehealth.com/article-view.php?articleid=2513
As a colour counsellor and lifelong outdoor pursuit’s enthusiast, I read with interest the recent news that doctors were prescribing a walk in the park for ... Views: 3239
A free psychic reading is usually offered to confirm the psychic’s ability to connect with the person interested in receiving the reading. Psychics often offer a free reading to prove their ability before the inquirer actually has to pay for the reading. It is important to consider that many ... Views: 2995
I am honored to write about the truly amazing children I have met who possess remarkable abilities to heal, see energy fields, and embrace a 6th sense. I vowed to one day write their story, and now the excitement of publishing a book about them -- and the many others who are being born now with ... Views: 2716
During these times of economical problems, environmental crisis, moral degeneration, spiritless leadership, people are looking for answers and looking for purpose. This is nothing new, of course. Although perhaps due to the precariousness of the human race as we raced past the millennium, ... Views: 2483