Have you been keeping up with all that's being reported lately in the online alternative press? A reader emailed, asking for my feedback on some recent topics he's come across. For example, he wanted my feedback on David Wilcock's work at DivineCosmos.com, specifically on the articles David has ... Views: 1342
Are you aware that following your inner guidance not only helps you fulfill your higher purpose, but it also saves you money, time and energy? If the answer is yes, are you taking full advantage of it? Recently, a reader named Charli (who's been reading my articles for a while now) commented on ... Views: 1806
Some people want to reconnect with and cultivate a palpable relationship with their higher self. Your meditation practice should help you with this goal, but some meditations are more effective at this than others. If your relationship with your higher self isn't where you want it to be and ... Views: 2960
More people are beginning to realize that the next step in their process of spiritual growth and evolution (the "Ascension" of their consciousness) is to connect with their higher self and seek within for their own inner guidance and answers, rather than looking to others or to channeled ... Views: 1426
People seem interested in the topic of karma and how one can achieve karmic clearing, with some claiming that karmic clearing is a prerequisite for Ascension. For example, Richard Presser (a channel for "Father God," Jesus, and others) has stated that if you wish to participate in the ... Views: 3210
The topic of free will and does free will exist came up as I listened to Joe Rumbolo's September 30th Blog Talk Radio show. Joe was interviewing guests Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe, and I usually try to make time to listen to this couple as Geoffrey channels a being named Adamus St. Germaine whom I ... Views: 1657
Previously I compiled a list of 9 signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening that I considered essential to the awakening process. In this article, I discuss meaningful dreams as one of the signs of spiritual awakening. Intense, vivid dreams that seem to point you in a certain direction are one ... Views: 3028
Perceptive readers of my recent articles have probably noticed that I have hinted at an out-of-the-ordinary meeting of a man (a parent at my children's elementary school) as a sign of spiritual awakening. This is because this man happened to be my twin soul (sometimes also called "twin flame") ... Views: 9096
In another article I put together a list of nine signs and symptoms of spiritual awakening that I found essential to the awakening process. In this article, I discuss in detail one of the signs of awakening that could be called "repeating incidents." This is when you have the same thing ... Views: 3410
Recently I wrote about the signs and symptoms of being on the "fast track" to spiritual awakening. One of the signs of awakening is receiving "secret" messages from the universe (from spirit) that help point you in the right direction. Secret messages from the universe can be anything from an ... Views: 10230
Recently on the Internet I discovered a few lists of the signs of spiritual awakening (sometimes also referred to as symptoms of spiritual awakening). The lists I've come across so far are vague and unclear (for example: headaches and body aches, feeling as though you're on an emotional ... Views: 2203
On August 10th I listened to an online program offered by Geoffrey Hoppe and his wife Linda titled, "Are You Having a Spiritual Awakening?" that was both informative as well as enjoyable to experience. During the program, a listener called in to ask, "Is there any way to speed up the awakening ... Views: 5455
David Wilcock, in his video 2012 Event Horizon: Prophecies and Science of a Golden Age, states that with the unveiling of the information that has been held secret from the masses for thousands of years comes the potential for what is called apotheosis. The definition of apotheosis is: The ... Views: 2028
I listened to an online discussion on evolutionary spirituality, evolving beyond the ego and spiritual evolution led by Craig Hamilton last month (April 2010). In a nutshell, Hamilton's message was that the ego (which he defined as the part of the self susceptible to collective conditioning) ... Views: 2286
I listened to an online introduction on evolutionary spirituality and evolving beyond the ego led by Craig Hamilton earlier this month (April 2010). Craig is an amazing speaker (and seeker) who shared many insights on evolutionary spirituality and evolving beyond the ego. This article is second ... Views: 1209
I listened to an online discussion on evolutionary spirituality and evolving beyond the ego presented by Craig Hamilton earlier this month. Craig is a wonderful, highly perceptive speaker (and seeker) who had many interesting insights to share on the topic of evolutionary spirituality and ... Views: 869
A few days after I published an article about the subconscious mind and the misconceptions being spread by so-called self-help gurus, I read a message channeled by Mike Quinsey about the awakening process that humanity is currently undergoing. The following is an excerpt:
"...As the energy ... Views: 1550
I listened in as Jennifer McLean interviewed guest Geoffrey Hoppe, who channels Adamus St. Germain, last week. The theme was predictions for 2010. I am writing this article because I feel this St. Germain has one of the most informative, higher level understandings of what is happening on our ... Views: 2007
This article clarifies two major myths and misconceptions rampant in the self-help industry about the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is purported by some well-known teachers in the industry to be full of dark and unwanted tendencies. If you can impress upon your terrible subconscious ... Views: 2657
The following paragraph is an excerpt of a message channeled through Natalie Glasson (February 8, 2010) from Ascended Master El Morya titled, "Your Reality is Within You." In this article I translate the channeled message into simpler English.
"When we begin to look within us we notice that ... Views: 1327
Beginners who want to learn how to meditate effectively often come across a variety of meditation techniques that can leave them feeling frustrated and confused. There are variations in how long you need to meditate, whether you need to sit in a certain posture, what to do to still your mind and ... Views: 1116
The fear of change has been a recurring theme around me the last few weeks. The combination of the current breakdown of social and economic systems and the emergence of a new paradigm connected with 2012 adds to the already high fear level on this planet. This article's purpose is to help reduce ... Views: 1315
On January 4th, 2010 Jennifer McLean interviewed guest Geoffrey Hoppe, who channels Adamus St. Germain, in her "2010 Predictions Week" series. St. Germain said that the theme for 2010 is "learning to trust what you cannot yet see," and that the world is currently going through a cycle that will ... Views: 2456
The beginning of January I listened in as Jennifer McLean interviewed guest Geoffrey Hoppe, who channels Adamus St. Germain, on her "2010 Predictions Week" teleseminar series. According to Adamus St. Germain, the theme for 2010 is "trusting in what you cannot see yet," which is part of preparing ... Views: 2389
There are many reasons why it is worth your while to reconnect to your higher self. The top nine (in no particular order of importance) are included here.
1. Your higher self (also known as your soul, your inner core, your essence, or your inner being) is your access point to your higher life ... Views: 1477
I received an email promoting a meditation and workbook program that claims to help you access and harness your intuition. The email stated that intuition is the bridge that leads you to your "ultimate self" and your insights, gifts and wisdom. Now I'm all for getting in touch with your ... Views: 1453
Does Synchronicity Exist?
I have a friend who is a bit skeptical about the existence of synchronicity. S. and I have been discussing synchronicities and interconnectedness--that there might be a design to the universe that we can tap into for our own benefit--for about three weeks now. But he ... Views: 4346
Why does it seem that the Law of Attraction isn't working for you--even though you're making an effort and following all the rules? You visualize till the cows come home, you try to feel good, but your life attracts turmoil and chaos instead of the peace and abundance that's arranged neatly on ... Views: 1895
When I began my process of developing my intuition so that I could gain access to my greater life purpose, amazing things began to happen to me with increasing frequency. Sometimes when I had a specific question I wanted answered by a "higher power," I'd get it answered when I awakened at night. ... Views: 1482
Psychologists have known for many years that people who write their goals down on paper are much more likely to achieve them, and the more specific the goal, the more likely they are to achieve it. Back in the late eighties I attended a course on personal growth where writing your specific goals ... Views: 3128