We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Intuition". If you have expertise in Intuition and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking? Can you discover if they have aches and pains, they want you to know about? Are they happy or sad? Do they care about what they eat, or are they willing to eat whatever you feed them? The answers to these questions are available to you, when you ... Views: 751
f you’ve been in business for any length of time, there’s a strong possibility you’ve experienced the power of trusting your gut when making decisions.
On the flip side, you’ve probably had the experience where you had a strong feeling to do something, ignored the feeling and as a result, had ... Views: 804
What is the Third Eye?
The Third Eye is one of the most discussed, debated and yet
misunderstood of the extraordinary powers available to man.
In Samskrit, the Third Eye is named with many words – Trinetra,
Cakshu, Ajna chakra, Mahanadi, Bhrumadhya, Tapah Loka, Shiva Loka.
The third eye is ... Views: 978
"How do we qualify information as it enters our 'field' ?" The resonance of truth varies depending on our ability to be aware at deeper levels. We have a 'field' that surrounds us, a kind of 'spidey sense' that we often neglect.
How do we 'vet' the information and people providing it so that ... Views: 1719
Beyond the question of whether or not astrology is a science, we believe in astrology as a system that helps guide man to the right path. Therefore, wrong astrological advice often leads to serious consequences and can be misinterpreted as astrology.
Many of us may start the day by reading ... Views: 975
Is Art Abstract or Representational?
Rembrandt van Rijn began his career painting very realistic and polished portraits and landscapes. By the end of his career, having satisfied his need to show the world his masterly technique and ... Views: 1076
Intuition is a term that’s often used, and we all think we know what it means. But let’s look at the actual definition of intuition before we go on to explore if you can trust yours or not. The Cambridge English Dictionary describes intuition as:
1. (knowledge from) an ability to understand ... Views: 1746
INTUITION is SUCH a BIG THING because it’s our Higher Selves talking to us on a level that our small intellect (or small intelligence) has NO WAY of reaching, on it’s own.
For some odd reason, SOME people or MANY people think God ONLY talked to people in ancient history. This is totally ... Views: 995
Everywhere I see versions of this nagging question and get asked the same so often!
You can find good and bad intentions in any profession. While you may “trust her skills” please ask yourself if you trust her morals/values. Ideally, a spiritual worker should work for the highest best of their ... Views: 1071
People ask me all the time if I am going to let in anything that’s bad. Well, first of all, bad is in the eye of the beholder.
Am I going to let in demons, goblins or ghouls when I work with you?….no! Absolutely not!
The reality tho, is they exist. So how do you keep them at bay? Lower ... Views: 966
I used to be caught in indecision about nearly everything in my life. I even had a poster in my dorm room in college that was a quote from Harvard professor Harvey Cox:
"Not to decide is to decide.”
I put it up as kind of a joke about how indecisive I was and my boyfriend at ... Views: 1104
After predicting the beginning of World War II, one of the darkest periods in human history, Baba Vanga left another horror prophecy behind her.
A blind Bulgarian prophetess predicted a beginning of a new disease that threatens to wipe out most of Europe's and world's population. This ... Views: 1699
How to Shine the Light on The Way Ahead
The coming days will provide you with some lightning flashes of insight to help you gain even greater clarity as to the way ahead to grow your business. And if the sense of confusion still persists, these flashes will help you peer through those mists ... Views: 1110
A Newsletter created with the intention of providing you with thoughts on the evolving shamanic practise of bringing balance between the Earth and Spirit.
Welcome to Shamanics in Portugal´s Earth Spirit Journal. Our intention is to provide you our readers, friends and connections with an ... Views: 2242
When we don’t speak our minds, there’s a silent scream on the inside. It can be a peep or as loud as a lion… but there is a scream. We know that something should or could be different, but we say or do nothing. Our silent screams are our souls way of asking us to wake up to our truth. This is ... Views: 1202
Somewhere along the road of childhood into adolescence, a belief is transmitted that says: Follow the roadmap that culture presents and you will find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This roadmap looks like: Graduate from a 4-year university, land a corporate job then climb the ladder, ... Views: 1498
Intuition - the ‘sixth sense’ - has had a rather chequered history. At various times it was considered a gift bestowed on only a few, a curse leading to persecution or a form of woo-woo imagination children were taught to suppress. Although some individuals seem naturally wired for strong ... Views: 1388
In an article that I wrote a few months ago, I spoke about someone who I met whilst I was at a spiritual shop a few years ago. His name was Ian Baillie, and this was someone who was into past lives.
At the time, this was not something that I knew much about, but I was open-minded and keen to ... Views: 1486
The Gift of Being Highly Sensitive
What comes to mind instantaneoulsy when you read this title?
Is it assuring, confusing, validating or maybe it even elicits a mixed emotional response? If so, why do you think that might be the case? Take a moment to consider this and reflect, then ... Views: 1591
After my father had been moved to a closer hospital, towards the end of 2011, we were pleased that it would be a lot easier to visit him. Even so, this was a time when he was on a life support machine, so it wasn’t as if we could have a conversation with him.
There were times when I would ... Views: 1556
It started with me thinking about the Trinity: Father, son or daughter, and Holy Spirit Mother. The Father is like the sun. He gives us life and helps us to grow. In the book, "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ"by Levi, the ideas of the Trinity are revealed. The Father is the will of God. ... Views: 1836
When I was young, probably five years old or so, I was given a chocolate brown dress. You might wonder the significance of this brown dress because what little girl wears brown? What a boring color for a little girl! Well, the adornment on the dress was stripes of aqua colored piping which ran ... Views: 1778
In mediumship, there’s the possibility of a disconnect between the spirit and the reader. Not due to error, but the method spirit uses to convey what they want me to say such as the “red apple”.
For example, during a recent reading spirit was very accurate in describing the client’s home to ... Views: 1578
“If only I had listened to my feeling” is a thought we have all probably had at some point in our lives. Other words for this inner voice are “natural instincts," or what some people call “a gut feeling." Top business leaders often say that the reason they were successful is that they were able ... Views: 2148
If you could take away all the suffering in the world, taking it in with just a single breath, and have it go away, would you hesitate?
Is that fair? Couldn’t you just donate a few dollars to CARE and have that be enough? Could whatever you are doing now count?
In speaking with clients I ... Views: 1799
Theoretically, being an empathic or clairsentient being is the same thing, however, one has a heightened sense. The term empath, or being empathic, seems to be the buzzword over the last 10 to 15 years. Whether this is due to the advanced population of crystal, rainbow, and indigo children, or ... Views: 2216
Perhaps you have found by yourself stuck in a very expert rut? Do you think
you're struggling to overcome barriers with your career expansion and results?
Tarot Card Visitors rely on
intuition and access vital facts surrounding you, permitting them to pinpoint
sources of strength and ... Views: 1331
Just this past weekend I was honored to participate in a lovely expo where I was one of the guest speakers. My topic being “Tracking” I explained what our loved ones experience between the time of their passing and when they actually arrive in heaven. The topic was well received and there were ... Views: 1463
I Choose To Be Myself!
To be Myself is to be Whole and To be whole, healthy and happy is to truly be Myself! Such a magical way to live life!!
I Choose To Be Myself!
When life doesn’t go just as we hope, it feels as if we lose a part of ourselves along the way! It's completely normal to ... Views: 1729
I’ll soon be taking another week-long advanced class in Mediumship at Lily Dale Assembly in NY. When I look back at all the classes and workshops I’ve attended I’m sure that I would have accumulated at least a Doctorate by now had I attended a traditional university as long. So when do I get to ... Views: 1331
It’s official… My house is inhabited!
My grandson kept pulling at his mother (my daughter) to “come here”. Since there was no one else in the house she thought he only wanted to play. His persistence paid off and my daughter followed him to my reading room (the door was closed). “Come here,” ... Views: 1235
You know the right time when you need to go and book an appointment to see your doctor, right? Or, when you feel pain in your mouth that it’s time to go and see your dentist?
But, how do you when you need to start healing, and when is a good time to work with a healer?
In this article, I ... Views: 1521
Most of us don’t consciously manipulate the colours in our aura, so if you may
read auras, you'll be able to help the individual recognize what kind of energy
they can be carrying around or support them discharge negative moods. For Bonnie
, this was a lifesaver. Because the mother of 3 ... Views: 1376
1. Meditate. For me, meditation is important because it's about stopping thought and finding your own energy. When you know how your energy feels like, it is easier to recognize and interpret others.
2. Emotions. In my opinion you can't connect with your intuition without developing your ... Views: 1593
I wanted to write about what an Intuitive can help you with. This is something I'm asked a lot, and I feel like it's something that is many times misunderstood. Keep in mind that these are just my thoughts on the subject, and it's is not my intention to be judging intuitives or others who works ... Views: 1416
I wanted to write about how I crawled out of the deep, black hole I felt I was in for a long time, because this is something that effect many of us. Many of my clients have this particular problem, and believe me, I have been there. You feel stuck, tired, afraid, and like there is nothing you ... Views: 1364
In my experience and opinion, emotional neglect is a big undermentioned problem in our society. Emotional neglect is often subtle in nature, which makes it so the recipient almost doesn't think that it is as harmful as it really is, and maybe don't even notice it. It could be the times you felt ... Views: 1217
For many years I have dealt with anxiety, so I know how difficult and hard it is! In my darkest times I felt like I didn't recognize myself anymore ,I was scared all the time and at my worst I had panic attacks around the clock. I felt like a faceless nobody, and I felt like there was nothing ... Views: 1276
Marlena is referred to as “The Latina Meidum,” was born and raised by her loving
family members in Cuba. When she was 7 years ancient, she began to sense that
messages had been currently being despatched to her. “I felt a connection beyond
this entire world,” she says. She would often ... Views: 1458
Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if you have to dig a little. ~Tori Amos
In the last article, we discussed why we need to be Spiritual Warriors and how to recognize those traits within us all. Spiritual growth and personal healing take courage & tenacity. Many people quit ... Views: 1333
(Excerpt from the Vissell’s not-yet published book, To Really Love a Woman)
To really love a woman is to give her your complete trust. I love the line in Bryan Adams’ song, “… and when you find yourself lying helpless in her arms, you know you really love a woman.” To lay helpless in her ... Views: 1610
What does my intuition have to say?
When was the last time you asked yourself that?
If it's been awhile (or never), I encourage you to pause a minute and ask yourself, "Why haven't I?"
Your intuition is your inner voice, your own North Star.
It's there. But you need to be willing to ... Views: 1568
When Mike came in for a Tarot Card
Reading, I thought that a browsing working with the Inventive Process
spread would probably reveal the solutions he was seeking. The Resourceful
Approach is actually a 5-card spread. The card at the center symbolizes the
basic impact at the core ... Views: 1278
These days, receiving a reading from a
psychic no longer demands
traveling to the reader. The psychic
has entered the electronic age and is now providing quite a few standard
providers on the internet. These methods ended up being acknowledged and
improved on account of ... Views: 1235
What’s the difference between spirit guides of the Light, and other unseen entities? How do you know if your spirit guide is of the Light, or instead a troublemaker or even a dark entity? We’ve had many experiences with both benevolent and malevolent spirits and want you to understand the ... Views: 1283
Below is a good example on how astrology works. Many
psychics use astrology in
order to gain more prospective with time frames.
During the period of April
20 thru April 25 there is a major cardinal grand cross with Jupiter, Pluto,
Mars, and ... Views: 1349
Runes are symbols inscribed on plastic, paper, wood, rock and any other material. One system of runes is called the Elder Futhark System. This system originally had twenty-four letters, beginning with the letter F and ending with the letter O. The northern Germanic tribes of Sweden, Norway, ... Views: 1132
For myself, I have
found meditation, chakra alignment, crystals, working with the Akashic
Records, journaling, and studying with experienced
psychics to be the best
tools in developing my intuition.
Meditation is vital
because it will center you. ... Views: 1157
Frequently, I’m approached by individuals ranging from novice to adept, requesting support as they learn to more accurately discern the difference between intuition and ego. In the spirit of clarity and with the intention of demystifying basic terms that have become confusing in the ... Views: 1676
Always Remain True to Yourself
We each have subtle senses; intuitions, gut feelings, little voices inside our heads that guide our judgment.
We do not need to elicit our intuition every time we have a decision to make. Many of our decisions are determined by conscious thought, prior ... Views: 1504