We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Habits". If you have expertise in Habits and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
So what’s been preventing me from reaching my full potential outside of procrastination? When I examined myself deeply, I have to admit, it’s FEAR! Personally, I like the acrostic that FEAR is nothing more than
Element of thought
Appearing to be
It has consumed my mind far ... Views: 1074
The way we sit, stand or walk affects our mind and therefore our results. Likewise, the way we feel affects our posture and movements.
“There is an inner and an outer side to everything,” as Thomas Troward said.
Your Posture and Your Mood?
Think about a happy and successful moment, a ... Views: 2044
When you have a goal or desire that is important to you, do you ever go into mental overdrive before you see the results? I know I have. I watch my clients do it, too.
You can go into overdrive in several ways:
*Think about every scenario possible that could go wrong
*Think about ... Views: 1394
Many of us are very good at trying to lose weight.
We make resolutions, join gyms, exercise, follow a diet, resist sweets, research all the weigh loss tips we can find…We'll experience some weight loss, and even lose a few pounds in those first few weeks.
And the next week, we'll ... Views: 1077
A client recently asked me what the difference was, between healing and loving yourself and being selfish. To that person, they appeared to be the same thing.
Learning to love ourselves is an important step on our journey to grow in our emotional intelligence. Yet, fear of being selfish is ... Views: 3018
Everybody is busy. And we secretly think we like it that way.
On Facebook, probably once a week I see a quotation being shared about the amount of time teachers work after hours. And these make me laugh, because I certainly wouldn't have time to be starting my own business, raising a child, ... Views: 1137
Are you feeling stuck? Maybe you’re in a job you hate, in relationships that aren’t serving you, or in a cycle of unhealthy behavior. If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, know that you are not alone! Many people have reached out to me looking for a career coach, because they feel ... Views: 1898
You've seen a thousand images depicting the home worker all cozy in pajamas working with an open laptop while lounging on an overstuffed sofa. Many sleep-deprived, over-scheduled U.S. workers dream of a lifestyle that includes earning a living while somehow managing to shuffle around their home ... Views: 1299
Have you heard the latest buzz word? Grit. It seems to be on the lips of every hiring manager and recruiter in the country. And, as words go, "grit" is a great word for a number of reasons. I guess it had fallen out of everyday usage, so it seems fresh again. It's a short word, and it sounds ... Views: 1556
How has your career affected the rest of your life? Are you happy when you go home and ready to connect with your family? The answers to those questions usually lie in your personal, work-life balance. The ability to manage your job duties with other aspects of your life such as health, ... Views: 1655
Aging is an unavoidable fact of life that we will all face at some point. Once you start reaching the age of 60 and beyond, your body will no longer be as forgiving as it once was. Typical daily practices that you would take for granted may seem a little more difficult than they once were, which ... Views: 1995
As a life and money management coach, over the years I have noticed some very interesting things about wealthy people. They were disciplined and determined enough to do all the right things that enabled them to accumulate their wealth and, in many cases, retire early.
Financially responsible ... Views: 1693
What’s holding you back from having the life or career you want? The answer for over 50% of my clients is overcoming fear. This can show up in a variety of ways from doubt, worry, and anxiety. Maybe you’ve been told negative, put-downs over and over again by other people. Or perhaps you’ve ... Views: 1460
If you are trying to improve yourself or achieve a goal, you will want to know these top 5 habit tracking resources. Remember it takes more then 21 days to form a habit, it takes about 6 weeks or longer to do something without thinking about it, only if it is done every day at the same ... Views: 1066
Have you started on your EFT weight-loss journey and find the weight not shifting like it would if you were dieting or doing boot-camps? Well, to lose weight, you need to eat less harmful foods, a moderate amount of healthful foods, and exercise more. When you first start your EFT journey of ... Views: 1980
I have to be honest about how I typically deal with my distaste for winter - I get the heck out and go somewhere warm! While I will be making some trips to warmer climates this winter, I still try to find ways to be happier and more at peace when I find myself wishing I had three jackets on ... Views: 1190
Are you ready to achieve success in your life or career but constantly feel drained or overwhelmed? That’s natural because we are consistently bombarded with tasks, emails, phone calls, text messages, and social media. You might have the greatest intentions, but still find obstacles getting in ... Views: 1312
One of the most remarkable abilities of our mind is it’s ability to remember. Memory allows us to recall what we have learned through experience. The more emotion surrounding the event, the deeper the memory of it stores in our minds. If the emotion was a negative one, frequently our memories ... Views: 1159
We all have habits, some good and some not so good. These are behaviors that we’ve learned, and that occur almost automatically. And most of us have a habit we’d like to break, or one we’d like to develop.
For most people, it takes about four weeks, maybe less in some cases, for a new ... Views: 1126
While considerations on theory and practice of "How to abandon a habit?" are quite common for many people, the question of "Why should I abandon a habit?" in the first place, is often not given its due attention.
At first, that question might seem unimportant. If one should consider for example ... Views: 1277
New Year’s resolutions; are they made to be broken? For most of us, they usually are. But how is it that we can create resolutions that survive the year and we actually follow through on?
The average time a person can expect to keep a New Year’s resolution is a measly 24 days – not even one ... Views: 1292
Workers seem more and more stressed every day.
Technology has created expectation of an immediate response 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Short-term thinking and planning based on the focus of quarterly stock reports has increased the sense of importance for every project. ... Views: 1442
Ready to say goodnight to Daylight Savings Time and good morning to Standard Time? We’ve enjoyed Standard Time in different time zones in the United States of America and Canada since November, 1883 when the railroads adopted the practice of standardized times in established time zones. It ... Views: 1222
What is the number one reason people give for NOT doing something? I don’t have enough time! You have big ideas and made plans to start a meaningful project, but you can never find the time to get it done. Days, weeks, and months fly by but there hasn’t been any action taken to move you closer ... Views: 1365
What does your typical day look like? Maybe you’re up at 7am, in the office by 9am, and work all day until you can take a break and leave for the night. If that sounds like how you spend your days, how satisfied are you with your career and relationships? Have you seriously thought about the ... Views: 1468
Are you feeling bored? Getting bored is quite common in people of all ages. I often listen people saying they are getting bored or the life is so boring. When someone says that life is so boring, it means that he/she is losing interest in life. This type of negative development must be taken ... Views: 3373
My sons, Eric and Josh, graduated from middle school last week. I had a conversation with them about moving onto high school. I expected to hear "I'm looking forward to high school," "I'm nervous" and "I hope there isn't that much more homework" but, after all of the complaints I heard this past ... Views: 1248
Receiving a gift is always delightful that is why when I received a gift from Southwest Airlines I was in good spirits. When I received the gift, I immediately noticed that it was a fairly large sized package. Because I saw it was from Southwest Airlines, I immediately thought that this must be ... Views: 1542
On average, dealing with distractions and interruptions at work can consume more than two hours out of your whole workday. It’s no different at home.
The boundaries between work and life are blurred and technology and our fast-paced lives interfere with our productivity and sense of ... Views: 1503
Each and every one of us yearn for something. It may be being better off financially, living a healthier life, finding one’s soul mate or just to be satisfied and happy. Now as I mention these things, let us imagine our own dreams and aspirations in life. Let us imagine what our desires are and ... Views: 1708
Having good manners is defined as behaving in a way that does not make other people uncomfortable in your presence. Since it is crucial that a workplace have a pleasant and supportive environment, everyone in it is expected to contribute to creating a workplace environment that promotes good ... Views: 1404
If you are serious about becoming a better and happier person, what’s important is that you keep your focus on your main goal, which is to be happy. Once you find your own happiness, you will instantly be a better person in every aspect of the word.
Finding what can make you happy isn’t the ... Views: 1427
Today because of all the phone calls, we want to do something extraordinary and set up an acting class. I think acting in television, theater or cinema is something very appealing.
I’m friends with a lot of actors; truthfully, they are a very likable bunch of people. Not just because they are ... Views: 1201
Are you an acute procrastinator? I was. Twenty years ago I made a new promise to myself and wrote these words… “I am an introverted, procrastinating perfectionist who is striving to change to be an extroverted, results-oriented champion.”
It was a time for me to move on and take charge of my ... Views: 1280
Stress is an emotional and physical response to external factors, and lessening stress is the secret to a longer, healthier, life. We know that stress isn't good for us, and we know that everyone experiences stress every day, but once we're aware of how long-lasting stress impacts our physical ... Views: 2292
To create success in your business there are lots of steps you can be taking. In fact, it can be overwhelming and frankly, downright confusing, to decide what you should or shouldn't be doing. Am I right?
To be honest, the steps you need to take in order to build your successful business may ... Views: 1366
This past weekend, while we were away for the 4th of July holiday, I had a profound realization of how addicted I've become to my iPhone. While I love many aspects of how technology enhances our lives and allows us to connect with one another in some very cool ways, I'm also aware of the ... Views: 1595
I wonder if you've ever woken up in the morning and been determined to start another diet (and actually stick to it this time), but a co-worker or friend offers you some muffins or other yummy treats that seem absolutely impossible for you to resist? Your good intentions seem to immediately ... Views: 1723
It happens to the best of us. You start to slip up a little at work. You’re tired all the time. You aren’t being your most productive self. You’ve missed a few days due to illness. You’re having trouble staying focused. You’ve just lost your motivation.
Does any of that sound familiar?
A ... Views: 1962
I currently am interviewing seven candidates for a marriage and family therapy associate in my practice when I chanced upon Andrew Miller’s article on the 3 Attributes to Look For In Top Talent.
According to Miller, the top talent has the right blend of 1) attitude, 2) mindset, and 3) ... Views: 1295
WHAT IS Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy means to treat with aroma through inhalation and is a natural holistic healing therapy. The true practice of aromatherapy is a wedding of both science and art in the use of pure plant essential oils to enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ... Views: 3216
Celebrating Mother's Day and mom's birthday at the beach was a gift my mom, my sister, and I gave ourselves each year. It was a Mother's Day tradition for many more years than I can remember.In 2001 we started a new tradition.
Mom’s three year journey with lung cancer had taken a toll on ... Views: 2244
Celebrating Mother's Day and mom's birthday at the beach was a gift my mom, my sister, and I gave ourselves each year. It was a Mother's Day tradition for many more years than I can remember.In 2001 we started a new tradition.
Mom’s three year journey with lung cancer had taken a toll on ... Views: 2428
Perfectionism is an addiction, meaning we’re repeatedly unable to stop our perfectionist behaviors. Like other addictions, perfectionism varies in severity and can have negative consequences. It harms our self-esteem, make us unable to accept other people’s differences and their mistakes and ... Views: 1837
The U.S. Department of Veterans’ Affairs recently reports that one in five combat veterans develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, either during or after their service. However, while PTSD is becoming more widely-recognized, the illness was not fully accepted by the medical community ... Views: 1845
As a parade went by, one of the horses pulling a float entry left a memento in the middle of the road, right in front of where we were watching from the sidewalk. From that point on, every band or group that came marching down the road marched bravely on, right through the pile of horse manure. ... Views: 1417
Secular solutions for women’s economic security include: having fewer kids through birth control and abortion, offering dawn-to-dusk daycare for the ones you accidentally have, and other after-the-fact band aids to moral dilemmas like government funding for food, housing, and healthcare to ... Views: 1775
Creativity is a cycle. It involves being open to new ideas and new ways of doing things. Creativity is a cycle because it begets more creativity. In other words, the more you develop creativity, the more creative you will be. For instance, once you decide to become creative, you will see things ... Views: 1288
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Single Moms Health - by Jessica Rector, Founder of The Single Mom Movement
I went to my niece's first birthday party on Saturday. I was looking so forward to it. I can't believe it's already been a year for them. I remember getting the call that my sister-in-law was in labor, driving up to the hospital, and being in the waiting room... EAGER. Eager to make sure they ... Views: 1235
What happens when you are gripped in fear and anxiety with no idea how to get out? It can be easy to feel trapped in those heavy feelings for days, weeks and for some people even decades... But it doesn't have to be this way!
If you find yourself in a situation where you feel gripped by fear ... Views: 1657