Spirituality is what more and more people are turning towards as they find conventional strategies failing in their pursuit of happiness and success. As the crisis of civilization deepens, questions regarding the true meaning of life, happiness, and purpose take on greater urgency. As the number of seeking spirits multiply, so do the forms of spirituality. Energy spirituality is one such form where the human energy field, commonly referred to as the aura, is used as the focus of spiritual growth.
The crux of energy spirituality lies in being perceptive of auras. Auras are the manifestations of a person’s unique energy vibrations that are not visible to the untrained eye. The aura is a reflection of the life state of the person and gives clear indications as to the presence of dissonances, the cause and the location of those dissonances. You can use your intuitive and empathic perception of your own aura and the aura of those around you to make better decisions and wiser choices, setting you off on the path of being in tune with the universe.
How can this empathic perception of the aura help you to grow in life? At the most fundamental level, it will reveal your true potential of abundance and connectedness, two very common areas of personal spiritual torment. Here are some other ways that energy spirituality can help you discover the purpose you were born for.
1. Learn from your role models
Reading the energy fields of your role models, you will be able to see the true qualities they exercise that made them your role models in the first place. Whether they are glamour celebrities or social workers, you will discover that at the core of their greatness lies a set of qualities.
2. Be a calm person

A large part of annoyances and irritations arise from assumptions made without adequate information. As you strengthen your energy spirituality practice, you will find it easier to understand the underlying causes behind people and circumstances turning out the way they do. As a result, you will develop greater insight and compassion. This will eliminate much of the distress caused by ‘things not going your way’.
3. Understand the law of success

One of the most common reasons that people experience failure is that their chosen course of action and their intent are in conflict with natural laws of success. By building on the skills of empathy (the basis of aura reading and energy spirituality), you will be able to tune yourself to the vibrations of the universe and navigate your thoughts and actions according to those vibrations. From being the proverbial sore thumb, you will find yourself resonating in tune with the universe.
4. Help others win

One of the most rewarding experiences of life is the immense emotional satisfaction one gets by helping others. Give without expectation and your exploration of energy spirituality will find a new meaning. With your new-found insight into energy fields, you will be able to guide others to address the dissonances and disturbances in their lives, sometimes with issues and troubles even they themselves might not be consciously aware of. You will become a catalyst in the amazing journey of their personal growth.
At this point, you may be asking how one gets to a point where one can be empathic and become a mind-reader of the universe. You will be surprised to know that all living beings are born with the intuitive ability to perceive auras. As they grow up and allow conditioning to cloud, the energy of the universe, this ability gets lost. As you are reading this, you already have a connection to your ability. If you wish to cultivate the practice of aura reading and energy spirituality, find a teacher who can guide you as you develop your perceptive abilities and interpreting your perceptions.
Energy spirituality is one of the many ways that one can adopt to find greater happiness and relevance in life. Through discipline and introspection, you can connect to this amazing storehouse of timeless universal wisdom. It can be used not only to lead a happier life by bringing yourself into harmony with the world around you but also it helps others by guiding them to their inner mentor.

Author's Bio: 

About the author: Amanda Kidd is a health freak and a passionate blogger. She herself practices yoga and meditation and hence, enjoys writing on such topics on the health portal. Apart from physical and mental health she believes that sexual health is also important for happy living.