Consciously creating our lives is something that’s been the buzz for some years. With the dynamic teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks, the Law of Attraction and The Secret, we have been given considerable information. Out of all of it, there are four key practices that I have found to make it possible for each of us.

Let's start with how you feel about yourself – your self- worth. This is so often what is underlying unhappiness, and feeling unfulfilled. When your self- worth is reliant on the external validation of others, it's on shaky ground. It doesn't matter if it's your family, partner, friends, boss, physical appearance, financial status, or possessions, when your self -worth is based on anything outside of you, you set yourself up for disappointment. People can love you one day and be disappointed in you the next then love you again. Just writing that felt like a merry-go-up and down. So, what do you do? You validate yourself. Begin to learn to accept and love yourself without conditions/harsh criticisms. Take back your power and recognize your value and importance in your life and in this world. How? Look in the mirror and start talking to yourself the way you would talk to a dear friend who needed comforting and support. Be gentle. Make a list of five things you can accept about yourself. When you speak about yourself, have a positive opinion of yourself. Remind yourself that you are a significant piece to the puzzle of life and without you showing up and being you the world is missing a unique and dynamic piece.

Secondly, embrace that you are whole. Recognize that you are not an unfinished project this is disjointed, needing something or someone to complete you. You were created whole and your wholeness does not lie outside of you. You will have to sit with that thought, because there is much programming to the contrary that emphasizes your being a half looking for your other half to make you whole. Again, there you are depending on someone outside of you to fulfill and complete you. You are whole and when you know that you are whole (complete) and worthy (valued) you have confidence and personal power to face seeming challenges, changes and conflicts. Doesn't the fact of two whole people meeting and experiencing each other level the playing field rather than needing, clinging or compromising oneself because you're incomplete? It’s just something to think about.

I don't know about you but sometimes I listen to my thoughts and have to wonder, who is thinking that thought? Then I have to challenge the thought for its validity. You want to open up to the power of your thoughts and their energy to attract experiences in your life and then decide to choose which thoughts you think. Too often we allow our thoughts to repeat unmonitored playing out past scenarios or anticipated situations. Other times we spend more time thinking about what's not working, won't work and hasn't worked instead of what we want. So here's a simple practice: make a list of things that have worked and are working and what you want in your life and then deliberately think about those things. Be sure to update this list daily.

Lastly, appreciate, appreciate, and appreciate. In this red hot living of life we can sometimes forget what is of utmost importance and value in our lives. While I'm sure you're probably more familiar with appreciation as it relates to accounting, but it is applicable in all aspects of our lives. When something appreciates, it increases in value; you recognize the quality of it and its significance. This is by far the most powerful practice: to appreciate, recognize the significance and value of what you already have. Take time when you awake in the morning, even set the alarm ten minutes earlier, to make a list of all that you appreciate and feel it in your heart and the same as you begin to rest at night. Appreciate it all and watch its value increase in your life.

So, there you have it, four practices to move you toward consciously creating your life. Self-worth, wholeness, deliberate thoughts and appreciation each having the power and potential to attract greater confidence, personal power, fulfillment and joy in your daily living.

Author's Bio: 

Jenenne R. Macklin, speaker, coach and author has been inspiring, motivating and teaching men and women for 25 years how to consciously create their lives. She has a Masters, is a Licensed clinical therapist, spiritual teacher and Reiki Master.