We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Death and Dying". If you have expertise in Death and Dying and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
I first made the acquaintance of Queen, a brown tabby cat with yellow eyes and a tiny orange spot on the top of her head, just as she was approaching death. Her human caretaker, Rain, was understandably sad, but wanted to ask Queen a number of questions.
At the time, I was learning some basic ... Views: 1197
Two days earlier, British-born actress Natasha Richardson was taking skiing lessons on the bunny slopes with her 13-year-old son at Mont Tremblant Skiing Resort in Montreal and accidentally fell. One hour later, she was complaining of terrible headaches. She was immediately rushed to the ... Views: 1059
Natasha Richardson's death is a shock and tragedy for so many reasons. The 45-year-old actress was taking a private lesson on a beginner's run in Mont Tremblant, Canada. When she fell at the bottom of the trail, everything seemed okay. She didn't hit anyone or anything. She wasn't wearing a ... Views: 1097
Watching Bill Maher last week, I was arrested by his suggestion that those who qualify for Social Security and are well-off should not collect their government checks, but should instead let their share continue to nourish the severely undernourished Social Security system. I think it’s a good ... Views: 985
Many say the first year after the loss of a loved is the hardest but most people find that different seasons or dates bring up sadness and feelings of grief years after our loved one has died. There are things we can do to ease our pain during these seasons of sadness no matter when they ... Views: 2014
Grief; What Is It?
We all hear about grief, it’s something we are trained to know something about, even when we are small. It’s that thing that happens to us when someone dies. That’s grief, the word for that place we must visit when we are suffering a loss.
But exactly is it? Or, could ... Views: 1426
The deaths of Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and pitchman Billy Mayes has many of us seriously thinking about our own mortality. Most of us never consider our own mortality. Our own death is never thought about or discussed. In fact, the American culture is extremely afraid of death – so ... Views: 1665
Here in New England, people look forward to April as the days turn longer, and warmer and the first signs of Spring emerge. The young, and young at heart, often recite the old standard, "April showers bring May flowers." Unfortunately, in far too many parts of world, April is not a month to look ... Views: 1227
Many years ago I experienced something incredible, bordering on mind-boggling. I glimpsed and felt what it was like to die and cross over to the other side. In essence, I experienced what mirrored a near death experience (NDE) without any of the trauma or crisis that typically accompanies such ... Views: 1923
We took two of my grand daughters to Friendly’s for supper and some ice cream. We asked them to choose from the Kids Menu, and my husband and I, both over 60, picked items on the Senior Menu. WHAT a bargain! However, I did not bargain for the conversation that followed with one of the ... Views: 1231
I have witnessed people close to death with loved ones by their side, they have not spoken to in years. There appears to be a lot of pain there.
I think bonding is organic. It comes from love, it cannot be forced.
I’m sure we all have had someone we just can’t bond with, and that is okay.
... Views: 1224
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My mother died today.
Her body finally gave up. It had enough. My mother’s liver, exhausted from working so hard to filter the toxins she put there, finally reached its limit. So, it’s over. A life of abuse found a quiet end.
There will not be a viewing of her body, ... Views: 1965
Nine million Jews lived in Europe in 1939 as World War II erupted. By 1945, six million had been slaughtered. In the most basic arithmetic, three million European Jews managed to escape the Nazi Final Solution. They fled. They hid. They resisted. The survival rate varied greatly from nation to ... Views: 2148
I've had an unusual number of people I'm acquainted with die recently. Three were men in their fifties, one was a ten year old girl, and one was a woman in her eighties. And then this week Dr. Oz did an Oprah show 'on death', except it really was about living - one woman had lived with stage 4 - ... Views: 2930
How would you know what the lesson is? You don’t live to tell it!? As a person focused on personal change and transition, it does strike me that this is the ultimate transition. The lesson is in the observation of the process. It’s either the pre or post death experience of those left behind ... Views: 2657
1997 was a very hard year for me. I was 30 years old and came back home to take care of my dad. He had been ill for a number of years and I had been his primary care giver.
My dad was 72 and had several mini strokes over the course of a few years and diabetes, dementia and heart disease. He was ... Views: 1106
During these times of great change, it seems that every day brings another opportunity to learn from the painful challenges that come our way. In some cases several lessons are learned through the same challenge. Such has been the case with the passing of my father and the circumstances ... Views: 1448
The ancients have said that this time we are in now would be one of great pain and suffering. One only has to turn on the TV or read the newspaper to know that we are seeing the fulfillment of their words. In the midst of such pain it is easy to loose sight of the goal. As the higher perspective ... Views: 1375
My father was diagnosed with cancer in October, 2008. Up to that time he had been very healthy. Normally energetic and active, he fought the cancer with gusto. Still, the cancer won and my father passed away in the early morning hours of on Sunday, March 8th, less than 6 months later. I had ... Views: 1591
Bruce Greyson, M.D., formerly a professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut, is now the Bonner-Lowry Professor of Personality Studies in the Department of Psychiatric Medicine at the University of Virginia in Charlottsville.
Known as "The Father of NDE Research," he has been ... Views: 3616
The call came at 1:00 a.m. The call that never should have come. The call that Bruce would have moved heaven and earth to prevent. The call that ended everything when an apologetic voice dealt the fatal blow - his wife had suffered a heart attack at work and died.
Medication just knocks him ... Views: 1519
Pain, whether emotional or physical, is a condition of existence. No matter what your station in life, you are bound to confront relationship separations, work conflicts, medical difficulties, or the death of a loved one. No one escapes these circumstances of life and the pain they ... Views: 5576
One of the saddest days of my life was the day that my father ended his struggle with cancer. Initially there was the relief that he would no longer suffer, followed by the acceptance that there was no other answer for him, they had done all that they could, and his life cycle was complete. But ... Views: 1250
If I were going to write a poem about a loved one that
had passed, I believe I would write these words.
Whenever missing you
gets the best of me
I take out the photo album.
As I turn the pages
the photos remind me
of all the love and memories we shared.
The picture of the ... Views: 3027
Has someone you trust told you a secret about your deceased loved one that has added immeasurably to your grief? Where you going through his/her papers and found some information about the past that has stunned you? Has evidence of physical or emotional infidelity turned up upon reading old ... Views: 1635
Some day, perhaps soon, our lives will change dramatically. This is a guarantee. To quote an old adage; “it’s not if, but when.”
Our lives are filled with familiar surroundings which, for the most part, we take for granted; people, places, things. Of these most will never change; our religious ... Views: 1117
It was the morning after the passing of my Dad and we were all sitting out on the back porch watching the sun come up numb from the night before. The months before his death had been taxing on the whole family, especially my mother and my sister. They had become the main care givers to my father ... Views: 1258
Today my buddy passed away.
We met 18 years ago when he hid aside my car that morning. His name was Tom. At least that is what I started calling him as he was unable to speak for himself and I didn’t want to call him hey you.
Tom was in a very bad way and was leery of me and anyone. I noticed ... Views: 1475
On November 7, 1972 a relatively unknown lawyer named Joe Biden pulled off a big political upset. By just over 3,000 votes he defeated two-term incumbent U.S. Senator J. Caleb Boggs and, at age 30, became the sixth youngest Senator in U.S. history.
Despite the amazing victory, he almost never ... Views: 2081
Exercises To Do Together
by Al Link and Pala Copeland
Time for Exercise: 15 to 30 minutes
Properties Required: bed sheet or other large piece of cloth
One of you lies down as if you were a corpse.
Your lover sets the scene with ... Views: 1426
A lot of the conversations I am having right now revolve around death and dying. This is of great interest to me because it is a subject near and dear. There is something quite liberating when we explore this subject in more depth.
Over the years, I have become increasingly aware of the ... Views: 1680
Message is a healthy and beneficial thing in most instances and for most of the people we encounter in our daily practice. There are contraindications, heath issues that can be dangerous for the receiver when ill. Some types of cancer (lymph related types of cancer) are controversial because of ... Views: 3799
Exercises To Do Together
by Al Link and Pala Copeland
The soul exists beyond time and space, beyond life and death of the body. For the soul, death is merely a doorway from one place to another, not something to fear and avoid. But while we are ... Views: 1316
The holiday season is not always joyful for those who have lost a loved one. However, military widows can enjoy the holiday season by using my 5 tips below:
1. Reminisce. Nowhere is it said that you must forget your spouse. Quite the opposite is true. You need to acknowledge your feelings. ... Views: 1270
It is hard to face that I now represent the older generation. I am the oldest surviving child, the oldest surviving grandchild of my mother’s family. I hope with time I will gain strength, perspective and fortitude to carry on my family’s values, traditions and cultural roots. ... Views: 2328
Funerals are tricky. They always have a somber atmosphere that leaves you at a loss for anything to say. Even if you’re a close friend of the family, it’s sometimes difficult to offer words of condolence other than “I’m sorry for your loss.”
What you must remember ... Views: 3795
You are taking care of your elderly parents and at the same time caring for your own family. How do you find time for yourself?
I found myself every Saturday going to my parents’ home to go through their cupboards and refrigerator to determine what I needed to buy for them at the grocery ... Views: 3639
I am an adult orphan. I'm not anyone's child anymore. Both my parents have died. There is no smooth transition from being a child in the family to becoming an orphan. One day you have parents and the next day you don't. It's quite a revelation to know that there is no one to approve or ... Views: 1801
We will all do two things in our lives – pay taxes and die. We do the very best we can to plan for our taxes, why don't we do as much to plan for our death? National Hospice Foundation statistics show that Americans are more likely to talk to their kids about drugs and sex than they ... Views: 1470
There is an imaginary place in our minds where goblins live deep in the bowels of the earth and guard pots of gold. In these dark and gloomy places they work their evil. Whilst the dead spirits of our ancestors look on in helpless horror, powerlessly entombed by death. The pots of gold have been ... Views: 1025
Losing a friend or a loved one causes a deep, searing pain that is difficult to endure, but sending over flowers can give comfort to those who are mourning. However, one should always remember that grieving relatives and loved ones may have some conservative views on death. Before sending over ... Views: 1152
Many adults are often surprised at how their relationship with siblings changes after parents die. Family traditions stop or change and many siblings find that they feel less connection to their brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews. Parents are often the glue that hold family traditions, ... Views: 2803
One limb, two limbs,
Three limbs, four?
How many limbs before
You knock on heaven’s door?
This was the decision we had to make concerning our mother.
Our mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease almost 19 years ago. The last 8 she was pretty much non-communicative and in a ... Views: 1266
During the deathing process the body goes through a letting go of the different sheaths or koshas. Below is a list of the sheaths, what they represent, and signs and signals of what you can expect from the patient. The different sheaths do not necessarily dissolve in a linear fashion. It is more ... Views: 4748
My daughter, Katherine Eileen Hallisy, fought cancer five times by the time she was ten years old. As is so often the case, it is the extraordinary strength and profound wisdom of a child touched by hardship that inspires those around her to channel their grief into action.
In October of ... Views: 1691
"Grab me some water, would ya? How are you doing?" Michael and I had arrived at the graveyard and were moments from exiting his van to visit his chosen burial site.
"How do you think I'm doing?" I asked, holding the water bottle to his lips. I find keeping my hands busy ... Views: 1315
Losing a parent through death or divorce is one of the most difficult things a child will face. It is important for the remaining parent to help their child face and deal with their loss in a healthy manner.
1. Allow the child to regress. Know that many children will regress in their ... Views: 1378
I first met Jeanne six years ago upon moving into my apartment while getting a divorce. I can't remember which one of us introduced ourselves first. We are both friendly types though, so it didn't take long for us to cement a dear and lasting friendship. She is sixty-nine now and I am ... Views: 1184
When a colleague, a coworker or a business associate loses a family member, do you find it difficult to offer your sympathy? Do you worry that you will use the wrong words or that you will intrude on the other person’s grief? As a result, how often have you ended up not doing or saying ... Views: 1184
Elaine Williams copyright 2008
I have three boys who were 11, 18 and 19 when their father died from cancer. They all reacted differently to this loss, and many times I felt at a loss myself in trying to determine the best way to help them through their grief.
My oldest son moved away from home ... Views: 1347