During the deathing process the body goes through a letting go of the different sheaths or koshas. Below is a list of the sheaths, what they represent, and signs and signals of what you can expect from the patient. The different sheaths do not necessarily dissolve in a linear fashion. It is more ... Views: 4748
A hundred years ago home funerals were the norm. Today, however, many people don’t realize they still have the option of choosing a home funeral. In most states, home funerals can be offered without the use of a funeral home or funeral director. The family can act as its own funeral ... Views: 2313
If you have a friend or loved one who is dying and don’t feel you know what to do, here are some practical suggestions for things you can do to feel more useful and more at ease with the situation. These suggests are also gifts for the dying person and can help them feel more peaceful and ... Views: 31739
As a hospice volunteer I am blessed to be included at the end of people’s lives. My daughters and friends sometimes ask me how I can do it. They think that it is icky or heart-wrenching. But to me I am the one receiving the benefit!
I get to observe many approaches to the end of life. ... Views: 1929