We are currently looking for an Official SelfGrowth.com Guide to "Death and Dying". If you have expertise in Death and Dying and your own website and/or product for this topic, please review this form for complete details. The Official Guide Position is part of our Premium Placement Package
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one by suicide, you have a challenging journey ahead of you. Not only do you suffer heart wrenching grief from your loss, but also from the fact that she chose to take her own life. You may wonder if you could have done something to prevent it. You may ... Views: 1509
Robin Williams’ recent death left many of us, who didn’t even know him, feeling bereft. How could he, who was loved by millions, take his own life? How could his life have been so unbearable that he had to end it? And how do we cope with the aftermath?
About 40,000 people in the U.S. commit ... Views: 1486
The dissolution of the robotic response of the human brain is necessary to understand the hidden aspects of life and the afterlife. Such dissolution can be called the psychological death. It leads to wholesome and holistic living.
Ending of the ego can be considered as a matter of ... Views: 1598
We live in a culture where expressing grief is not honored in meaningful ways. We live in a society that’s awkward around the subject of death & dying, as well as grief. We have “bereavement leaves” in the workplace that last for three or four days. We use words like you need to “get over it,” ... Views: 1238
"Whenever one person stands up and says, "Wait a minute, this is wrong," it helps other people do the same." Gloria Steinem
Wouldn't it be nice if we lived in a world where everyone had a strong moral compass? How safe would we all feel if everyone followed the golden rule and treated others, ... Views: 1283
"Two things define you; your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything."
In my article on March 2, 2014 and chapter two in my book Backbone Power The Science of Saying No, I speak about the importance of being able to say No when you mean No. After listening ... Views: 1315
According to a website called Army.mil, ever since WWI, mothers of fallen soldiers have dubbed themselves as “Gold Star Mothers”. The name derived from the Gold Star, a symbol in the military known for “loss and sacrifice”. Ever since 1936, September 29th has officially been recognized by the ... Views: 1512
Mothers are normally military minorities. Sure, women in general are gaining more recognition in the military, but surely many people forget that a large majority of these women are mothers as well as national heroes. However, balancing these two identities is hardly ever easy. One military ... Views: 1610
In the space of one breath, I moved from a place of conscious breathing to a space of intense grief. Grief deep and profound... This particular experience of grief was a surprise. My dear friend had passed after an intense experience with a progressive disease, five months ... Views: 1422
When you lose someone to death, the tendency at first is to focus on how bad it is because you will never see them again. However, you can go through the mourning process more quickly when you go through memorabilia of the person and allow yourself to enjoy reminiscing. Read about this and other ... Views: 1777
When the learning process moves into the region of some paranormal phenomena, it helps us lead a life of order, dignity and love. It would also aid our passing on phenomenon - be it our own or of our dear ones - to be met with peace and insight.
Freedom from the Self-created Prison
People ... Views: 1496
As we grow up, life in this world becomes a complicated rigmarole. It needs simplicity in our approach to understand it. This is where the total inward resignation can help. It is a matter of deep relaxation without adopting any psychological posture.
Standing Alone
We see many ... Views: 2063
Loss of A Loved One: The Journey of Grief
Since no two relationships are ever the same, the grief that follows
from this particular loss is also never the same. How could we possibly express the magnitude of the true loss we feel inside? We each experience loss and pain in our own personal ... Views: 1447
Paranormal phenomena like the near death experience and the out-of-body experience have brought to light the connectivity of all living beings and the feeling of oneness at their essence. Can we move towards that holistic awareness?
Among the many important messages from near death ... Views: 1735
Reflective people apply themselves to understanding the vagaries of life and it helps them move into deeper perspectives. Consequently, there is a sensing of the non-apparent aspects of life. They see that shocks in life have a message understanding which the shocks become unnecessary!
When ... Views: 1507
It has been known that some terminal patients report paranormal visions when they are close to passing away. A careful look at those reports can help us receive profound messages regarding what happens at the transition between life and the afterlife.
A lot has been published about the ... Views: 1698
The funeral was lovely. It was packed with friends paying their respects. But once everyone else has gone back to normal routines, close family and dear friends still grieve for the lost loved one. They may feel that the world has passed them by and feel very alone.
Now is a perfect moment to ... Views: 1296
When my grandmother passed away at 98 it was a very difficult time in my life. As part of the process of working through my own grief I wrote the following poem.
Grandma Went Home On Mother’s Day
She was the mother of a son and a daughter.
She was the loving grandmother to five.
She was ... Views: 1483
When someone close to us dies many companies will give you a few days off with pay to recover. Much of the rest of our society seems to believe that grief is something very temporary. If only it were that simple or easy. Grief is not about forgetting or “ getting over it. “ It is about learning ... Views: 3357
During our life on earth, we are offered many possibilities. Some of them are healthy and some unhealthy in regard to our moving towards a holistic life of inner peace, empathy and loving application. What can help us take the right course?
A great deal of our life is wasted by living on ... Views: 1525
The understanding of reincarnation leads to perspectives on many hidden issues of life so that our vision expands. As a result, the outlook on one’s life also expands helping us treat everyone and everything on earth with respect and dignity.
It is good to live one’s life on this earth ... Views: 1683
The transformational state is based on pure awareness in the ‘Now’; the future is taken care of by that holistic state of mind. In contrast, paths to preset goals sustain the ego through expected fulfillments; the ‘Now’ is relegated as a mere passage.
The conventional mindset in which human ... Views: 1588
Human beings don’t think much about their last hour before leaving this planet. If they care for it at all, they give in to some religious promises rather than rely on their own awareness and discovery. There is good scope here for reflections.
It is good to reflect on the last hour that ... Views: 1851
In the aftermath of quite a few near death experiences, the person gets cured of almost impossible medical conditions much to the amazement of the hospital staff. We look into some case studies and the possible inferences from them in this presentation.
There are many aspects of near death ... Views: 1774
Wanting to impress people with their assumed humility, human beings may take on a posture of freedom from their ego. This is pious egoism. Its tricky ways can keep us arrested in its deception. Those who wish to expand their spiritual vision understand this deceptive tendency in the human ... Views: 1637
In your memory I choose to see what you have tried so hard for me to see. It is in your memory that I choose to take love, honor and respect to a whole new level. I am trying the best that I can and I walk strong, in your memory.
For all the times I just wanted to cry, you made me laugh. ... Views: 1341
Messages from paranormal phenomena can take us into the realm of the unknown, the Beyond. To receive the messages, one must listen and remain without judging. That means one should not fall a prey to the usual tendency of being a believer or a non-believer.
Human beings generally live ... Views: 1393
Our lives can be enriched by paying attention to the wider consciousness beyond the limited cocoon within which our habitual mind revolves. We get a glimpse of its greatness by looking into the descriptions of Oneness in that pervasive awareness.
Consciousness, the basis for our being ... Views: 1365
Have you heard the song, “Live Like You Were Dying” by Tim McGraw?
If you haven’t, click on the link and head over there after you’ve finished reading. It really makes you sit up and take notice of how you’re living your life. That’s what it did for me, anyway, when my coach at the time had me ... Views: 1270
Death, no matter what the cause, is always unexpected and a shock. I know this, and as a death care professional and grief coach, I teach this. Working over 12 years in the death care industry, I’ve seen the emotions of death and grief. I’ve assisted hundreds of families with prearrangements, ... Views: 1680
It is usually assumed that our consciousness begins with birth and that matters get recorded from then on. In reality, consciousness exists even while the child is in the womb and a kind of ‘knowingness’ seems to operate then.
Studies have been conducted on pre-birth experience (PBE), the ... Views: 3107
People have the habit of repeating parrot-like and copying what others do and say without much reflection. A very popular example is the saying, “We are equal in death.” But is it true that we are all equal in death?
First of all, do we all die in the same way? Some people die in accidents, ... Views: 2351
The Self: An Evolving Constant
A true yet perplexing paradox of self is that it is an evolving constant. It is that stable sense of constancy yet it also embodies an undeniable fluidity over time. This irony captures the Self in its most fundamental dualism. It may be an understatement to say ... Views: 1103
Although the 2013 Academy Awards are history, one gem - Amour - will continue to shine. This heartbreaking and unflinching movie was painful to watch but it stimulated conversations with more questions than answers.
As the people we love decline, how do we deal with the inevitable ... Views: 1555
If you have qualms about outsourcing, it is time you set aside such apprehensions and considered the positive aspects of having a reliable medical record review company take care of your medical review process. Your practice needs to be fully productive with all the business processes ... Views: 1899
It is interesting to study the correlation between the messages of near death experiences and the pointers from ancient scriptures. Our confidence in the spiritual content of the afterlife experience increases when we find striking parallels between the two.
People who go through a near ... Views: 1634
Awareness about the causes of back pain helps to deal with the condition. You can achieve gradual but long-lasting improvement for back pain through various physical therapy treatments.
Back pain is a common condition affecting people of various age groups. Effective back pain treatment ... Views: 1834
The vast majority of human beings live under the shadow of the fear of death – one’s own and that of the near and dear ones. They can release themselves from that pain by paying attention to what is known as the After Death Communication (ADC).
The conventional neurology that keeps the ... Views: 1880
We all have a story to tell that makes us who we are today. We ask people to tell their transformational stories in this magazine; therefore, I am going to share my story here this month. Through this letter to my brother, I will share how our enlightened relationship transformed my ... Views: 1599
Rehabilitation Treatment – an Essential Service
Rehabilitation services are provided for the elderly, for patients suffering from functional loss and chronic pain, patients with post trauma/neurological disorders, and those having pain in the neck, shoulder, back, knee, and ankle. ... Views: 1993
When we widen and deepen our perspectives, our life moves towards serene waters. One such perspective is available through understanding Reincarnation. This creates an elbow room in one’s consciousness, leading to stable peace.
Unfortunately, the cultures that have denied reincarnation ... Views: 1374
The Instincts of Life and Death
Eros, said Freud, is one of our basic instincts. From the ancient Greek, Eros refers to the God of Love, which we might see as creation. You can read about it here: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eros). The multitudinous number of all human instincts, might be ... Views: 1849
How Children Deal With The Experience Of Death
As adults and parents, our highest priorities are our kids. We attempt to protect our children at all times and protecting them from death’s reality is tempting, but to do so may create more distress and harm than may be the case if we play it ... Views: 2132
Research on Near Death Experiences proves that those who return from the clinically dead state are profoundly changed for the better in a number of ways. Those who listen to them with their hearts can move on to a holistic and wholesome life.
We all go through many experiences in life. The ... Views: 1848
The holidays are such special occasions. Many people do not celebrate the holidays due to the loss of a loved one. Life is meant to be enjoyed and you can be at peace with the loss of a loved one.
You can go visit my gravesite, but I’m not there. My spirit lives on, everywhere. I can see ... Views: 2312
Many issues of life can function as our teachers if we adopt an attitude of looking into them with the eagerness to understand what lies beyond the apparent. Reflection on the sorrow at losing a near and dear one can lead to a life of compassion.
As we all know, bereavement is indeed a hard ... Views: 1398
I know I'm not alone in the fact that I've lost someone very special to breast cancer, and I'm sure I'm not alone in the fact that it still hurts after nearly twenty years. My mom passed away in 1993, a victim of this horrible disease, and getting over her death has taken most of my adult life. ... Views: 3633
An example of what may be called the Mutually Exclusive Multiple Pointers (MEMP) approach to discovering the hidden truths is explored here in connection with the issue of reincarnation. Those on life's quest will find this interesting and useful.
People are usually guided by their belief ... Views: 1948
When the news comes, when those words are spoken, your lives are never the same. The words themselves are always different, but their meaning is the same: death is on its way. Your partner in life, the one you love in so many deeply rooted ways, is going to suffer through an illness and ... Views: 1355
To lead a meaningful life requires the understanding of its lofty purpose and our little place in the vast scheme of things. The messages from near death experiences (NDEs) go a long way in helping us perceive the sacredness of life – and the sacredness of death too!
Much of humanity on this ... Views: 1720