Six years ago, just before my birthday, I dreamed of being in an enclosed trailer with three huge elephants. The trailer had room for the elephants to stand and sleep as well as a small living area for humans. Between the elephants and myself, however, were only a few thin wires. As I stood in ... Views: 1161
I first made the acquaintance of Queen, a brown tabby cat with yellow eyes and a tiny orange spot on the top of her head, just as she was approaching death. Her human caretaker, Rain, was understandably sad, but wanted to ask Queen a number of questions.
At the time, I was learning some basic ... Views: 1197
One day, while talking with a variety of animals to learn more about the subject of shapeshifting, I was pleasantly surprised to meet a group of beings who began to talk with me about the earth and the way all life undergoes a "shape shifting" of both physical form and consciousness.
These ... Views: 1704
There are many ways we can tap into our natural abilities to communicate with animals. No matter which method you choose, however, it all boils down to one thing: relationship. Any form of meaningful communication involves relating to others (as well as ourselves) in an honest and authentic ... Views: 912